SUBJECT: ADVENT'S REPLY TO PARANET FILE: UFO3045 Area: 33 UFO From: JACK MATHIAS To: ALL Date: 08-12-92 10:53 Subj :Advent's Reply to paranet The following is Advent's reply to ParaNet. I am only acting as relay. August 12, 1992 To: Mr. Michael Corbin ParaNet Information Service From: Advent Publishing Company and Richard T. Miller A message from you, made public on many BBS's and pertaining mainly to the Phoenix Project, was brought to my attention. In that message you mention my name, the name of my company, and try to create an impression that I am involved in some type of activity and have relationships with others that is questionable. You state in your message: "based on striking and suggestive circumstances," that there is a possible connection between myself, Advent Publishing Company, and another publisher - known as America West and one of their publications "The Phoenix Liberator." You fail to clearly label your statements, or your presumptions, as "pure" speculation. I find your technique of using such speculation, and the end-result of that usage - guilt by implication - very offensive. The statement I refer to is - whether I am, or my company is, another incarnation of America West and their people. The answer is an emphatic - no. Let me set the record straight. I am a semi-retired electronic and radio and television broadcast engineer. I am also the sole owner of Advent Publishing Company. This Company is registered as a sole proprietorship, in Carson County, State of Nevada. I operate this business to occupy my spare time and to supplement my retirement income. Neither myself, or my Company has any connection with America West Publishing, their publication the "Phoenix Liberator," or any of their numerous publications. I do not know them, and I have never had any dealings with them. It should be perfectly clear and very obvious from what I've stated, that I find the activities of America West and the content of the "Phoenix Liberator" thoroughly disgusting. And that, Mr. Corbin, is the overwhelming reason for my use of a strong disclaimer, disavowing any relationship or affiliation with the above named organization, its publications, and their known principals. You also raise the question as to whether I am the same Richard Miller who, many years ago, communicated with an individual known as Hatonn and started an organization known as the Solar Cross. My answer may startle you. Yes I am, and yes I did. However, I have not been active in such activities for many years. I am answering this question only because of your attempt to make an onerous association between myself and America West, and the "Phoenix Liberator." An association that doesn't exist. I can state, however, without reservation, that the "Phoenix Liberator" is fraudulently using the name Hatonn and claiming he is the source of their information. They have used the name of a respected Being as a "drawing card" to entice the innocent and lend a degree of credibility to the rubbish they publish. I am not the only one who might feel this way. In closing let me quote a paragraph in a message sent to Jack Mathias by Don Allen, regarding America West and the "Phoenix Liberator," on Fido_UFO: "Jack - Received your message and here is something to mull over. Just remember that people who claim to channel "Higher Entities" should be judged not only on their words, but also by their actions and ethics. I have read a considerable amount of "Hatonn's" material and it does not leave me feeling edified, uplifted or enlightened. It is very condemnatory. It is, I submit, not of the Light. These aren't the words of a "Christed being"...they are Cooperish rantings from quick buck con artists and most likely the "entity" that Dharma" is "channelling" (If "Hatonn" exists at all) is most definitely some lower/dark astral being. By their fruits ye shall know them." RTM --- Blue Wave/QWK v2.10 ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************