SUBJECT: HIGH STRANGENESS IN THE ANTELOPE VALLEY FILE: UFO3069 ** Begin article ** High Strangeness in the Antelope Valley ------------------------------------------------------------------ UFO investigator Bill Hamilton reports on the linkage between UFO's, abductions, the military, and underground bases. ------------------------------------------------------------------ By Bill Hamilton The year 1991 was an unprecedented year for sightings and encounters in the Antelope Valley of California, embracing the cities of Palmdale, Lancaster, and Rosamond (Edwards AFB is some 20 miles east of Rosamond.) I was investigating the reports of sightings associated with a Northrop Skunk Works facility 20 miles west of Rosamond in the Tehachapi Mountains on the north side of the valley, when I heard about two witnesses who had experiences of missing time. These two women, Pam and Jackie, lived within eyeball range of the facility and had experienced a number of strange events. In addition, Jackie, who could see the facility clearly from her property in the high desert, reported two daylight sightings. In each case, she contends that she witnessed a large disk ascend from the facility and move eastward along the base of the Tehachapis. Construction workers have informed me that the facility itself has several underground levels. On the evenlng of May 14, 1991, Pam had her strangest encounter ever. Shortly after 11:00 pm she reports that three "grays" appeared by her bedside and started to lift her off the bed. She lives in a large, custom-built pentagonal desert home that has one large room without partitions. The kitchen, bedroom and living room are open to one another. She started to struggle with the grays-the four-and-a-half-foot category--when she spotted a human in the living room area. The man, dressed all in black, was holding a device that resembled a small TV and dangling a cord. Pam heard the man say, "You have no electricity." At this point she somehow freed herself from the entities and went to grab a light cord that would switch on a light from her twelve-volt system. The light would not come on. She then yelled for her husband to awaken. Events then took a bizarre turn. Hearing their 100-pound labrador, Casey, barking in the yard, she and her husband went to the north-facing kitchen window. Her attention was drawn to a man who lay prone on a projecting part of the roof near a ladder. The man was dressed in full-dress air force blues. The three grays were now on the ground below the man, as well as a K-9 sentry dogt that was poised to attack Pam's dog. In the sky over the yard there were a number of red lights. The man yelled to the grays, "Get her out of the house," while Pam yelled back, "Don't kill my dog." In the wake of this panic, Pam next remembers standing alone outside and behind their generator shack. The man,the dog,the grays, and her husband were no longer in sight. Red lights were revolving above her and a thick fog was emanating from ports set around the large craft hovering above. Her next memory was that of awakening, seated on her bed at 3:50 am. I arrived at Pam's place the next morning and spent all day with her. That evening we had a local certified hypnotherapist, Miranda Cunha, regress Pam through the incident. We discovered a mental block in the missing-time period. A few tidbits emerged from this session. Pam believes that she may have been taken to a base inside the Tehachapis (the second case that reported this) and that she was cautioned not to reveal what she knows. She felt very threatened by this incident. This is just a brief recounting of only one of Pam's encounters, but significant for its mention of human involvement and its disturbing implications. Pam is a good observer and very precise about her experiences. Jackie reports seeing Pam's yard enveloped in a fog that same night, but does not remember seeing the lights, which may have been directed downward and obscured by the fog screen put out by the object. Since that night, Pam has also been buzzed by low-flying helicopters. One military helicopter hovered less than a hundred feet over her yard. Since there have been some remarkable sightings over this area during the year and Pam's account raises many questions, I would like to relate other events that enlarge the scope considerably. On May 28, the night of a full moon, I went to a certain observation area in the Antelope Valley just west of the city of Lancaster and south of the Northrop facility in the Tehachapi mountain range. Joined by three other observers, we saw our first aerial light emerge at the crest of the mountains south of us. The light was white with an amber tinge. It moved west above the mountain ridge, reached a certain point, then started strobing fluorescent red and white lights. As it continued to move west,then northwest, it began to jump and dance erratically. When it reached the far end of the west valley, I could see a silhouette against the twilight blue sky. The object appeared to be boomerang-shaped with several strobe lights dancing around its perimeter. This object suddenly vanished. A second and third object appeared above the same mountains and followed roughly the same pattern of activity, except that they continued on their course to disappear in the distance. The wild "jumpers" were sometimes so erratic that normal aircraft could not have withstood the structural stresses that would result from such rapid changes in motion. On the following night, with thirteen other witnesses gathered at our desert observation post, I viewed a spectacular light show starting in the same way as the previous night's. Researchers and abductees (including Pam and Jackie) were