SUBJECT: SIGHTING IN OCEANSIDE CA. FILE: UFO3258 Date: 24 Mar 93 From: Alex Decosta Just wanted to relate an incedent I experienced on October 19, 1989 in Oceanside, California. At about 9:00 pm I was walking along the grounds of a christian school where I was teaching and noticed a strange looking object coming out of the east and slowly moving west toward the ocean. It was traveling approximately 300 feet off the ground and made no noise at all. The school sits atop a hill and there was an unusually heavy fog that night, obscuring the object to the greater part of the population of Oceanside, as only someone in an aircraft or at the school would have been able to make visual contact with it. The object appeared to be circular, with red blinking lights on the running lights, etc. The red lights would first appear as three in a triangular form, then two across, then four in a stretched out "W" like formation. It continued this pattern and finally disappeared over the ocean (traveling against the wind, I might add). If anyone has had or knows of a similar sighting, please let me know. I'm still not sure if the military was testing out some secret aircraft, or if this was something else. (I did get a VERY strange feeling watching it). If this WAS some military craft, I feel somewhat safer knowing we have something like this! ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************