SUBJECT: BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE CROP CIRCLES FILE: UFO3185 ========================================================================== Circles of Note: Bibliography on the Crop Circles Updated June 9, 1991 Michael Chorost Bibliographies always look rather dry. However, a careful reader can learn much from this one, since many of the entries have parentheti- cal summaries attached to them. Also, a close look at the topics will reveal the diversity of the crop circles phenomenon and the responses it has gathered. Finally, the sections on books, magazines, and studies include price and ordering information, where known. I should note two sets of exclusions. First, I have not indexed articles from journals devoted to cerealogy. Much of the best information has been printed in their pages; back numbers can often be obtained by writing to the editors. Second, I have tended to include newspaper arti- cles only of particular interest or informativeness, such as ones reporting circles in detail, non-English circles, or noteworthy points of view. Inclusion in this bibliography does not imply endorsement. I am indebted to my contacts and colleagues in England, Canada, and the United States, who generously sent me many of the articles listed here. I would be grateful to receive any corrections and additions, which will be included in future updates. Contact me at: Michael Chorost North American Circle P.O. Box 61144 Durham, NC 27715-1144 All items listed alphabetically by author. Books Circular Evidence. Pat Delgado and Colin Andrews. London: Bloomsbury Press, 1989. 190 pp. US price $29.95 hardcover, $14.95 softcover. At least three sources: (1) Phanes Press, P.O. Box 6114, Grand Rapids, MI 49516, tel. (800) 678-0392. (2) Arcturus Book Services, P.O. Box 831383, Stone Mountain, Georgia, 30083-0023, tel. (404) 297-4624. (3) Trafalgar Square, Vermont, NY, tel. (802) 457-1911. Crop Circles: The Latest Evidence. Pat Delgado and Colin Andrews. London: Bloomsbury Press, 1990. 80 pp. UK L5.99, US $13.95. Ordering information as above. The Controversy of the Circles. Paul Fuller and Jenny Randles. UK L4.20. BUFORA, 103 Hove Avenue, Walthamstow, London. Crop Circles: A Mystery Solved. Paul Fuller and Jenny Randles. London: Robert Hale Ltd, 1990, 250 pp. UK L13.95, US $30.95 (from Arcturus Books, see entry for Circular Evidence above.) The UFO Report 1990. Edited by Timothy Good. Sidgwick & Jackson, 1990. See "The Celtic Cross", p. 91-94. The Circles Effect and Its Mysteries. George Terence Meaden. Bradford- on-Avon: Artetech Publishing Company, April 1990 (2nd ed.) 116 pp. UK L11.95. Order from Artetech, 54 Frome Road, Bradford-on-Avon, BA15 1LD; tel. 02216 2482. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Circles Effect. Edited by George Terence Meaden and Derek Elsom. Copyright TORRO- CERES (Tornado and Storm Research Organization-Circles Effect Research Group). 134pp. Conference held at Oxford Polytechnic on June 23, 1990. Available from Artetech (see previous item) at UK L10. Circles From The Sky. Edited by George Terence Meaden. The expanded, hardcover edition of the Proceedings (see previous item.) 208 pp. UK L14.99 from Souvenir Press, 43 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3PA. The Crop Circle Enigma. Edited by Ralph Noyes. Bath: Gateway Books, 1990. 192 pp. $29.95 (note price increase.) At least four sources: (1) The Great Tradition, 11270 Clayton Creek Road, P.O. Box 108, Lower Lake, CA 95457, tel. (707) 995-3906. (2) New Leaf Book Distributing Co, 5425 Tulane Drive SW, Atlanta, GA 30336-2323, tel. (404) 691-6996. (3) Inland Book Co, P.O. Box 261, East Haven, CT 06512, tel. (203) 467-4257. (4) Bookpeople, 2929 Fifth Street, Berkeley, CA 94710, tel. (415) 549-3030. Physical Traces Associated With UFO Sightings. Compiled by Ted Phillips, edited by Mimi Hynek. Northfield, Illinois: Center for UFO Studies, 1975. The Natural History of Stafford-shire. Robert Plott (spelled "Plot" on title page.) Oxford, 1686. (Pages 7-21 describe what may be 17th-century fairy rings or crop circles.) Passport to Magonia. Jacques Vallee. