SUBJECT: CSETI FILE: UFO3240 PART 4 DEVELOPING APPROPRIATE COLLECTIVE SELF-ESTEEM For any of this to go forward, it is essential that we address the question of how humans view themselves, and how the human race is viewed, by humans, as a whole. How many times do we read in the UFO literature the word "superior" in reference to the extraterrestial beings currently visiting earth. And how often have we heard theologians and others indicate that we humans are the only beings that really matter in this universe so grand! Both of these extreme views - that of innate human inferiority and that of innate human uniqueness and divine superiority - are dangerous distortions of the collective appropriate self-esteem needed for a healthy ETI-Human long term relationship. On the question of ETI superiority, we must make a distinction between possessing more advanced technology or even more developed intellectual abilities, and actual superiority as beings. Were the Europeans who possessed greater technology superior AS PEOPLE to the Native Americans which they found here? Certainly not! And is a MIT scientist with an IQ of 160 superior as a person to a wood craftsman with an IQ of 100? No! To state that a race or people possess more advanced technology or social systems is not to say that they are superior beings. On the other hand, it is equally true that if their values and attributes vary from 20th century human values and attributes then they are not inferior beings either. We must be careful not to repeat the old mistake which humans have made with each other: confusing sameness with equality. Both between two individuals and between two peoples from two different planets we will find variation, difference and strengths and weaknesses; this does not mean that one is superior or inferior to the other, only that they are DIFFERENT. Our equality as beings is founded in the fact that both humans and extraterrestial beings are conscious, intelligent sentient creatures. Conscious Intelligence is both our point of equality and our point of unity; it is the basis for the relationship itself. If we look to our point of unity, we will discover delight. While we must avoid the arrogance and chauvinism which has characterized human relationships, we must also avoid a sense of inferiority or worthlessness based simply on greater ETI technology or even intelligence. For there is more to the life of a conscious intelligent being than IQ and material advancement. WHile exhibiting geuine humility where warranted, we must maintain the appropriate sense of collective self-esteem born out of the realization that to be human is to be conscious, awake, intelligent and self-aware, just as every other being in the universe is conscious, awake, intelligent and self-aware. Beyond this it is entirely likely that humans may have as much to offer to the development and enlightenment of ETI as the other way around. If we are to gallop out steed into this arena, then mutual respect and self-respect are required, not puffed up arrogance or cowering inferiority. The strict materialist model of looking only to things and differences, of endless reductionism and fragmentation, will assure us only confusion, consternation and loss. We must be wise, and perceive the whole, while yet discerning the distinctions. Our vision must be clear, for it alone can be the foundation of our success. We must learn to see with the eye of oneness, for in a universe so diverse we shall be lost without it. To be human is wonderful: It is to be consacious, intelligent, loving and aware. And what is wonderful about being human is what is wonderful about being any intelligent being in the universe; this, let us share. THE CE-5 INITIATIVE PRINCIPLES DEFINITION: CE-5 is a term describing a 5th category of close encounters with Extraterrestial Intelligence(ETI), characterized by mutual, bilateral communication rather than unilateral contact. The CE-5 Initiative has as its central focus bilateral ETI-Human communication based on mutual respect and universal principles of exchange and contact. CE types 1-4 are essentially passive, reactive and ETI initiated; CE-5 is distinguished from these by conscious, voluntary and proactive human initiated or cooperative contacts with ETI. Evidence exists indicating that CE-5's have successfully occurred in the past, and the inevitable maturing of the human/ETI relationship requires greater research and out-reach effort into this possibility. While ultimate control of such contact and exchange will (and probably should) remain with the technologically more advanced intelligent life forms (i.e. ETI) this does not lesses the importance of conscientious, voluntayr human initiatives, contact and follow-up to conventional CE's type 1-4. CORE PRINCIPLES AND PREMISES OF THE CE-5 INITIATIVE 1. ETI and Extraterrestial Transports (UFOs) have been and currently are in contact with human society. 2. ETI has a net peaceful, benign and probably protective motive for the relationship with humanity at this time. 3. The CE-5 Initiative is proactive, bilaterally communicative and multidisciplinary in nature and is not primarily motivated towards the current acquisition of ETI technology, except as mutually permitted by the ETI-Human relationship. 