present. We saw between 25 and 30 objects, several of which danced and zig-zagged in all directions. One or two of the objects also disappeared when in clear view. In addition to the strobing jumpers, we saw what appeared to be a large craft maneuvering to the east. It appeared to be triangular with a steady fluorescent red light on the right and an aquamarine-colored light on its left tip. This object flew both forwards and backwards and glided silently sideways. It turned and tilted until it came to the south end of the street as if it were peering at us. It then tilted on its edge and turned to proceed back to its point of origin. I snapped four photos at that instant, but the lights failed to register on 1000 ASA Ektar film. This light show lasted two-and-one-half hours. At one point two air force jets crossed from northwest to south-east and returned, but did not attempt to close with any of the UFOs. Nearby Palmdale is the site of a major Los Angeles Air Traffic Control Center, as well as several aerospace facllities, and Air Force Plant 42. Edwards AFB is a few miles to the north, near the town of Rosamond. Yet no aircraft were sent out to intercept these strange aerial objects! I phoned the Edwards AFB Public Affairs Office the next day, and the officer on duty was extremely interested in our sightings, but could not offer no immediate explanation for them except to say that he was aware that the Antelope Valley had several secret projects that might involve advanced technology aircraft, and that he had no access to that sort of information. We feel that the people on these secret projects are well aware of what is flying in the skies over Lancaster. In the early morning hours of July 25, Pam and I were watching the valley skies, as we had made it a sort of ritual during the warm summer nights. At 12:45 am, a string of gold-colored lights approached silently and rapidly from the west, moving east. The golden lights were surrounded by a coronal field that may have been ionized layers of plasma. Some of this "plasma" appeared to be shedding from its source and trailing behind. As the string reached the city limits of Lancaster, the lights disappeared one by one. At least two other sighting parties viewed this same light string from separate locations. One of the other parties had a camcorder and starlight scope, and videotaped this procession of lights. I have a VHS copy of the tape. After one of the other witnesses mentioned the starlight scope's ability to enhance night photography to his neighbor, his neighbor bought one, and on the night of August 1 tested its ability to record the passage of an airliner over downtown Lancaster. To his surprise, a small lighted object appeared and raced around the airliner, executing a sharp-angled, high-speed fly-around, and then faded out against the background stars. I also have this segment on video and have shown it on San Diego's ABC affiliate Channel 10, which did a special report on UFOs on their nightly news in late October. One of the most spectacular sightings occurred on November 4. While driving to work in the morning, Pam spotted a triangular shape over the Antelope Valley Freeway (Highway 14) at 7:11 a.m. It gave off a bright flash of gold and green. She was headed south on 60th Street West when the triangular object appeared. She then entered the freeway traveling south toward Lancaster. At 7:18 am, a very large charcoal-black, arrowhead-shaped vehicle passed over her pickup truck, which was headed north over the Avenue H overpass. It had no windows or openings. Running the whole length of the bottom of the craft was a tubular structure. The craft had no vertical stabilizers and made no sound. It was traveling very slowly. She estimated its attitude as 300 to 500 feet (very low) and its dimensions as a football field in length (300 feet) and as wide as the freeway, including the central corridor and pullovers (about 80 feet). She exited at Avenue I and pulled into an ARCO station and quickly jumped out to look for the object. The object was nowhere in sight. There have been other peculiar activities and light shows reported to me from the east side of the valley. Some of these sightings are in the vicinity of another secret underground facility owned by McDonnell-Douglas Corporation. Near this facility is El Mirage Dry Lake and Shadow Mountain. A team of skywatchers from Victorville has seen many strange balls of light and one huge lighted craft near Shadow Mountain. They have also reported seeing an identical string of lights on several occasions similar to the one we viewed on July 25. Another abduction case was reported in the Victorville area. The abductee, Diane, reported being taken to an underground facility jointly occupied by grays and men in air force uniforms. A Victorville psychotherapist is doing extensive work on this case. If we take these reports seriously, and do not dismiss them as a product of the witness' imagination, then there are significant implications in the content of such reports. The few informants from the aerospace sector who have approached me have done little more than cautiously confirm the existence of these underground bases, the reality of the alien presence, and verified advanced technology projects. I am not advocating a wholesale belief in any conspiracy scenario nor do I believe all the tales I hear, but I am advocating a need for further careful and cautious investigation based on eye-witness testimony. The light shows over Lancaster continue. The "jumpers" are still seen frequently. Sky watchers are flocking to the Antelope Valley in hopes of seeing UFOs. ** End article ** ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************