SUBJECT: OPERATION RIGHT TO KNOW FILE: UFO3262 OPERATION RIGHT TO KNOW Send a message to Congress & the White House to end Disinformation & Secrecy regarding the U.S. Government's Contact with Off-World Civilizations Documented Evidence of the reality of UFOs is overwhelming, including evidence the U.S. military retrieved a crashed flying saucer in New Mexico in 1947. Our Government's policy of withholding and confusing the facts of extraterrestrial contact is WRONG and MUST END. We demand full disclosure of government UFO secrets and an open, public inquiry into the phenomena. We believe that the government's policy of tightly restricting UFO data, however well-intentioned it originally may have been, causes far more harm than simply telling the truth. DEMONSTRATION, MARCH & RALLY Date: July 5, 1993, Monday (a Federal holiday) Time: Afternoon Place: Whlte House sidewalk Rally at the Ellipse Sponsored by: Operation Right to Know Join Operation Right To Know and recieve our 8 page newsletter that keeps our membership informed as to our activities. The membership fee is $15.00 to be sent to Operation Right To Know at P.O. Box 2911, Hyattsville, MD, 20784. For more information call or write Ed Komarek at Rt. 3 Box 1076, Thomasville, CA, 31792, Phone 912-377-7098, or Elaine Douglass at 1801 Clydesdale, Suite 501 Washington, DC, 20009. ______________________________________________________________________________ ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************