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co, 1969. (See "Rings In The Moonlight", pp. 31-39, on "UFO nests.") Periodicals Circles Phenomenon Research (CPR) Newsletter. Editor: Pat Delgado. 1- year subscription (4 issues) $24.00 (but price may be reduced; write for current information.) CPR Satellite Office, 117 Ashland Lane, Aurora, OH 44202. Make checks payable to D.S. Rulison. (Sympathetic to theories of non-human intelligence.) UFO Newsclipping Service. Editor: Lucius Farish. 1-year subscription (12 issues) $55. Route 1, Box 220, Plumerville, Arkansas 72127. (Excellent source for newspaper reports of crop circles worldwide.) The Crop Watcher. Editor: Paul Fuller. 1-year subscription (6 issues) UK L13.00 (overseas airmail price.) 3 Selborne Court, Tavistock Close, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 7TY, England. (Sympathetic to the meteorological theory.) The Circular. Editor: Bob Kingsley. 1-year subscription (4 issues) in- cluded with membership in CCCS (Centre for Crop Circle Studies.) Over- seas membership UK L15, US $33. Payable Visa/Access/Mastercard/Euro- card. Write to Specialist Knowledge Services, St. Aldhelm, 20 Paul Street, Frome, Somerset BA 11 1DX, U.K., or call (0373) 51777. Journal of Meteorology. Editor: George Terence Meaden. 1-year overseas subscription (10 issues) UK L55 surface, L65 airmail. 54 Frome Road, Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire, BA15 1LD, England. (The bastion of the meteorological theory.) The Cerealogist. Editor: John Michell. 1-year subscription (3 issues) L7.50, US $18.00. Payable Visa/Access/Mastercard/Eurocard. Write to Specialist Knowledge Services, St. Aldhelm, 20 Paul Street, Frome, Somerset BA 11 1DX, U.K., or call (0373) 51777. (Closely associated with the CCCS. Eclectic approach.) The Swamp Gas Journal. Editor: Chris Rutkowski. For subscription information, write to the editor at Box 1918, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3C 3R2. (Loosely associated with NAICCR--see "Studies"; runs stories on Canadian crop circles.) Mufon UFO Journal. Editor: Dennis Stacy. 1-year subscription (12 issues) $25. 103 Oldtowne Road, Seguin, Texas 78155-4099. (Frequently runs articles on crop circles, particularly North American ones.) Articles "Midwest Crop Circles." Erich A. Aggen, Jr. Mufon UFO Journal, no. 272 (December 1990), pp. 15-16. (Irregular crop circles near Odessa, Missouri.) "Circular Evidence." Colin Andrews. Mufon UFO Journal, no. 243 (July 1988), pp. 11-13. (Discussion of several 1987 formations.) "Major Increase in Mystery Circles." Colin Andrews. Kindred Spirit (UK) vol 1 no. 5 (Winter 1988-89) pp. 27-28. "Crop Circles Appear in the U.S.S.R." Walt Andrus. Mufon UFO Journal, no. 270 (October 1990), p. 13. (Oval, 35 by 45 meters; Krasnodar region.) "The Thumb Prints of the Gods?" Anonymous. U.S. News & World Report, Sept. 11, 1989. (Short item.) "Prepare to Meet Thy Drought." Anonymous. Today, July 20, 1990. (Suggests the multiple pictograms resemble the Sumerian language or weather-map symbols.) "Mystery Circles in Fukuoka." Anonymous. Asahi Evening News (Tokyo), Sept. 28, 1990. (Two circles 12 km. E of Fukuoka City, Japan, found Sept. 17, 1990.) "More Circular Evidence." Richard Beaumont. Kindred Spirit, vol. 1, no. 8, pp. 25-28. (Interview with Colin Andrews. Discusses electrical, psy- chic, and historical events associated with the circles.) "Crop Circles: The Mystery Deepens." Richard Beaumont. Kindred Spirit, vol. 1, no. 12, pp. 32-37. (Summary of the key developments of the Summer 1990 