SUBJECT: HOW TO TERMINATE A NEGATIVE CLOSE ENCOUNTER FILE: UFO3259 excerpted from UFO Universe Winter 1992 Article How to Terminate a Negative Close Encounter General Defensive Concepts 1. You must first try to determine if you are dealing with a positive or negative entity. A general rule is that entities that create in you feelings of joy and happiness along with spiritual advancement are "good." Those that create dread, fear, or sensations of power or desire are "bad." However, some believe powerful negative entities can falsely create good feelings in a victim. 2. Entities with eyes that glow white or blue are generally thought to be "good" while those with red or yellow eyes are thought to be "bad." An accompanying foul odor (particularly of sulphur) indicates a definite negative entity. 3. Both positive and negative entities often travel as "balls of light" or clouds. White and blue colored balls or clouds are thought to be good. Black, brown, yellow and red balls or clouds are thought by many to represent negative spirits. 4. You must believe that you can control, defeat, or banish any negative entity that attempts to paralyze or exert control over you. THIS IS A MUST. 5. You must overcome any FEAR that arises. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Some paralysis may even be self-induced. 6. Be vigilant when you are in an altered state of consciousness such as during some phases of sleep, drowsiness, meditation, and watching television. 7. Do not look directly into a ball of light (or eyes of an entity) especially if it's strobing, pulsating, or flickering in an unusual manner. 8. Beware of very close contact - particularly of a very intimate or sexual nature. There are indications some entities have strong energy fields that can cause personal harm to humans. 9. YOU MUST BLOCK ATTEMPTS BY THE ENTITY TO CONTROL YOU. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. If you don't block the control attempt, you will become a victim. The blocking must start early, preferably upon first signs of materialization. These signs will vary with the individual. SOme sense their presence, other hear strange sounds, hear buzzing or humming sounds in the head, see lights or fog, or experience a combination of signs. 10. YOU MAY HAVE TO USE A COMBINATION OF BLOCKING ATTEMPTS TO BE SUCCESSFUL. ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************