SUBJECT: CIRCLES PHENOMENON RESEARCH FILE: UFO3193 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is from the Circles Phenomenon Research International Newsletter, Vol 1, No. 4, published by CPR-USA, P.O. Box 3378, Branford, CT, 06405, USA @ $17.00/yr. TEL/FAX 203-458-8047 -------------------------------------------------------- Crop Circle Research Projects 1993 by Colin Andrews -- CPR has finalized plans for a number of research projects during 1993. It has become increasingly important to secure scientific testing and analysis of the significant information we obtain each year, to help the public at large come to terms with the phenomenon. Any researcher who has spent time attempting to secure scientific support, as I have, will appreciate how difficult it is, opposed to how easy it is for the destructive type of skeptic to wreak havoc upon us all. 1993 should see the show-down. I will be putting all that we have into the investigation and critically analyzing the results from my ten years of work. My final assessment will be presented at the United Nations on 22nd of October. Meanwhile, we are undertaking some critically important work. Our projects for the summer will be divided into several areas of focus, maintaining scientific protocol throughout. We are involved with: physical sampling and analysis; human psyche interaction experiments; night watching, with possible technical support of low light cameras, etc.; re-evaluation of all the information in the data base; and several confidential projects which will be discussed in the fall newsletter. To support the re-evaluative process, by the time you read this newsletter, I will have returned to England to commence the ground work. I will be interviewing and re-interviewing key information providers, particularly, those who claim eye witness accounts. Also, I will be talking with the farmers who discovered formations many years ago, before the tramline methods of sowing and spraying were used. With the new mathematical and analytical information that has been coming to light in recent months, we hope this backtracking will supply valuable pieces to the puzzle. In regards to physical analysis, we will be working on two projects. CPR is planning an extensive soil and plant sampling procedure, "Operation Plant 93", working primarily with Matt Moniz of Springborn Laboratories in Massachusetts. We are also working directly with Dr. Levengood of Biophysical Laboratories in Michigan. Sampling procedures have been worked out, and it is hoped that this effort will help provide details to confirm Dr. Levengood's current findings. Dr. Levengood's research has recently been repudiated by German academic biologist Susanne Lenzner, who claims to have replicated the effect on the cell walls in plants trampled by feet, wind damage, etc. She also claims that the swollen nodes are not unusual, but formed by a natural process which is fully understood. I am hopeful that "Plant 93" will provide us with enough evidence to fully validate this line of research. ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************