SUBJECT: FORTY WITNESSES FILE: UFO3249 The following information is provided as general information regarding the UFO phenomena. Although it is very unusual there is substantial evidence to verify it as true and there are at least forty individuals who witnessed various integral components of the incident. The incident really did occur and the fallout of the incident continues to plague those individuals involved. We will not reveal certain details about the incident because we respect the integrity and privacy of certain individuals involved, however if any person who has accessed this file investigates this incident they will find all the necessary corroborating information to verify this document. We warrant that the events outlined in this document are absolutly genuine and we challenge interested individuals to investigate the details of the following chronicle of events and discover for themselves that the mysterious episode is absolutly true. Finally, it is not our intention to provide any assistance or direction to individuals who may be interested in investigating this incident further. We should note that we have provided the information in such a way that only a professional and astute investigator could authenticate the truth for the themselves. It is not our intention to provide any information to the casual researcher of unusual phenomena. The evidence is so explicitly indisputable that to offer any supporting facts for this case would make any third party investigations pointless. In other words, the witnesses, the evidence etc. is all there. We know it's true. It's up to you to prove it to yourself. The incident is as follows : In the fall of 1990 in a city east of Toronto, Canada a motion picture went into production. In the months during extensive pre- production planning and development certain individuals within the corporation had been contacted by an informant who had certain information about UFOS. The company had been contacted because it was rare that a motion picture was being produced in the generally uneventful area. Because the informant felt that certain individuals connected with the production might be able to uncover certain facts about the UFO phenomena. The rationale was obvious, film people were interested in anything and generally open minded. The informant instructed an individual from the film company to meet them on a highway near a park. It was there, the informant said, that documents and photographs would be provided that would prove that aliens were visiting the planet and that abductions were happening on a wide scale. The film company executive was very busy conducting business and was unable to meet the informant other individuals in the corporation also urged him to go. The film company executive also had certain apprehensions about a cliche' clandestine meeting with a stranger. Especially a stranger that believed in such ridiculous speculation. During the production of a motion picture there is a great deal of off time where there really isn't much else to do but socialize and talk. On one particular occassion the film company executive revealed to some newly hired members of the crew that he had been contacted by a very strange person who claimed to have information regarding UFOS. One of the crew members expressed an interest in contacting the individual and with the burden of pre-production over, the executive, E.P, agreed that it might prove entertaining. The crew member arranged to meet the informant at a "chip truck" where they could discuss the information and receive copies of the supposed evidence. While the crew member was away picking up the information, Original Guardian received a phone call from someone who identified himself as BOGEYMAN. There were individuals within the corporation who had ties to the Canadian Federal Government but it is doubted that those ties attracted the phone call to Original Guardian. Original Guardian was an executive with the motion picture and well informed from E.P about the current UFO amusement. The phone call was short. The caller insisted that if any leads regarding UFOS were investigated or if a film resulted from any information that was being received then the corporation would suffer severely. The caller said that the entire production would be shut down and that there would be a great financial loss if the company continued to investigate UFOS. Original Guardian informed E.P about the phone call but he didn't consider it anything to worry about. He was more concerned about the production of the movie and the quickly approaching winter weather. E.P didn't worry that is until the end of October. It was rumoured amongst the crew that E.P had been abducted by aliens before and he did have an unusual perfectly round scar on his body that could not be explained. Nor could he explain some of his other unusual supernatural experiences but he took it all in stride. Until the end of October when the office noticed that he had unexpectantly seemed to vanish from the city completely. A production meeting had been called and E.P was nowhere to be found. It was rumoured he was with Original Guardian discussing finance but Original Guardian knew the truth. E.P had been approached by an individual who had documented evidence of alien encounters which included photographs, videotape and other miscellaneous upsetting evidence. A young woman at a camera store who was snooping at the collection of photograph's that E.P had submitted for duplication was noticibly upset by the images recorded on the film. Her exact words were,"What is that thing in the photograph? What is it?" It was a photograph of what seemed to show an alien being and it was unconditionally not a man in a suit. It should be noted that the film was not a science fiction film. The figure in the photograph was anatomically impossibly a human in a costume. A slight blur in the upper body indicated it was moving when the photograph was taken thereby eliminating the possibility of a static figure. Numerous meetings occured in secret between E.P, Original Guardian and the second informant. As promised by the threatening phone call that Original Guardian received from BOGEYMAN the motion picture was destroyed. The corporation was in ruin. Every prophesy that BOGEYMAN had promised came to pass. Certain individuals had been planted inside the corporation to destroy the production as promised by the threatening phone call. Actor's in the film started noticing unusual marks on their bodies and missing time. Behavior among the producers, talent and crew at times almost resembled paranoid schizophrenia. Once the pandora's box had been opened virtually no individual involved with the motion picture had not been cursed in some way. The following is a list of some of the tribulation experienced by the production that resulted from the exposure to the UFO material and individuals who claimed to affiliated with subversive UFO activities: 1. E.P became financially ruined, alcoholic and lost over eighty pounds. He has not worked since. Only recently has he not come to dread being abducted by aliens. 2. Original Guardian suffered from uncontrolable rages and wanted to kill E.P. He also has not worked since. He continues to fear being abducted. 3. Deaths occured during production that are statistically improbable. 4. Strange illnesses and paranoia plagued certain members of the crew. 5. Some persons involved with the production became so irrational and paranoid that they were having hallucinations and feared they were being monitored by something. 6. A certain actor was afraid to sleep after waking one morning and discovering an unusual mark on his throat. He became mentally unstable and alcoholic and has not worked in the film industry since. 7. The motion picture could not be completed because of the hysteria caused by the exposure to the UFO material and BOGEYMAN. With the conspicuous maniacal jinx as promised by BOGEYMAN, virtually no one with the production was able to continue working. The aforementioned is just a sample of the unusual and strange phenomena that plagued the production. It is obvious that a great many details have been left from this narrative. On the surface some of the pitfalls that struck the individuals involved with the production might seem ordinary or even funny but only because we were unable to provide detail to this account. There is a great deal of information surrounding this case and the slightest investigation will reveal it all to be agonizingly true. Naturally we could not elaborate on a great many details because to do so, would open the individuals involved to great deal of scrutiny and further anguish. This is truly a case where lives have been destroyed by the UFO phenomena and three years later the aftermath of the curse on the production and the individuals directly involved continues. This entire document was prepared without prejudice. STARS ON THIRTY-FIVE ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************