SUBJECT: A CRITIQUE OF BUDD HOPKINS - RE: FILE: UFO3343 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: The MUFON UFO Journal, Number 300, April, 1993 (c)1993 Mutual UFO Network ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reproduced for distribution via the MUFONet BBS Network Only with the permission of Walter H. Andrus Jr. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REJOINDER TO THE CRITIQUE OF BUDD HOPKINS Until a certain dignitary steps forth, the "Linda Cortile" case continues to generate controversy. By Walter H. Andrus, Jr. Beginning in January of this year, authors Joseph Stefula, Richard Butler and George Hansen began cir- culating a 25-page document titled "A Critique of Budd Hopkins' Case of the UFO Abduction of Linda Napolitano." Stefula is a former Special Agent for the U. S. Army Criminal Investigations Command and a former MUFON State Director for New Jersey. Richard Butler is a former law enforcement and secu- rity police specialist for the U. S. Air Force, now researching abductions and government cover-up. George Hansen is an author and parapsychologist liv- ing in New Jersey. The document has been published whole or in part in several UFO newsletters, including the HUFON Report, and on various electronic bulletin boards. As we go to press, we understand that it is also scheduled to be printed, in whole or in part, in the March/April issue of the International UFO Reporter, edited by Jerry Clark and published by the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies. Clark invited several of the people denigrated in the "critique" by Stefula, Butler and Hansen to write a rejoinder to be published concurrently with their rambling article in IUR. After heading up the Mutual UFO Network for 22 years, I have firmly es- tablished my personal integrity and credibility in the field of Ufology, therefore feel it is unnecessary to re- spond to implied character assassination or to defend the stature of MUFON to three publicity-seeking agitators. The following narrative, then, is basically an update to the two articles published in the MUFON UFO Journal by Budd Hopkins about the "Linda Cortile" case for the benefit of UFO researchers. As a participant in the October 3, 1992 meeting at Budd Hopkins' apart- ment in New York City, I welcome the opportunity to share with readers what actually occurred at the called meeting. In previous correspondence with Budd Hopkins, Stefula, Butler and Hansen asked for a hearing of their charges that the case was a hoax perpetrated by Linda. Mr. Hopkins made a wise decision by giving them a tribunal to present their evidence to a panel of qualified and vitally interested researchers, including those of us who are now responding to their accusations. LINDA ON TRIAL Linda, her husband and two sons related their indi- vidual experiences in an environment reminiscent of a courtroom trial. Rich Butler, acting on behalf of the claimants, represented them as a proverbial antagonis- tic prosecuting attorney, working from a prepared list of charges. Linda was literally on trial. After several hours of cross-examining Linda and presenting their own testimony, Butler and Stefula reluctantly admitted that there was insufficient evidence to support their hoax theory. They conceded that there were a few inconsistencies in the statements made to them by Linda, in a private interview, versus what she had told Budd Hopkins. Even though Butler and Stefula were embarrassed by their lack of evidence to prove their hoax claim, they have continued to write articles for potential publication, probably encouraged by George Hansen. However, based upon their knowledge of the case, they felt that Linda should file charges to prosecute the two security men, identified previously as "Rich" and "Dan," for kidnapping and physical assault. Since we have been unable to positively identify the security agency employing Rich and Dan, going to the New York City Police Department and filing charges for such an unusual event might have made Linda's pre- posterous story look like a joke in the eyes of police of- ficials. Linda was also reluctant to file charges because she felt that if Rich and Dan were government agents, they were only acting in behalf of national security. It was the considered opinion of several of us present that under the circumstances this would have been a futile and non-productive method to secure restitution from Rich and Dan. It would have meant attempting to sue an unknown security agency through a mailing of letters to all possible such organizations within the U.S. Government. This case has ramifications far more im- portant than suing Rich and Dan. MORE WITNESSES Since there were many more witnesses to the event on the Brooklyn Bridge, and an unknown number of po- tential witnesses in automobiles also stalled near the security vehicle manned by Richard and Dan, it was considered prudent to refrain from filing any court suits that might squelch potential volunteer witnesses from coming forward to testify. It is still imperative that Rich and Dan reveal their last names and agree to testify publicly or in confidence as witnesses. If the identity of the "third man" could definitely be confirmed and if he would agree to share his experiences, this would literally "blow the lid" off the reality of the UFO abduction sce- nario. Strong speculation exists that the visual abduction of Linda was staged for the dignitary's benefit, because he experienced the "full treatment," so to speak. Based upon the significant importance of such dis- closures by the dignitary and additional witnesses, Jerry Clark and I made an appeal to the team of