SUBJECT: HIGH STRANGENESS IN FRANCE FILE: UFO3139 ALIEN ENCOUNTERS 12.HIGH STRANGENESS IN FRANCE That UFOs can harm humans, we already know; they can also, though less frequently, heal. Both the beneficial and the deleterious effects on human tissue seem to be brought about by controlled radiation, most probably in the microwave frequency band. An early case, investigated by Janet and Colin Bord at a time of considerable European UFO activity involving entity cases, occurred on 8 November 1954 in Croydon, Surrey. Philip Molava, aged thirteen, was out of doors late at night feeding his rabbits when he saw a small discoid object fly past him at close quarters. Next day he became very ill and 126 ALIEN ENCOUNTERS was taken to hospital with suspected food poisoning, lying in bed partially paralysed. He reported that at 2 a.m. three cloaked figures appeared out of a mist that had materialised beside his bed. He lost consciousness, but next day was found to be completely cured. He said that following this visitation he had experienced a number of out of the body experiences (OBEs) and received telepathic messages about impending dangers to humanity. (Randles 1988) That case in some ways prefigures a much stranger and more important one which, though it illustrates very well two areas I wish to consider, I would scarcely dare to quote were it not attested by two of the most respected names in French ufology. The full story has never been told, according to Jacques Vallee (1990), although the original encounter was investigated by Aime Michel and reported by him in two 127 ALIEN ENCOUNTERS well-known articles published in Flying Saucer Review (9/69 and 11/71) These first reports described how Dr. X, at the age of 28, had suffered severe war wounds fighting in Algeria, such that he was left with a permanent disability affecting the right side of his body. Ten years later, on 31 October 1968, he also accidentally cut a vein in his leg while chopping wood with an axe, producing severe haemorrhage and inflammation. Three nights later he was still in pain from this when, some time after midnight, he was awakened by the crying of his baby son, who was standing up in his cot and pointing to a bright light visible through the shuttered window. He gave the child a bottle, opened the window and stepped out on to the balcony, only to see two identical discs, later estimated as having a diameter of one hundred feet and a height of fifty feet. Each had a vertical antenna on top and a 128 ALIEN ENCOUNTERS horizontal one at the side; they were emitting small sparks between their horizontal antennas, which therefore must have been on different sides of each disc, so that one disc would be the mirror image of the other, a significant point supporting the suggestion that the apparent duality was in fact an optical illusion. The two discs then merged into a single object that moved slowly towards the witness, shining a white beam downwards and then suddenly moving to a vertical alignment so that the beam shone directly at the doctor as he stood on the balcony. The UFO then vanished with a bang, emitting a "bright wire" which flew up into the sky, exploding like a firework. This is the same sort of pyrotechnic display observed by Colonel Halt at Rendlesham. If the purpose of the display was to impress the visit on the mind of the witness, it was certainly achieved, especially as Dr. X 129 ALIEN ENCOUNTERS discovered that not only his war wounds but also the recent haematoma produced by his axe mishap had both vanished as swiftly as the UFO itself. About a fortnight later an area of skin around his navel reddened into an equilateral triangle with six inch sides, which disappeared after a time. The same pattern appeared on the body of the baby and both were subsequently replicated annually, perhaps as a reminder of the existence of a debt of gratitude. A bone fracture suffered later by the doctor also healed spontaneously and exceptionally rapidly. Eleven years after the original incident, Jacques Vallee first made the acquaintance of Dr. X and learned that the UFO sighting had been only the prelude to a series of quite extraordinary events which seemed to suggest that the intelligence controlling the UFOs might be 130 ALIEN ENCOUNTERS much more intimately concerned in human affairs than had hitherto been generally supposed. About a year after the miraculous healings, Dr. X was on holiday in southern France when he began to hear a whistling sound inside his head, in the same way that Ed Walters at Gulf Breeze had been contacted, together with a strong mental suggestion that he should return to his hotel. When he did so he found that someone was waiting to speak to him on the telephone. The caller told him that they were soon to meet in the doctor's home town to discuss what he had seen. Back home, he again heard the whistling sound and felt guided to a place where a stranger, driving the latest and most expensive Citroen car, awaited him. The man was tall, with brown hair and piercing blue eyes, conventionally dressed in a smart suit. He began by apologising for the outbreak of poltergeist 131 ALIEN ENCOUNTERS activity which had recently troubled the doctor's household, though it is unlikely that he was claiming to be the direct cause of this; but it is frequently the case that, when a door into an alternative reality is opened for an individual, one can never be sure what entities may make use of it. Presumably Monsieur Bied, as the doctor decided to call the stranger, had opened this door and indeed he later caused Dr. X to experience teleportation and time travel, together with an episode on a road that does not exist in our world, in an alternative landscape that probably exists sometime else. M. Bied often appeared unannounced in the doctor's garden and on one occasion came into the house, accompanied by a three feet tall humanoid whose skin had a mummified appearance. Furthermore the doctor often felt that aliens were present around the house. These happenings, 132 ALIEN ENCOUNTERS as can well