season, with aerial photos.) "The English 'Circles' Mystery." Jon Erik Beckjord. UFO vol. 5, no. 6 (probably late 1990), pp. 9-13, 39. (Discusses personal visit to several formations.) "Possible Physical Mechanism for Producing Crop Circles." John Branden- burg. Mufon UFO Journal, no. 276 (April 1991), pp. 10-11. (Suggests microwave beams are responsible for flattening plants.) "UFO Report to Farmers." George Brandsberg. Farm Profit, July-August 1975. (Discusses scorched patches and long swathes of sliced-off corn.) "The Summer 1990 Crop Circles." Michael Chorost and Colin Andrews. Mufon UFO Journal, no. 272 (December 1990), pp. 3-14. (Layering of crops, EM effects, possibility of language. 10 photos, 3 diagrams.) "Circles of Note: A Continuing Bibliography." Michael Chorost. Mufon UFO Journal, no. 276 (April 1991), pp. 14-17. (This bibliography, as of April 1991.) "Theses for a Pre-Paradigm Science: Cereology." Michael Chorost. To be published in Mufon conference proceedings, July 1991. (Current state of cereology; further theorizing on language hypothesis.) "Erasmus Darwin on Cropfield Circles in 1789?: The Fairy-Ring Connection." Mark Chorvinsky. Strange Magazine no. 6 (date unknown; probably late 1990), p. 32. (Reprints Darwin's discussion of odd fairy- rings; it is quite similar to Plott's account--see "Books.") "UFO Mania Hits Odessa: Circles In Field Create Media Interest." Carol Conrow. The Odessan (Odessa, Missouri), September 20, 1990, pp. 2-3. (Discussion of Odessa crop circle in a field of sorghum.) "Circles in Lowe Fields Stir Interest Across Nation." Carol Conrow. The Odessan (Odessa, Missouri), September 27, 1990. "The Whippingham Ground Effects." Leonard G. Cramp. Flying Saucer Review, vol. 14, no. 3 (May/June 1968). (Extensive documentation of straight and circular plant flattenings correlated with a reported UFO sighting on July 10, 1967, near Newport, Isle of Wight.) "The Circles: England's Greatest Unsolved Mystery." Sean Devney. UFO Universe, July 1990, pp. 30-59. (Discussion of possible relationship to Stonehenge.) "Around and Around in Circles." Sally B. Donnelly. Time Magazine. Sept. 18, 1989, p.50. Letters of response in Oct. 9th issue, p. 14. (Overview of the phenomenon; three color pictures.) "Ever-Increasing Circles." Elisabeth Dunn. Telegraph Weekend Magazine (UK), July 8, 1989, pp. 24-28. (Basic overview; good photographs.) "Magical Mystery Tour." John Eccles. Sussex Express (UK), August 3, 1990. (Formation on Milton Street Farm, near Wilmington Priory.) "Logic Flattens 'Corn Circle' Theories." James Erlichmann. Guardian (UK), July 6, 1990, p. 24. (Reports Robert Cory's theory: "The phenomenon is caused by the old-fashioned circular irrigation machine.") "El Enigma Que Cayo Del Cielo." Hilary Evans. Ano Cero no. 2 (September 1990), pp. 50-55. "Mysterious Circles in British Fields Spook the Populace." Craig Forman. Wall Street Journal, Aug 28, 1989, p. A1. (Basic overview.) "Squaring The Circles of Alien Visitors." Nigel Fountain. Guardian (UK), August 1, 1990, p. 36. (Humor: "Stuff fluid dynamics, I want some aliens.") "Mystery Circles: Myth in the Making." Paul Fuller. International UFO Reporter, May/June 1988, p. 4-8. (Supports meteorological theory; presents two eyewitness cases of whirlwinds.) "Weird Circles Puzzle Britons." Jacqui Goddard. The High Plains Journal (Dodge City, Kansas), September 11, 1989, p. B1. (Basic overview.) "Circles Run Rings Around Experts." Timothy Good. Hampshire Chronicle (UK), Aug. 4, 1989. (Basic overview.) "Circles in the fields inspire talk of UFO's." Maria Goodavage. USA Today, November 15, 1990, p. 6A. (Short discussion of double-dumbbells.) "Daylight Close Encounter." Stan Gordon. MUFON UFO Journal, July 1989, pp. 18-21. (Discusses Pennsylvania UFO sighting and related circular landing trace.) "Retrospective