SUBJECT: CEIV EXPERIENCE FILE: UFO3281 Date: 04-09-91 22:24 From: Buz Labonte Subj: CEIV Hello All, I am new to this echo. I have experienced a CEIV by two beings at the same time. They were approximately 3 feet in height and had large heads and large blue eyes. They both had high foreheads and the skin on the foreheads was wrinkled and looked more like leather. I was very scared at their appearance and told them to "get the hell out". I have also had writings in my carpets throughout the house, under the couch, under the beds, under the dirty clothes, etc. The drawings were of what I call "bear" type beings. They had short pointed arms and much facial hair and large ears. There was a cryptic writing in the form of thick and thin lines approximately 8 inches in length, and various widths and angles. These drawings and writings led me to believe that someone or something was trying to contact me for help. The drawings were seen by several other people and when they appear, usually last for 3 days, then disappear. When an artist friend of mine attempted to draw the "drawings", they seemed to disappear. The drawings were light and dark marks in the carpet as you might create with your finger in a short shag rug. I contacted the University of California Psychic Institute on the last "drawings" and they are interested in visiting the next time they occur. Has anyone out there had a similiar experience and if so, please give me some information. Thank you. ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************