SUBJECT: CANADIAN UFO PROJECTS FILE:UFO3172 Here are just a few Canadian UFO Projects MAGNET PROJECT: The Canadian Government investigated UFOs between 1950 and 1954 under PROJECT MAGNET. It was shut down in 1954 because it was attracting too much public attention. One of their aircraft was photographed with the words PROJECT MAGNET painted on it's tail. SECOND STOREY PROJECT: While PROJECT MAGNET was under way in Canada in 1950s the Canadian Government started a second UFO research group called PROJECT SECOND STOREY. It was a highly secret group to filter the UFO report before being passed to PROJECT MAGNET. ALBERTA LURE PROJECT: Due to frequent UFO sightings by the RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force) over Alberta Canada in the late 1940's and early 1950's a novel approach to attempt an Alien Contact was put forward by the Defense Research Board of Canada called a 'LURE'. To date the only attempted contacts were were unsuccessful jet pursuits. The Defense Research Board established a restricted landing area near it's own station at Suffield, Alberta, Canada. All Royal Canadian Air Force and commercial aircraft were banned from the area. The object was to encourage the UFOs to land at that particular location so they could be contacted and studied. Capture of one of the UFOs by force was also considered. Radio and searchlight signals were also considered to attract UFO attention. Similar projects have been suggested in the USA and France. AVRO PROJECTS: In the 1950s the Royal Canadian Air Force and A. V. Roe Ltd. firm of Toronto Ontario were trying to devise man-made flying saucers. The two major projects were called the AV-9 and the VZ-9. The AVRO PROJECTS were monumental flops. The vehicles were highly unstable and never flew very far or very long. It is believed that the AVRO devices were a decoy to explain away either real UFO sightings or the test flights of a USA captured extraterrestrial UFO. PORT MCNEILL PROJECT: The Canadian Government set aside 1,000 square miles of land near Port McNeill British Columbia to attract Aliens and persuade them to land and make contact. Landing pads were prepared for UFOs and similar pads were set up at St Paul Alberta. See PROJECT ALBERTA LURE. ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************