Investigation of a Possible Trace at Mt. Garnet". Holly Goriss and Russell Boundy. UFO Research Australia Newsletter, March- April 1981 (Vol 2. No. 2) pp. 4-6. (Investigates a 1977 ground marking which looks like a crude quintuplet.) "Farmer's Amazing Find in Cornfield." Richard Green. Chase Post (Lich- field, UK), Aug. 9, 1990. (Chorley, Lichfield "cross" formation.) "Crop Circles Create Rounds of Confusion." Wendy Grossman. Skeptical Inquirer, vol. 14 no. 2 (Winter 1990), pp. 117-118. ("A genuine modern mystery.") "The Year of the Vajra." John Haddington. Link Up, Sept-Nov. 1990, p. 4-13. (Suggests dumbbells are Buddhist symbols; discussion of camera failures.) "If It Can't Be Explained, Women Ready To Listen." Bill Harlan. Rapid City Journal (South Dakota), March 10, 1991. (Report circles in area to Davina Ryszka of Custer, S.D., (605) 673-2818.) "Round and Round They Go: New Crop of Oddities Has British Going in Circles." Timothy Harper. The Detroit News, Oct. 2, 1989, p. 3A. (Basic overview.) "Going Round in Circles." Andrew Hewitt. Huddersfield Examiner (UK), August 7, 1990. (Supports vortex theory, dismisses hoax theory.) "Taking A Turn Around The Circles." George Hill. The Times (UK), July 27, 1990, p. 16. (Attack on uncritical media approaches to phenomenon.) "Beware of the Supernatural." Juliet Hughes. Wiltshire Gazette (UK), August 9, 1990. ("If the crop circles prove to be meteorological phenome- na, then all the more glory to God.") "England's Puzzling Crop Circles: The Shape of a Mystery." J. Antonio Huneeus. New York City Tribune, 2 parts: May 3 and 10, 1990 ("Science" section.) (Discusses history, and hoax and meteorological theories.) "A Sighting in Saskatchewan." J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee, in The Edge of Reality (Appendix A). The Henry Regnery Co., 1975. (Discusses Canadian UFO sighting and related circular flattened areas.) "Experts Can't Square Explanations of Circles." Gregory Jensen. Wash- ington Times, July 27, 1990. Page A1. (Reports the Blackbird hoax inci- dent. Photo of one of the pictograms.) "Round and Round in Circles." Dianne Kenny. Global Link Up, December 1988/Feb. 1989, pp. 4-7. (Overview, theories.) "Corn Circles and an Artful Explanation." Miles Kington. The Independ- ent (UK), Sept. 5, 1990, p. 20. (Humor: "I would surmise that Wiltshire is a very out-of-town gallery for some galaxy.") "A Rare Circle for Skeptics." Marek Kohn. Weekend Guardian (UK), Aug. 18, 1990, p. 17. (Skeptical discussion of the phenomenon.) "The Corn Circles Riddle." Idina Le Geyt. Share International vol 9, no. 3 (April 1990), pp. 17-19. (Focuses on paranormal events associated with the circles.) "Spherical Sounds? Zounds!" Eugenia Macer-Story. Mufon UFO Journal, April 1991, pp. 12-13. "Strange Sighting at Silbury Hill." Richard Martin. Kindred Spirit (UK), vol 1 no. 5 (Winter 1988-89), pp. 26-27. (Glowing lights associated with circles.) "Mysterious Ring in Field Gets Plenty of Attention." Tom McCoag. Chronicle Herald (Halifax, Canada), April 22, 1991, p. A1. (Early 1991 formation in Amherst, Nova Scotia; 30-foot dia. ring, 12 inches wide.) "More Puzzling Circles Found in Fields." Donna McGuire and Eric Adler. Kansas City Star, September 21, 1990, p A1. (Map locates seven circles in Kansas City region; discusses microburst theory.) "Circles in the corn." Terence Meaden. New Scientist, June 23, 1990, 47- 9. (Argues for the plasma vortex theory.) "The Beckhampton 'Scroll-Type' Circles, The Beckhampton 'Triangle', and Strange Attractors." G. Terence Meaden, Journal of Meteorology (Trow- bridge, U.K.), October 1990, pp. 317-320. ("The triangle is nothing other than an imperfect circle." Useful for discussion of luminous tubes and diagram of a scroll.) "Crop Circles Explained???" Ernest P. Moyer. Insight, Sept. 24, 1990; reprinted in Focus, December 