SUBJECT: EUREKA SPRINGS, ARK. FILE: UFO3070 04-07-90 - EUREKA SPRINGS, Ark. Lauren Rose says as a teen-ager she was forced by aliens to strip naked and undergo painful examinations. Until recently, she didn't know who or what to blame. "I have strongly suspected our cat," Ms. Rose said at the annual Ozark UFO Conference on Friday. "I know that's crazy, but you don't know my cat." Some 200 self-described UFOlogists from around the world will attend the three-day conference that began Friday. Mayor Richard Schoeninger proclaimed that the first alien brought to him'd be named an honorary citizen of the resort town and given a free trolley pass. But don't make too many ET jokes around here. These folks are serious about their aliens. Ms. Rose, 41, of northern Virginia, said she's undergone therapy since she was 18 to fend off fits of anxiety and depression. It wasn't until three years ago that Ms. Rose linked the problems to abductions by aliens, she said. "It's a very serious issue that can and does affect our mental health and belief systems," she said. Ms. Rose said she grew up feeling like she was being watched and followed. In her late teens, she remembers feeling compelled to walk into the forest near her home in Colorado. But she couldn't remember what happened in the woods until undergoing hypnosis recently, Ms. Rose said. "Imagine someone coming out of the trees making you take your clothes off and forcing you through a series of painful examinations," she told the group. "I don't remember those times, but my body did. That's why I was filled with adrenalin afterwards. I realized in that abduction that I was nothing more than a guinea pig. They stripped the clothes off me, did the job they had to do and just dropped me," she said. Shirley Coyne belongs to a Michigan support group for abductees. Ms. Coyne said she and her husband were abducted in the summer of 1983 by a UFO that landed in a corn field. After undergoing hypnosis, Mrs. Coyne said she could remember little gray men cured her of lupus and Addison's disease in the large domed spacecraft. Her husband can't remember the abduction, she said. Ed Mazure, state director of Mutual UFO Network, said the experiences of Ms. Rose and Mrs. Coyne aren't unusual. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************