SUBJECT: 1991 SUMMARY RECAP DATA - UFO SIGHTINGS FILE: UFO3012 1991 SUMMARY RECAP DATA - UFO SIGHTINGS -------------------------------------------------------- Annual Total................................ 201 Reports Peak Month......................... January 15% of Total Geographical Span............................ 66% of USA Leading State.................... Florida 26.8% of Total Peak Distribution Month)............. 21st to 31st 34.4% Peak Time of Day.................. 8-9 P.M. 21% ot Total Lull Time of Day...... 6 A.M - 5 P.M...... 9.3% of Total Peak Day of Week............... Wednesday 18.1% of Total Lull Day of Week.................. Monday 11.7% of Total Peak Reports by Shape Class........ Lights/Illuminations....... 57.4% of Total Lull Reports by Shape Class........ Rectangular ............... 2.6% of Total Peak Reports by Hynek Class........ Nocturnal Lights........... 74.4% of Total Peak Duration of Report.................. 3 to 9 Minutes Sightings Reporting Sound................ 8.3% of Total Sightings Reporting No Sound............. 91.7% of Total Sightings During Daytime Visibility...... 9.2% of Total Sightings During Twilight Visibility..... 4.6% of Total Sightings During Nighttime Visibility.... 86.2% of Total Reports Described as Objects/Shapes .......................... 42.6% of Total Reports Described as Lights llluminations. .......................... 57.4% of Total Multiple Witness Reports ................ 68.8% of Total Signal Witness Reports................... 31.2% of Total Most Common Sound Reported.......................... HUM Leading Single UFO Description.................... LIGHT Top Five Ranking States.............. FL, IN, CA, NC, PA Recurring Sighting Locations......... 20 Towns/13 States FIVE YEAR SUMMARY DATA ON 1000 UFO REPORTS 1986 THRU 1990 An important aspect of the UFO Data Base is to com- pare Annual Data to the cumulative average data compiled over time. With 1000 UFO reports in the data base, it is now possible to compare the 1991 data and look for any significant changes in the data. Below is the five year recap data on those 1000 sightings. 1986 - 1990 SUMMARY DATA BREAKDOWN -------------------------------------------------------- Peak year for UFO reports................. 1988 with 291 Peak year/Month of reports......... October 1989 with 47 Combined Peak Month over 5 years .............. October.. 13% of total Combined Lull Month................. June. 4.3% of total Peak State Reporting over 5 years ............ Indiana.. 21.5% of total Combined Peak Time of Day......... 9 PM.... 17% of total Combined Lull Time of Day......... 8 AM... 0.4% of total Combined Peak day of Week..... Wednesday..17.1% of total Combined Lull Day of Week..... Saturday...10.6% of total Combined Peak Reports by Shape Class Lights/llluminations..... 35.7% of total Combined Lull Reports by Shape Class Rectangular........... 3.0% of total Combined Hynek Class...Nocturnal Lights.. 66.7% of total Peak Duration of Reports..1 to 5 minutes. 20.6% of total Combined Sightings Reporting Sounds...... 12.5% of total Comblned Sightings Reporting No Sound.... 87.5% of total Reports During Daytime Visibility........ 9.5% of total Reports During Twilight Visibillty....... 5.6% of total Reports During Night Time Visibility..... 84.9% of total Reports Described as Objects/Shapes...... 60.0% of total Reports Described as Lights/llluminations.40.0% of total Combined Multiple Witness Reports........ 36.6% of total Most Common Sound Reported............... HUM Top 5 Ranking States over 5 Years........ IN,FL,PA,CA,MI ---------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************