SUBJECT: SIGHTING REPORT 1/27/93 FILE: UFO3174 Sighting Report 1/27/93 Date: The date of the incident was January 24th, 1993. The first reports came in to the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office (9-1-1) at 19:38 hours (7:38 PM). Two Sheriff's deputies were dispatched to the area to meet with the first man reporting unusual lights hanging in the sky at 19:39 hours (7:39 PM) to investigate. Location: The area of the Ken Caryl Ranch [located South-West of the Denver, Colorado metro area] - [centered over the top of the mountain that is the apparent center of the Ken Caryl West Ranch]. The primary object (large white intense light) was estimated to have hovered about 800 to 1000 feet above ground level. The five small objects (yellow lights) that were also observed at the same time were located approximately 100 feet above the ground, below and to the left of the large white object. What occurred: The first reports occurred at 19:38 hours when the public (twelve individuals) reported to the Sheriff's office that they were seeing "strange lights illuminating their houses". One person also reported that "someone was causing his electra/mechanical garage door to keep opening and closing" and [sic] that his "house was being light up by a bright light from somewhere" [sic] an unknown source. A woman called for help from law enforcement officers stating that "someone was shining a bright light in her windows, and she was scared". A third car in the area was dispatched. The first car in the area arrived only a couple of minutes after the initial call to police. Officer M.S. (93012401.01) was first observed the primary light from I-470 and Ken Caryl road. This is approximately 3 miles from the later sightings. He was ordered to meet with one of the public witnesses at that location. The witness was not there, because he had not returned yet from his home where he went to make the call to law enforcement authorities. Officer M.S. (93012401.01) decided to continue into the housing area and investigate the "bright light" that he was observing. He had to drive West about 1/2 a mile to enter the area through the "Hog Back" (for information: a geological area that appears like small mountains with a cut through them for the roadway). For the minute that it took to traverse that distance, the bright object was out of his field of view. When he cleared the area of the roadway cut he again regained visual sighting of the object. The officer proceeded up the road to a better visual vantage point. He entered the parking lot of the " Bradford Elementary " school and parked his car. From this position near the base of the first range of mountains facing West; he and his K-9 partner exited the police car to better observe the bright object over the mountain. His dog didn't show any unusual signs as Officer M.S. observed the object. At this time Officer M.S. estimated that the "bright white object was about a half mile away" (West-North-West). The officer stated that he estimated that the object was about 12 feet in diameter. And that it was about as bright as looking into a high intensity flood light from close proximity as compared to star light which is extremely dim by comparison. {NOTE: One needs to know that this housing area is in a very small valley that shields light and noise from Denver to the North-East. When we (the investigative teams) have been in the area at night: you can hear people on the street talking to each other in a normal voice from several hundred feet away. There is virtually no ambient light or noise in the area.} Officer M.S. stated that during the whole 40+ plus minutes that he was able to observe any or all of the lights; that there was no sound associated with the objects. Officer M.S. returned to his car and was contacted by other officers that had also moved into the area and could also see the lights over the mountains. A police supervisor who could see the primary object, drove around the mountain to the back (Western) side of the Ken Caryl West Ranch. It took him about an hour to work his way to a point where he could again observe the area above the housing area. Due to the time necessary to get to that location, he was never able to see the bright white object again. Officers engaged in discussion about the objects over the police radio for about 40 minutes. Jefferson County Sheriff's dispatchers contacted the Air Traffic Control Tower at Stapleton Airport. Controllers there said that they could see the object clearly from the control tower approximately 20 miles distant. But stated that the object was too low to be observed by radar due to the "ground clutter" caused by the reflectivity of the earth surface. They contacted Centennial Airport tower. Personnel there couldn't see it. Buckley Air Force Base tower (East of Stapleton Airport) stated that they could see a light, but didn't know what it was. They denied that any military aircraft were in the area or working near the area. Norad Air Defense Command in Colorado Springs was called. Controllers there stated that they couldn't identify any airborne object above that area. They also stated that they were unaware of any military aircraft that might be operation high over the area. {They cannot "see" down close to the ground there except by looking down by satellite.} Commercial aircraft continued to fly an evening landing approach to Stapleton near to the area without abetment. The tower from Stapleton asked a couple of the landing aircraft if they had observed anything flying close to the ground in the area with a bright light, however they stated that they hadn't seen any aircraft. Officer M.S. changed his position several times, noting that the primary light had now been joined by 5 small yellow lights that were very low over the mountain, and to the South of the central object. He noted that the lights would disappear for a minute or so just as if someone had turned off a light switch. Then they would come on again suddenly. The atmosphere was clear with a visibility of a hundred miles that night. No clouds were in the area, high or low. Officer M.S. had a very clear view during most of the 40+ plus minutes that he drove around the area or observed from the side of the road. He stated that there was never any noise observed during the incident; humming, turbine sounds, blade sounds that are made by helicopters nor engine sounds from any engine associated with the incident. All was very quiet. The only occasional noise was associated with aircraft that were approaching Stapleton Airport. He further stated that he didn't see any "beams going down to the ground, or anything like that". The lights didn't appear to move, flicker, change in intensity, or maneuver in any erratic fashion. The only unusual phenomenon observed was that the lights would blink out for a few seconds; then reappear in about the same place a few seconds later. This occurred while the officer was outside his patrol car, within 3/4 of a mile of the light, and not moving. This effect was observed by all of the officers except the police supervisor who drove around the mountain to come up on the object from the back side. No ill effects were reported either by the officers involved nor by the reporting public. No physical trace evidence has been found nor is expected to be found because the objects were not observed actually on the earth surface. Addendum: January 1993 Astronomical Overview of 1993 Denver Skies astronomical highlights copyright 1993 Final Copy, Inc. ***PLANETS*** MERCURY The closest planet to the sun is never easy to see. However, it will be in the early evening western sky from early February to early March, from the last week in May to the first week in July, and from the second week in September through October. It will be in the pre-dawn eastern sky between mid-March and the first week of May, the last week in July through the third week in August, and mid-November through mid-December. VENUS Typically this planet is easy to find because it is so bright. Look for it in the west after sunset from now through the end of March. It will be in the eastern morning sky from late April until early December. Mars This month the Red Planet is closest to Earth and the brightest for the next two years. Although January is the best month to view, Mars is in the evening sky until the last week in December, though it will be lost in the glow of the setting sun some weeks before. The investigation is continuing. Sent: 27 Jan 93 21:58:01 From: Mike Keithly Topic: Colorado UFO Update A little more detail on the object scene in the Ken Caryl Ranch area on Sunday Jan 24 1993. I myself talked to the sheriff today and he shed a little more light on a few things. It was anywhere from 500 to 1000 feet above the location, also it had a band of yellow lights below the bright light as well. Some Investigators from MICAP and ParaNet are as I type are on there way to look it over and talk to the sheriff about this. Also NORAD was contacted to and did not show anything on there radar. One other possibility is our skys the past week have been clear and some of the planets are visible, we are checking out a star chart to see if they had something to do with being bright and maybe the source of this. I will keep posting as more becomes available.. Mike Keithly MICAP BBS Sysop.. ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************