be imagined, were very distressing to Mme. X. An incident in 1971, however, rather suggested that 'M. Bied' was also a person of some importance in Paris, perhaps even a government functionary. It happened one day when Dr. and Mme. X were expecting luncheon guests. He went to move his car out of the sun, but was then overcome by an impulse to drive into town, where the mysterious M. Bied awaited him, telling him that they had to go somewhere. He then found himself lying on a bed in a room in Paris, near the Ministry of the Interior. From the window he saw M. Bied's car entering the courtyard below and being saluted by the sentries there. There was a telephone in the room, so he called his wife, who told him that twenty minutes had elapsed since he had left the house and their guests had just arrived. Some time later he saw M. Bied's car drive out and then found himself once more at home, 133 ALIEN ENCOUNTERS ready to join his guests but quite bemused by the strange happening. Jacques Vallee suggests that there is yet more to be told, so perhaps one day we shall know the rest of the story of this peculiar relationship between a provincial medical practitioner and a being who seems to commute quite effortlessly between worlds. The idea that "they", or at least some of "them", are living here among us without our knowledge has been around for quite some time; when St.Paul (Hebrews 13.2) wrote that "some have entertained angels unawares" he doubtless had in mind Abraham (Genesis 18.2) and Lot (Ibid. 19.1 seq.) entertaining three and two angels respectively. In Lot's case hospitality to his guests is said to have saved him from death in what sounds very like a nuclear holocaust with which they destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. The sacred writings of many ancient peoples contain anecdotes 134 ALIEN ENCOUNTERS suggesting that supernal beings frequently visit mankind, but there is of course the corresponding suspicion that infernal entities may do so too. Humans should therefore keep their wits about them in such circumstances, and cease thinking of 'angels' as pretty youths in white nighties. Somewhat sinister individuals collectively known as Men in Black (MIBs) are often believed to be alien sojourners in our midst. In America UFO contactees frequently report being visited by black clad men in Cadillac sedans, both of which disappear as soon as they get round the next corner. The alleged government agents who visited Ed Walters in Gulf Breeze, demanding the surrender of his photographic evidence of UFO presences were, in their brusque and hectoring attitudes, typical of the kind of individuals ufologists know as MIBs. In Bolton, Lancashire, a 135 ALIEN ENCOUNTERS young female receptionist named Shelley McLenaghan, walking the few yards between the bus stop and her home, was abducted one afternoon in January 1976 and suffered severe after-effects. She and her family subsequently endured a series of unusual phone calls, followed by a visit from two men in dark suits, one of whom had lost an arm and was called 'The Commander'. These men harshly interrogated Shelley and her parents for two hours and seem to have attempted telepathic thought manipulation. (Randles 1988) If the usual claim of MIBs to be government agents is investigated, official sources invariably disclaim all knowledge of them, but they would do so even if they were genuine. Whoever they represent, the efforts of MIBs are invariably directed to the suppression and confiscation of any evidence which might tend to validate the reality of UFO close encounters. 136 ALIEN ENCOUNTERS Some "extremely terrifying statements" which claim that a successful clandestine occupation of strategic areas of our planet has already been completed, that "all is over bar the screaming" are referred to by Gordon Creighton in his editorial to Vol. 35, No. 4 of Flying Saucer Review, dated December 1990 and making reference to a book entitled The Matrix by one "Valdemar Valerian", otherwise John Grace, published by Arcturus Books in Georgia, USA in very limited and highly priced editions. Although uncertain whether any credence can be given to this publication, Creighton observes that "there seems to be overwhelming evidence for the presence here of many more than just one species of 'Alien'." What we really need now, however, is equally overwhelming evidence of their identities and intentions. Creighton, however, urgently believes that "a powerful force from outside of 137 ALIEN ENCOUNTERS mankind is engaged in driving us, like the Gadarene swine, over the cliff and into the abyss ... "Demonic possession is nothing new. All the great Religions have warned of it. But evidence now accumulating suggests that ... sinister non-human forces are now engaged in a broad plan of genetic-sexual tinkering with our species." - FSR, Vol. 37, No. 1, 1992. Though an individual may be quite unable to resist manipulation by aliens, humanity's strength, if such attacks are really in prospect, may lie in its powers of co-ordinated action and sheer weight of numbers. If there are several kinds of alien, those most inimical may be contained in alliance with others less so for if, after the dust of these ufological controversies has settled, the final conclusion turns out to be that there are both good and evil forces at work in the world, one 138 ALIEN ENCOUNTERS would have to be extremely ingenuous to find this either novel or surprising. Religiosity and secularism alike have blinded us to the stark ethical imperatives which ineluctably confront humanity in this age of decadence just as they have always done, while our predominantly sheltered urban modes of living have encouraged us to forget how feral Nature functions. There is no reason to suppose that UFOs are either invincible or supernatural, even if their existence may oblige us to recognise that the natural realm has many more mansions than we had previously imagined. 139 ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. 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