SUBJECT: ALIEN EXPERIENCE FILE: UFO3060 Date: 11-21-93 (10:59) Number: 24867 of 24931 (Refer# NONE) To: ALL From: QUINTON LICCKETTO Subj: Alien experience Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo) Conf: Fidonet_UFO (21) Read Type: GENERAL (+) Hello all, My mom has a story about when she saw an alien. She even wrote it up on the ol computer so i will post it here: ALIEN EXPERIENCE On Tuesday, November 8, 1988, I had a most unusual experience. I was exhausted from a day of teaching art and being Mom. I lay floating in my dark bedroom with the waving motions of my waterbed, which I found very relaxing. I was on the right side of my bed. Some time had passed, though I don't know exactly how much of a time lapse occurred from the time I went to bed to the beginning of my experience. Somehow, I noticed that then I was on the far left side of my bed, directly above the heater of the waterbed. That was un- usual because the only time I ever moved there was when it was extremely cold. I have no memory of how I moved to the left side. There was an alien standing next to my bed about one yard from my eyes. Everything was very clear to me; the draperies and wall decor behind him were exactly the same. The only parts of him I could see were his thin chest, very thin upper arms, neck, and face. There was a glow of light in the bedroom, enabling me to see his gray, mot- tled skin and large, black, almond-shaped eyes. He was only about thirty-seven inches high; he had no hair. I did not try to move; I could only think one thing: "He is so ugly." I thought that several times until I became fearful he might be able to read my mind; then I felt sad that he would know that I thought he was so ugly. When the reality of the entire experience occurred to me, it was over. I was still on the left side of the bed, staring at the curtains; though it was dark now. I was in awe of what had just happened. I had not been asleep. and it wasn't a dream, for I have had many dreams in my life. I have always been able to wake up from a dream and recognize the fact that I had been dreaming. That exp- perience was no dream The phone rang at 10:00PM. I was very alert when I answered it. It was a friend of mine who worked for NASA. I told him what had happened. He said, "You better not tell anyone." I did not tell anyone for three months. When I heard a cousin of mine tell me about a flying saucer he had seen west of Houston, I told him in the presence of my son about my alien experience. I turned to my son and asked him if he remembered the night I put him to bed, and there was a repelling magnetic force between us. He remem- bered. I knew he would remember because he sat up in bed and said, "That's weird!" Every single time we tried to touch, we would feel the repelling force. He was amused by the force. I told him that was the night after I had the alien experience. I have no physical proof to prove that I saw an alien; however, I can say it is the truth that I had that experience, and I had never before, nor ever since, had such an experience. Written by Laura Liccketto OK thats all of it, she is also a member of HUFON (Houston UFO Network) she goes to there meetings and such. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************