31, 1990, p. 16. (Translates one double- dumbbell to mean "Khawah", or "Eve, the life-giver.") "And Now...Cornfield Circles in Australia!" Paul Norman. Flying Saucer Review, vol. 35, no. 1 (March Quarter, 1990), pp. 7-8. (Briefly discusses nine 1980's crop circles in Beulah, Victoria, between 3 and 16 feet in diameter.) "And More Cornfield Circles in Canada." Paul Norman. Flying Saucer Review, vol. 35, no. 1 (March Quarter, 1990), pp. 8-9. (Briefly discusses 1989 circles between 6 and 24 meters in diameter in Manitoba; 2 photos.) "Crop Revolution 10 Years On." Ralph Noyes. Country Life, July 6, 1989, pp. 102-103. (Discusses White Crow, 1989's surveillance experiment.) "Circular Arguments." Ralph Noyes. Mufon UFO Journal no. 258 (October 1989), pp. 16-18. (Discusses books, meteorological theory.) "Farmers Fear Mysterious Vicious Circle." Nick Nuttall. The London Times, June 23, 1990, p. 4. (Oxford Polytechnic conference.) "L10,000 Reward." Terry O'Hanlon. Sunday Mirror (UK), July 22, 1990. (Mirror offers reward for solution of mystery.) "Mysterious Circles." Andrew Phillips. Macleans, Aug. 13, 1990, pp. 46-47. (Short overview.) "The Hertfordshire 'Mowing Devil' Woodcut: A 17th Century Circle Report?" Jenny Randles. UFO Times, no. 5 (January 1990), pp. 30-32. (Presents a 1678 woodcut showing a devil "mowing" a pattern which Randles suggests may be a crop circle.) "Shedding New Light on Mystery Crop Circles." Ross Reyburn. Birming- ham Post (UK), August 16, 1990. (Interview with Jenny Randles.) "Scientist Tells How He Squared A Corn Circle." Amit Roy. The Sunday Times (UK), July 1, 1990, p. 4. (Discussion of meteorological theory.) "Swirled Landing Trace?" Carol and Rex Salisberry. MUFON UFO Journal, no. 264 (April 1990), pp. 3-7. (A Gulf Breeze crop circle.) "Measuring the Circles." Michael T. Shoemaker. Strange Magazine no. 6 (date unknown; probably late 1990), pp. 34-35, 56-57. (Critical review of current theories.) "Did They Have Visitors?" Richard Simon. Fate, vol. 44, no. 2 (February 1991), pp. 66-69. (46-foot circle in shallow grass, Millersburg, Ohio.) "The Crop Circle Mystery." A. Robert Smith. Venture Inward, Jan/Feb 1991, pp. 12-16. "Unidentified Farm Object Shakes State." Wes Smith. Chicago Tribune, October 28, 1990, p.1. Reprinted as "Illinois Aflutter Over Unidentified Farm Object" in Austin American-Statesman (Austin, Texas), November 14, 1990, p. D10. (Discusses 1990 crop circle in Milan, Illinois.) "Field Of Dreams?" Dava Sobel. Omni, December 1990, pp. 59-67,121-128. (Extended overview, slanted toward meteorological theory; many photo- graphs.) "Graffiti of the Gods?" Dennis Stacy. New Age Journal, Jan/Feb. 1991, pp. 38-44, 103. (Extended overview, more balanced than Omni article; many photographs.) "River, Lake, and Creek." Michael Strainic. Mufon UFO Journal, March 1990, pp. 10-14. (Circles and UFO reports in British Columbia.) "Corn Circle Experts in Plea for Action." Chris Tate. Salisbury Journal (UK), July 27, 1989, p. 4. (British government not discussing the phe- nomenon.) "Hoping Some Furry Little Creatures Crop Up." Calvin Trillin. Syndicat- ed newspaper column, August 13, 1990. (A humorous look at the circles.) "Did a UFO Visit This Farm?" Lon Tonneson. Dakota Farmer, October 1990, p. 9. (Early Aug. 1990 "reversed question mark" in Leola, S.D.) "Anatomy of a Corny Hoax." Simon Trump and Bill Mouland. Today (UK), July 26, 1990, pp. 24-25. (Chronology of the Blackbird hoax.) "Proposed Physical Measurements of Crop Circles." Michael Wales. Mufon UFO Journal, March 1991, pp. 15, 23. (Suggestions for instrumented re- search.) Multiple stories, multiple authors, Fortean Times, issues 53 (Winter 1989/90) and 55 (sorry, date not known.) Issue 53 is entirely devoted to the phenomenon, with articles by Bob Skinner, John Michell, Ralph Noyes, G. Terence Meaden, Hilary