4. ETI's enigmatic and elusive behavior may be understood as human-protective when viewed from their perspective; a wartorn, aggressive, nuclear armed and disunified earth civilization must not receive further potentially harmful technologies until a lasting world peace and unity is achieved, and international human goals become peaceful, cooperative, and unified in nature. Such a transformation will then indicate the readiness for a fuller contact and exchange between humans and ETI. We must respect and accept ETI's control and wisdom in this regard. 5. Notwithstanding the protective limits mentioned above, ETI is apparently desirous of an expanded contact with humans, and is open to voluntary, human initiated contact and exchange. There is strong evidence to suggest that ETI has been systematically introducing themselves to human civilization for the past 45 years or longer, and that such contact has steadily deepened and intensified over this period. 6. CE-5 communication based in a paradigm of love, unity, non-violence, cooperation and shared interests has been and will continue to be most effective. 7. in addition to point number 4 above, we may expect a certain limited nature to ETI contact so that the disruptive potential of such contact will be minimized. Certainly, a massive influx of ETI culture, technology, etc. would prove harmful to long term human evolution if said influx was sudden or ill- timed. Though the exact limits as human civilization evolves and grows in peace and unity, or at times of significant world-wide crisis. 8. All CE-5 Initiative contact will be for the benefit of all of humanity (as well as ETI) and will not redound to the benefit of only one nation or culture. This is essential. 9. All CE-5 Initiative contact will be free of hostile intent, and will be free of the presence of any and all weaponry, defensive or offensive. 10. All CE-5 Initiative contact will be shared with all CE-5 Associates to the extent possible. The CE-5 Initiative will cooperate with all other UFO/ETI research organizations so long as such groups are credible and have non- harmful and peaceful procedures and intentions. 11. Both humans and ETI have physical and mental/spiritual aspects to their reality and contact and communication will proceed on all levels of our shared reality. 12. The CE-5 Initiative affirms that humans and ETI, as conscious beings, are essentially more alike than dissimiliar. Regardless of how different we may externally or physically appear, the reality og humans as conscious and intelligent beings establishes the common basis for communication, deeper and bilateral contact, and mutual self-respect. 13. Our embryonic efforts now will have ramifications throughout the next millenium and should therefore be undertaken with all due deliberation, vision and integrity. Our goals, methodology and conduct are oriented towards a broad-based long-term endevor. 14. The primary model for communication and exchange, as well as internal communication within the CE-5 Initiative, is that of consultation and respect for the views of others. 15. The most important charactersitics, required of CE-5 Initiative participants are honesty, open-mindedness, intuitive ability, good communication skills and trustworthiness. Technical skills and academic credentials are certainly valued, but the above qualities are primary. CE-3 and 4 contactees are especially encouraged to participate as research associates. Participant confidentially will be assured if requested. In addition, CE-5 Initiative Core Groups will ideally have participants expert or competent in: 1. Medicine/Physiology 2. Physics, Theoretical and Applied 3. Psychology/Counseling 4. Higher mental/spiritual functions(e.g. meditation, telepathy) 5. Communications and Electronics 6. Public Relations 7. Research/Documentation, including video, audio and print 8. Astronomy and Astrophysics 9. Sociology and Anthropology 16. CE-5 Initiative Core Groups will work with ongoing research efforts to maximize our collective knowledge and data base. Current and ongoing CE 1-4 sites/locales or individuals will especially be integrated into CE-5 strategic planning. 17. CE-5 Initiative Projects, training and results will be shared through conferences, symposia, and publications. 18. The activities of the CE-5 Initiative will maintain high standards of conduct and professionalism, while preserving an atmosphere of open-mindedness and creative 'brainstorming.' Anyone found to be spreading misinformation or falsified cases intentionally will be prohibited from participating in any of the activities of the CE-5 Initiative. 19. We hold that carefully planned Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind will unlock new frontiers in the relationship between ETI and humanity. All sincere researchers and theorists are welcome to join in this profound endeavor on behalf of mankind's growth and evolution. ESSENTIAL QUALITIES OF THE CE-5 WORKING GROUP PARTICIPANT The goal of the CE-5 Initiative is nothing less that the establishment of a voluntary, mutually beneficial relationship between humans and those extraterrestial people currently visiting earth. We have neither been appointed nor outworldly selected to engage in so high an endeavor. Rather, we have voluntarily come forward driven by an interest at once sublime and urgent. As important as individual skills and capabilities may be such an undertaken, they are nevertheless secondary to the consciousness and attitudes of the individual and the group. Personal