SUBJECT: LONG DISTANCE CALL FROM EARTH FILE: UFO3014 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Someone Out There Is Waiting for a Long-Distance Call From Earth 04/03/86 THE LOS ANGELES TIMES They're here. Now you can dial 976-UFOS and get late-breaking news of human contact with extraterrestrials, inside stories of UFO sightings and scientific verification of alien visits to planet Earth. Plus, as an added bonus this week, hear transcripts of the conversations between Eduard Billy Meier, a one-armed Swiss farmer, and Semjase, a female celestial cosmonaut who has visited Meier in her Pleiadian beam ship a reported 130 times. "People are always making jokes about little green men, but we can't be the only life in the universe," said Rusty Weaver as he leaned forward in his seat. "There is an infinite number of planets and stars out there." Paul Shepherd nodded emphatically. "There are so many people who say they have seen spacecraft and there's so much evidence of extraterrestrials that suddenly you realize, `My God, this planet is being visited,' " Shepherd said. "I was amazed that none of this information was available to the public." Messages $2 a Call Indeed, there are few outlets through which one can obtain verbatim Pleiadian communications. That's why Weaver, 27, a Woodland Hills musician, and Shepherd, 31, a Los Angeles businessman, formed a partnership to open the UFO Contact Newsline. Each day, the $2 toll call offers a different three-minute recording narrated by radio announcer Bill Jenkins and Rusty's father, actor Dennis Weaver. The 976, or dial-a-message, industry has boomed since Pacific Bell first made the service available in November, 1983. The 976 lines are rented to independent companies that choose the messages they offer. There are 976 lines for everything from horoscopes and stock market figures to movie reviews and adult entertainment. Weaver and Shepherd claim that they have the state's first and only UFO line. "This line offers people the opportunity to be exposed to this," Shepherd said. "I really believe we are offering a public service." The recordings are produced by Weaver in his father's Woodland Hills recording studio. They are presented in a straightforward, news-broadcast manner, with Jenkins quoting from UFO studies and eyewitness accounts. The first segment of each daily recording deals with news reports, the second with scientific data. From Vitamins to Aliens Then comes a feature titled "In Contact." This week, the subject is Semjase's messages to Meier. A woman's voice, sounding strangely electronic and echoed, speaks calmly over the line in one segment: "Several times we have tried to establish contact with terrestrial humans, who might want to assist us in our task, but they have not been sufficiently willing or loyal. But you have taken the trouble to learn truth. Because of your earnest search, you stand out among the many and thus we have decided to select you. After we have selected an individual, we carefully monitor his thoughts and directly observe his reactions. This is done for the safety of all concerned. Then, when he has been accepted, we telepathically influence him to journey to remote locations for direct contact." Bill Jenkins' voice returns. "Tomorrow, our quote from Semjase involves telepathic contact. Until then ...." Dennis Weaver's voice, which introduces each recording, tells listeners that transcripts and further documentation are available by calling the UFO Contact Newsroom. UFOs have been Shepherd's fascination since 1980. He says that he has devoted years to culling information from books, governments reports and interviews with UFO researchers and eyewitnesses from around the world. Shepherd even flew to Europe to visit Meier and question him for details of his meetings with Semjase, who allegedly traveled to Switzerland from her native planet Erra of the Pleiades star cluster in the Constellation Taurus. Until recently, Shepherd was otherwise busy selling vitamins. But he wanted to find a way to tell the public about his UFO research and, by chance, a friend offered the rights to a dial-a-message line. Weaver and Shepherd became partners, and the UFO Newsline was born. Weaver said that friends and family were skeptical at first. "Some of them would give me a weird look, but once I talked to them about it, they were receptive," he said. "If people don't want to see it as fact, it's still fun to call." Dennis Weaver, who soon became involved in his son's endeavor, also expects some questioning looks from people who are used to thinking of him as a down-to-earth cowboy sheriff. "Edison was viewed as a crackpot," Weaver said. "Anything that is away from the norm will be viewed by some people in that way. Besides, this is a subject that has always piqued my interest." So far, after a week and a half in operation, UFO Newsline has received about 300 calls a day. It is a slow start, but Shepherd said he is confident there will be more calls. After all, starting the week of April 13, UFO Newsline will be broadcasting the actual voice of an extraterrestrial picked up and recorded by a modified radio as the alien flew over South Africa, about 325 miles above Earth. "What we present is evidence," Shepherd said. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************