SUBJECT: RESEARCH BY NICHOLAS RREITER FILE: UFO3353 PART 2 July 1993 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following tex relates to the GIF files MIRGIF1.GIF, MIRGIF2.GIF, and MIRGIF3.GIF. The "HOME SHIELD" Parts List S1,S2 - SPST switches F1 - 5A @ 250 VAC fuse T1 - 120VAC pri : 12.6 VAC sec @ 5A T2 - Flyback Transformer (see text) CR1 - 10A bridge rectifier C1,C2 - 500 uf @ 25V L1 - 5A "Hash" Choke Q1 - 2N6578 NPN Darlington Transistor Q2,Q3 - 2N3055 NPN Transistor IC1 - +8V Regulator 7808 IC2 - 555 Timer R1,R2,C1 - selected to provide Ton=Toff 13 CPS +/- .5 CPS (cycles/sec) R4 - 2K @ 1/2 Watt R6 - 120 OHM @ 5W R7 - 25 OHM @ 2 W R5 - ~ 5 OHM @ 20 W LAMP1 - 884 ARGON THYRATRON Flyback Transformers - GSG Industries Robinson, Ill (618)544-7976 PTC Transformers Bordentown, JN (800) 448-1269 Sigma Electronics, Inc Houston, TX (800)874-7121 Murata Erie North American, Ltd. Trenton, Ontario, Canada Information Unlimited Amherst, NJ (603)673-4730 (They carry flyback for plasma globe kit-$35.00) The most likely candidate for a flyback would be one similar to a unit intended for a color TV in the mid - 1970's. One designed for 8-10 Kv On the side of the core opposite the high voltage winding, the Primary and feedbacks may be wound as follows: PRI - 10 turns with 16 AWG enameled wire, center tapped Feedback - 4 turns of 18 AWG enameled wire, center tapped wound on top of the Primary. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The above unit has been sucsessfully used to thwart abductions. The unit seems to work by disrupting local electromagnetic fields. Nicholas Reiter has several other schematics for other sheilds which you will find under the filenames MIRXXXX.ZIP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nicholas Reiter may be contacted at; Nicholas Reiter 541 W. Stone St. Gibsonburg, Ohio 43431 ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************