SUBJECT: ATTENTION SCIENTIST AND SCHOLARS !!! FILE: UFO3091 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION SCIENTIST AND SCHOLARS!!! For almost 50 years the study of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO's) has been laced with ridcule and controversy. Over the past several years there has been enough evidence to show that there is indeed something happening concerning UFO's. With the demise of research materials and information having been suddenly lost or hidden away from those of us interested enough to search for answers. Why??!! For many years now the study of UFO's has been equated with the fringe elements of society. New Agers, channelers, psycics, etc. . . and has lost the scientific validity it once had. Although we cannot ignore these aspects of the phenomenon, we cannot continue in the fashion that we as investigators have for the past several years. We must change our investigative techniques, and our focus if the study is to regain the scientific validity it once had. To this end, UFINET News and Information Services has created the largest UFO files base in the country and soon to be in the world. For the past eighteen years, Bill English, well known investigator and researcher, has gathered together every bit of information concerning Aieral Phenomenon and has made it available on UFINET's Computer systems, and has done so at a price that is affordable to EVERYONE. So much information has been gathered that Bill is now being forced to upgrade his equipment in order to provide room for more files and information. UFINET's system include a fully searchable UFO files base, allowing the user to enter a topic related to the files base and then have the system bring the file up to the screen for viewing and optional downloading. Never before has such a system been created that deals specifically with the UFO Phenomenon, and it's scientific investigation. Additionally, UFINET's system provides a host of other services to include E-mail, On-line shopping, games, matchmaker, Special Interest Groups, and over 10,000 shareware files of various applications, to include educational files, multi-user teleconferencing, religious, and a whole lot more. Join UFINET in its efforts to help the study of UFOLOGY regain its scientific credibility. Your membership and support will enable UFINET to gather more and more information, place it into a central database and make it accessible to the public. UFINET's membership is only $5.00 per month or $50.00 per year for UNLIMITED access....and is available through CRIS' BBS Direct. For information on connecting to UFINET through BBS Direct please call 1-800-745-2747 or to connect directly call BBS Direct's direct number at (517) 895-0510, after logging on as a new user type GO SUBSCRIBE to gain access to the BBS Direct system. Be sure to look up your local access number by typing GO PHONES and to connect to UFINET type GO UFINET. Bill English ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************