SUBJECT: JOAN'S UFO STORY FILE: UFO3338 Message #2642 "UFO" Date: 04-Jun-92 0:03 From: Gary Stollman To: All Subj: Joan's UFO Story This is not MY story, although it has a lot to do with me, as it is the story of my girlfriend, Joan McCaughey. Her experiences DO involve UFOs, but on a much more intense scale than any of my UFO experiences. When Joan was about 3 years old, her real parents left her with some people who took their places, in name only. She was the heir to the Vaseline fortune, and these people murdered her real mother, and so she was left with these imposters and their name. She has no idea of her real identity. She has three birth certificates, one of which I was able to ascertain was forged, and one was stolen from her safe deposit box at her bank. Up until only a very few years ago, she was unable to remember anything of her childhood, due to the shock of being abandoned and beaten over the head with a hammer repeatedly by her "mother", causing skull fractures. Her "father" punched her in the stomach while a child, in a fit of rage, causing her to lose an ovary. These people were imposters and murderers and worse. Her "father" was an Indian from a tribe in Oregon, and her "mother" was not married to him legally. They got all their money after they got Joan. So much money you could not believe, as I have gone through the records in downtown LA, and there are literally hundreds of millions of dollars worth of property all over LA county. A lawyer friend of my sister is currently trying to obtain it for Joan. Joan's "father" was a civil engineer who worked at the department of public works in Pasadena, California for many years. He built secret underground water supplies that only the rich and powerful knew about, in case of germ or atomic war. He was so brilliant that even when near death and in a wheelchair, the Canadian government flew him to Canada to work on secret projects for them. He also led a double life under a different name. He was in charge of building the Alaskan Highway in Canada. While standing on the porch of a house they owned in Altadena, California, in 1957, a UFO came slowly down the canyon without a sound. It was only about 20 feet away from Joan at the closest approach. She says it was a flying saucer, with windows all around, and floated slightly above the ground. The people in the other houses saw it also, and they were terrified. When the man she calls Dad saw this, he laughed, and said to her, "Now that's a secret undercover government project! That's man-made!" She had no reason to doubt him as he worked for the government, and she had seen technical drawings of UFOs on his drafting board many times. The object floated slowly over the canyon, farther and farther away until it went out of sight. After that, UFOs would come around Joan's window almost every night for many years. They emitted a bright white light into the room, so bright you could read by it. She also would hear voices of men talking outside her window, saying things related to her past, and about her. She believes these men came from the UFOs, and her "father" owned all the land in the canyons where they came from. She was told later that her real family came from a very distinguished bloodline, from "the other side." During the years as a child, Joan was moved from place to place around California. When neighbors in San Diego complained to the school board that she was being denied an education by her parents, her "parents" up and moved away to another location. Presents would come frequently for her, but the "woman" would take them all away from her every time. One such present, a wagon with her name on it, probably her real name, was taken by her "mother", who filed the name off with a chisel before giving it to her. Even the dates on the few pictures she has of her "family" have been erased from them. She has no idea of how old she really is. Her "father" knew how to use dowsing to find water and gold and other things. He used a series of numbers that Joan can remember, divided by 12, to build things, like UFOs. The numbers also mark out the distances to the sun and the moon and the planets, and even the rotation of the Earth. Before I did MY thing, I mailed a list of these numbers to myself from a post office near the studio just in case I would be arrested. Her "mother" was a monster, and received Social Security benefits for Joan being disabled, and bought diamond earrings with it while Joan walked the streets and lay in the gutters. Joan helped herself out of her situation, and gradually became independent, although without any kind of formal education. She has the math level of a third grader, although her reading skills are somewhat better. She is unable to learn, due to the problems heaped on her by her situation, and collects SSI. She is trying to get her fathers benefits for being disabled as a child, but we don't know about that yet. We are counting on the property coming through. Everything she got while under these imposters care was taken away from her. For that reason, she was afraid to go to see the "woman" when she died. She got lost on the bus, and when she got there, she was dead, and her giggilo was talking to her dead body. The nurse brought her a bag, but the giggilo grabbed it and ran away with it. Maybe the old bat finally decided to leave her something or her real identity. A few years ago, someone left a envelope for Joan at the downtown post office in LA, but she didn't have the money to get there, and when she eventually got there, she was told the woman who had left the package came and took it back. Some life, huh??? When her "dad" died, his watch stopped at the exact second, and Joan felt an incredible warmth coming from him, which surrounded her all over. He had made a will leaving her to be taken care of, but the woman burned the will and forged another one, giving her control over everything. All that phony family had fake birth certificates, and fake ids and fake everything. When I checked the downtown property records, I discovered some pretty wierd sounding names listed on the deeds. Names you couldn't even pronounce. All her "family" had the rare blood type, O-negative. Except for her. Some people came by to see her several times, who she calls the "psychic people", who told her things about her past she never knew. I believe these people were with the CIA or something similar. They were able to get into the sealed records downtown somehow, and had IDs that regular police wouldn't touch them with, some kind of CIA type IDs. They are into witchcraft, and had knowledge that amazes even me. During the past LA riots, Joan went to San Bernadino to be with her niece, who isn't really her niece, but a girl she raised since a child by herself, who was having a baby. While there, these "psychic people" came by again, and indicated that Joan would soon be coming into great wealth, and made it clear that they felt they deserved a part of this. The phone Joan called me from out there was torn down and the place boarded up. She knows all about the "phone-tappers." Well, a sad life, but one brimming with mystery! We are going on a trip to Yosemite National Park in a few days and I just felt I had to put this into words before we left. I hope this helps convince others of my truthfulness. Gary Stollman ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************