SUBJECT: GUESS WHEN THE FIRST SAUCER WAS SIGHTED FILE: UFO3000 Appearing in the San Jose News (not yet the Mercury-News), Monday, January 1, 1968, page 102: `` GUESS WHEN THE FIRST SAUCER WAS SIGHTED Willowdale, ONT. (NEA) - What may have been the first reported sighting of unidentified flying objects over North America has been found in an 18th-century diary by the Rev. James. S. McGivern, S.J., historian at Regis College. The incident is recorded under the date Oct. 12, 1796, in the diary of one Simeon Perkins, published by the Champlain Society. The extract reads: "A strange story comes from the Bay of Fundy that ships have been seen in the air. Mr. Darrow is lately come from there by land. I enquired of him. He stated that they were said to be seen at New Mines near Mr. Ratchford's by a girl about sunrise. "The girl cried out and two men who were in the house came out and saw them. There were 15 ships and a man forward with his hand stretched out. They made to the eastward. They were so near people saw their sides and ports. The story did not obtain universal credit, but some people believed it." Comments Father McGivern: "It is of interest that in the era of sail, the UFOs were reported in the form of ships, whereas today they are reported seen as exotic aircraft." '' {end of article} ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************