Stefula, Butler and Hansen to refrain from making a formal re- quest for a federal investigation of the government agents responsible for the alleged felonies for at least six months. This would allow time for other witnesses to come forward and permit present witnesses to testify pub- licly. On October 3, 1992, Joe Stefula was MUFON's New Jersey State Director, whereas Rich Butler and George Hansen had no MUFON affiliation. After mak- ing a sincere appeal to these three men, both Joe Stefula and Richard Butler consented to the proposal to "buy valuable time." Hansen, on the other hand, became very belligerent, refusing to concede to the six-month de- lay, and flatly stated that he was personally going to file charges as a citizen of the U.S.A. The meeting effectively adjourned, since it was apparent that as an outsider, Hansen had decided to disregard any recommendations and to take things into his own hands, irrespective of how it might hurt Linda and her immediate family. Mr. Hansen has no connections whatsoever with the UFO community and apparently feels that by denigrat- ing the major personalities in UFO and abduction re- search, he could thus elevate his own questionable stature. After two somewhat threatening calls to Walt Andrus, George proceeded to forge ahead on his own. The January 8, 1993 article, "A Critique of Budd Hopkins' Case of the UFO Abduction of Linda Napolitano," was spitefully written, apparently in hopes that someone would publish it. While I have no intention of responding to the claims, falsehoods and implied innuendos that are so prevalent in the article, obviously written by George Hansen, but also signed and supported by Joe Stefula and Richard Butler, I do feel that it is imperative to mention one item which the trio has proposed to ex- plain their suspicions that Linda orchestrated the story. They selected passages, names of characters and events from the science fiction novel Night Eyes by Garfield Reeves-Stevens, published in Canada in April 1989, a few months before Linda revealed her abduction expe- rience to Budd Hopkins. In order to make these claims sound legitimate, it was necessary to change names and events throughout the book to find similarities between Night Eyes and the Linda case. They imply that Linda read the science fiction book and then proceeded to or- chestrate the entire event, witnesses and all. Is this sci- entific research or simply a "shot in the dark" by three disgruntled individuals? Again, I have no intention of debating or refuting point by point 25 pages of typed single-spaced accusa- tions, references to diverse publications, a science fiction book and even fantasy role-playing in the game "Dungeons and Dragons." What does the latter game have to do with scientific UFO research? George A. Filer, III, who replaced Joe Stefula as New Jersey State Director, was also present and lis- tened attentively at the October 3rd meeting. Mr. Filer offered me an insight into what may have prompted Mr. Stefula to become a party to this debunking exercise. Having been trained in police investigative techniques, Joe has difficulty accepting evidence in his own mind that is not purely black or white. He has also admitted to Mr. Filer that he really does not believe in the reality of UFOs, therefore, like Philip Klass, he may have been searching for an alternative explanation to the abduction scenario. Richard Butler professes to be an abductee and was attending Budd Hopkins' abduction support group sessions where he met Linda. Butler brought Joe Stefula as a guest to two sessions, where he interro- gated two females present until they were in tears. As a distinct outsider, George Hansen injected himself into the Linda case by volunteering his writing ability, ap- parently hoping to gain some degree of recognition in the UFO field, regardless of whether it was positive or negative. CASE OF THE CENTURY? Both Stefula and Butler totally disregard the eyewit- ness testimony of Rich, Dan, the dignitary and the lady on the bridge, and then deny that such people really exist. If they are actually trained in police investigative techniques, as they profess, they must be cognizant that eyewitness testimony is acceptable in a court of law. It is difficult for me to understand that on one hand, the wit- nesses do not exist, and in the next breath they want to sue them for alleged felonies. George Hansen has written to several government departments demanding that they conduct an investiga- tion into their agents' atrocities. The U.S. Secret Service contacted Linda and scheduled an interview with her which was also attended by Budd Hopkins. After hear- ing their testimony, the two special agents made an of- ficial report for their records and thanked Linda and Budd for their cooperation. They advised Linda that if any other agency should contact her, she should simply refer them to the Secret Service special agents who conducted the interview for further information. Apparently, they did not take Hansen's claims seriously, treating him as another eccentric or "crank writer." In conclusion, after nearly 30 years in the UFO field, I have developed a sensitivity to recognizing witnesses who are prevaricating or fabricating a story. I am con- vinced that Linda is telling the truth as she knows it. She is mentally and physically incapable of planning and im- plementing a hoax scenario of this magnitude. I predict that continued investigation of reports from additional witnesses and public disclosures by the known wit- nesses will confirm that the Linda case is indeed "The Case of the Century." ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************