SUBJECT: THE BOOK INTRUDERS FILE: UFO3312 The following is quoted from pages 77-78 in the book, Intruders -- The Incredible Visitations At Copley Woods, by Budd Hopkins; published in 1987 by Ballantine Random, N.Y. [If you believe you may have had the kind of experience dealt with in this book you may wish to write (all communications will be kept strictly confidential) your recollections in detail to: The Intruders Foundation, P.O. Box 30233, New York, N.Y. 10011.] "Certain of these medical details may be significant in the light of the UFO experiences Kathie and her family have undergone, and I offer them here merely as raw material for speculation. As a young teenager, Kathie noticed a small bump on the front of her shinbone, as if there were a round movable object just below the skin. There was no pain connected with it, only a kind of low-level discomfort. With her fingers Kathie could move the object around, perhaps a half inch or so from a slight subcutaneous indentation where it normally rested. During one of her medical visits she pointed it out to her doctor and he decided to dissolve the cyst by injecting it with medication. The object, however, turned out to be impenetrable and the needle broke off. Later, when Kathie went to the hospital for her gall bladder operation, her doctor announced that he would remove it surgically while she was under anesthetic. When she had regained consciousness and left the recovery room he came into the ward and showed her a small, calcified object. It was quite remarkable, he told her. When he first pressed lightly down with his scalpel, the skin opened and the cyst shot straight up several feet into the air, hitting the metal reflector of the surgical lamp with a ping, and as it dropped back he caught it in his hand. It startled everyone in the operating room. 'You have a smart body,' the doctor told her. A small fatty pad had formed between her shinbone and this floating -- eventually flying -- cyst, protecting the bone in a kind of 'natural insulation' process. Kathie never inquired, and thus does not know, what lay at the heart of this calcified mass." ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************