integrity, honesty, selflessness, harmlessness, peacefulness, patience, acceptance of diversity, courage, unity, maturity, a reasoned but open mind, the ability to maintain confidentiality - these qualities must rank pre-eminently among those needed by CE-5 Initiative Working Group participants. For if we are skilled but selfish, we shall fail to succeed; if we are knowledgeable but aggressive, our efforts will be in vain; if we are curious but fearful, we will not be able to endure. We cannot expect to be saints, but at the same time, a specific consciousness and attitude are required if success is to be realized. Basic to all these qualities is purity of motive and the essential condition of being free from prejudice and malice. Those who are familiar with 'UFOlogy' will know that this is no mean feat, insofar as there is a virtual epidemic of fear, paranoia and wild and frightening speculations infecting the UFO/ETI field. Subjective and reactionary interpretations of certain UFO related events have spawned a cottage industry of those exponents of conspiracies, goblins, good and evil E.T.s, Star Wars-type encounters and so on. This poisonous and insidious millieu has expanded to encompass countless books and organizations, and is slowing growing colonies of fear and paranoia in innumerable minds and hearts. So pervasive is this attitude that some of the individuals who claim to be most scientific and objective routinely use words such as 'alarming', 'sinister', 'intruders', 'victims', 'deception', and even 'rape' and 'murder' when describing UFO occupants and their interactions with humans. It is little wonder that impartial observers consider many UFO 'buffs' to be kooks, crackpots or worse. There is a super-abundance of emotionality, hyper-religiosity and superstition, and only a nominal amount of seasoned analysis and sane yet visionary planning. In this environment of fear and near hysteria, it is a challenge to the conscientious. There is a tendency for students of UFOlogy to become colonized by these fear-engendering ideas, and view this phenomenon through the darkened visor of negativity. GOing beyond this fear and remaining free of these negative prejudices is an essential condition which all CE-5 Initiative Working Group participant must achieve. Our position, which is clear and unequivocal, is that all extraterrestial people are to be regarded as non- hostile and approachable. There is no conclusive evidence to suggest otherwise, and until clearly PROVEN otherwise, our position is firm. Clearly, anyone who holds one group of extraterrestials as 'good' and another as 'bad', and so on, is wholly unsuited for this endeavor. To be so prejudiced is to subvert the entire purpose of our mission, which is the establishing of a peaceful relationship with any and all extraterrestial people visiting earth. In this regard, we make no distinction between the so-called 'greys' and the so-called Nordic types, or any other group for that matter. It is clear from multiple case reports that these various groups are involved with a cooperative project regarding earth and her people, and it is dangerous and unwarranted to hold prejudiced views towards one group or the other. That one group or the other is associated with certain activities is, we feel, a specialized function of the overall cooperative effort currently under way. We must remember that human perceptions of actions must not be confused with true extraterrestial motives, and to reach prejudiced and negative conclusions based on these fragmented perceptions is dangerous, premature and unproductive. While every person is certainly entitled to his or her own opinions, it is the uncompromising policy of CSETI at this time that no person holding such negative and prejudicial views will be allowed to participate in CE-5 Initiative Working Group activities. The reasons for this are more than merely philosophical: It is evident that these extraterrestial beings are capable of assessing the views, attitudes and intentions of both the Working Groups and their individual members. For any member to hold negative and prejudicial views towards one or any other group of extraterrestial people may very well result in the failure of the CE-5 Initiative protocols and all group endeavors. That is, one member of a group holding such views may result in the failure of the entire project, insofar as the extraterrestial people may feel both unwelcome and unsafe in approaching the group. Nor should we arrogate to ourselves the right to 'pick and choose' among various extraterrestial peoples, anymore than we should 'pick and choose' prejudicially among various races of human; all such prejudices are offensive and unenlightened, and must be overcome. To be free from prejudice is a significant challenge for many people. For CE-5 Initiative Working Group Participants, it is an essential requirement and not an optional one. Let us free ourselves from the fancy, fiction and fear which abounds, and hold to a higher vision, above fear, free from negative preconceived ideas. Let us be visionary and creative, but grounded; courageous but not foolish; open-minded but not gullible; analytical but not fragmented or cynical; intelligent and yet loving. Our task calls for nothing less, and our success is dependent on our arising to such inner standards that no rumor or fear can defeat. Peace be with you. ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************