Evans, and Bob Rickard. Issue 55 contains an update, pp. 7-13, on 1989-1990 formations outside of Wiltshire. "Das Ratsel im Roggen." Stern, #38 (Sept/Oct 1989), p. 250-1. "Ein Phanomen Zieht Kreise." Esotera, December 12, 1989, p. 52-57. "Los misteriosos y polemicos circulos aparecidos en los campos del Sur de Inglaterra." !Hola!, date ?, p. 134-140. Reviews "Crop Circles in North America: The NAICCR Report." Michael Chorost. Mufon UFO Journal, June 1991. "A Crop of Circles." Circular Evidence and The Circles Effect and its Mysteries. Derek Elsom. New Scientist, July 29, 1989, p. 58. "They Never Yet Could Find My Measure." The Crop Circle Enigma. Wendy Grossman. New Scientist, December 1, 1990, pp. 61-2. Crop Circles: The Latest Evidence. Jerrold R. Johnson. Mufon UFO Journal, March 1991, pp. 17-18, 23. The Circles Effect and Its Mysteries, Circular Evidence, and Controversy of the Circles. Ralph Noyes. Journal of the Society for Psychical Re- search, vol. 56, no. 820 (July 1990), pp. 235-237. The Crop Circle Enigma. Dennis Stacy. Mufon UFO Journal, March 1991, pp. 16-17. "Field Events." Circular Evidence. Alexander Urquhart. Times Literary Supplement, August 4, 1989, p. 845. Studies "Circles Investigation." Colin Andrews. Released 1986. 19 pp. Presents some data for the years 1975-1986, primarily dates and approximate loca- tions. Discusses hoax theory and circles' relationship to tramlines. Cir- cles Phenomenon Research, 57 Salisbury Road, Andover, Hampshire SP10 2LL, UK. "A Sample Survey of the Incidence of Geometrically-Shaped Crop Damage." Paul Fuller. Copyright 1988. 41 pp. Commissioned by BUFORA and TORRO. "North American Crop Circles and Related Physical Traces in 1990." Re- leased February 1991. 18pp. Conducted by NAICCR (North American Insti- tute for Crop Circle Research.) Presents data for 45 North American cases in 1990, about 30 of which appear to be English-style crop circles. NAICCR, 649 Silverstone Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2V8, Canada. Television (My thanks to Richard Benham and Paul Hicks for this information.) Good Morning America--May 9, July 24, July 25, July 26 (all 1990). Cover- age of the Blackbird surveillance operation and the hoax of July 24, 1990. ABC Evening News--July 19, 1990. Coverage of double-dumbbells. CBS Evening News--July 25, 1990. Coverage of Blackbird hoax. Unsolved Mysteries--January 31, 1990. Overview of phenomenon and 1989 events. Reshown with update on September 12, 1990. A Current Affair--August 27 and September 14, 1990. Latter show dis- cusses Canadian crop circles and interviews Whitley Streiber about them. Inside Edition--March 5, 1990. 20/20--September 21, 1990; 10-minute segment. Miscellaneous The Skyland bulletin board (Asheville, N.C.) has inaugurated an NACIRCLE conference (#14.) Contains an online version of Mufon's December 1990 article by Chorost and Andrews, and a copy of this bibliography (which will be updated regularly.) Sysop: Michael Havelin. Telephone (704) 254- 7800. 2400 baud, N-8-1. No charge. "Out of the Prairie Comes Proof that a Higher Level of Communication Has Arrived." Advertisement for Procomm Plus 2.0 (Datastorm Technologies Inc.) Clever depiction of a crop circle shaped like a computer diskette. Designer: Stephen Monaco. Ran in computer magazines starting Feb-Mar. 1991. A recent Led Zeppelin album cover contains a photograph of the first Alton Barnes double-dumbbell with a zeppelin's shadow over it. The Koestler Foundation is offering a reward of L5000 for a documented explanation of the crop circles. For information, write to The Koestler Foundation, 484 King's Road, London SW10 OLF. Include a stamped ad- dressed envelope. CD-ROM bibliographic sources are beginning to index articles under "crop circles. ** END ** ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************