SUBJECT: THE NAPA VALLEY SECRET INSTALLATION FILE: UFO2943 Sat 30 Jan 93 18:27 By: Steve Jones To: All Re: The Napa Valley Secret Installation-Article ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is a transcription of the series of articles that were written by Harry Martin of the Napa Sentinel commencing September 1992 on the secret underground facility that has been built and appears to be operational on the Oakville Grade between Napa and Glenn Ellen, California. Comments that I have inserted are in [ ]s. Permission to transcribe this entire series, as well as transmitting it over whatever medium necessary to inform the people was received from Harry V. Martin, the publisher of the Napa Sentinel on January 30, 1993 at 5:14 PM. The author has given permission to copy this article. His primary interest is that the People be informed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- By Harry V. Martin Editors Note: Despite the fact that Napa Sentinel Publisher has been on vacation since last week, he is continuing to do research on the local helicopter mystery. He is preparing a series on the entire helicopter issue which will commence on Tuesday, September 1. The Sentinel-as the first and foremost media coving the issue-has confirmed that the helicopter traffic is a classified military project operating out of Hamiliton Air Force Base. The series will focus on several scenerios on what the secret helicopter missions are all about. ------- The United States Air Force has confirmed that those mysterious helicopter flights over the Napa County are classified operations. The helicopters are supplying what appears to be a secret base located on Bureau of Land Management property-without the knowledge or permission of the Bureau. The U.S. military has not informed Napa County, nor has it indicated anything on FAA/Military maps. Aerial shots taken this weekend over the 87 acre Bureau land near Oakville grade show large cement bunkers with large concrete doors, a new road, freshly graded, and some underground facility. The satellite link-ups have geo-sychronized microwave dishes pointed straight up. There are approx- imetely 8 to 10 dishes on the tower, which is not shown on any FAA map. The aerial shots would indicate that a lot of government money has gone into the building of this secret base in Napa. The structure is virtually on a mountain top. The military helicopter overflights are apparently supplying them [mispelled on original copy] underground facility. The cargo helicopters, however, are only part of the traffic. Black helicopters without markings have been making 3 a.m. flights to the facility. [Harry has indicated to me that these choppers are operated by Wackenhut] There are several black helicopters at Hamilton Air Force Base-but all of them have some identifying marking, particularly FBI markings. One helicopter only has a Playboy bunny on the tail. The Air Force will not comment on the helicopters, only stating, "The helicopter traffic over the Napa Hills is a clasified operation." The Sentinel acknowledges the valuable assistance of Mike Jamieson [who, BTW is with MUFON's Northern California chapter] for supplying films of the location. But what type of military base is in the Napa Hills and what is its function? That will be part of an extensive series commencing September 1- exclusive reports from within the military and intelligence community. (end of article 1) --------------------------------------------------------------------- For the record, this footnote appears after the last of the articles that Harry has given me. It strongly indicates that he is indeed well connected in the intelligence community. Not necessarily well-liked (he told me that he and Bo Gritz are not on the best of speaking terms), but well connected nonetheless- "Editor's Note: Harry Martin has been the editorial director of Military Electronics and Countermeasures, Defense Electronics, Microwave Systems News, International Countermeasures Handbook, and publisher of Defense Systems Review and Military Communications." Harry has told me that anyone who has any information regarding any additional facilities of this type that have been or are being built, should contact either himself (at the Napa Sentinel, 925 Lincoln Avenue, Napa, CA 94558--phone #(707)257-6272 or fax (707)257-3035 ) or send me netmail, and I will relay the information to him. -Steve Jones- Co-Moderator- Sacramento UFO Group ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In continuing his series on the Napa Valley secret military facility, Harry Martin gives quite a bit more information on the site. It should be noted here that last summer, there were several mutilations in this area of Napa/Sonoma Counties. (reproduced with the authors permission-see prior transmission) transcribers comments again in []. --------------------------------------------------------------------- By Harry V. Martin copyright, Napa Sentinel 1992 A secret installation near the Oakville Grade is being used by the United States Government for three purposes. Increased helicopter traffic is linked to this installation. The installations and helicopter traffic serve the following purposes: -Direct satellite communications. -Continuity of the U.S. Government in case of nuclear attack or other disasters. -Secure communications links with the outside world in the event of a disaster. The helicopter traffic over the last year has been provisioning an elaborate underground complex designed to hold government officials, scientists and other high eshelon personnel in the event of an emergency. The helicopters have been transporting generators, food stock, electronic and communications equipment, and other items to the site. The secret government site is replacing other installations and combining them into one solid underground center. An installation at Benicia is considered too marginal and vulnerable. It's functions have been transferred to Napa. An underground facility in Ukiah-an old railroad tunnel-was not serving the full purpose. The remote area of Napa [actually not that remote, but close to such facilities as Lawrence-Livermore, Mare Island Naval Base, Alemeda Naval Air Station, the Presidio, Travis AFB, McClellan AFB, as well as Beale AFB] was selected to combine the functions of the Ukiah and Benicia facilities into a more secure area [why?]. Napa is considered to be safe from the nuclear fallout zone of the targeted areas in the San Francisco Bay Area [I question this, as the site is only 20 miles from Mare Island]. The facility in the Napa Hills is heavily fortified and protected with thick concrete. It's microwave tower is pointed toward Santa Rosa, where AT&T has secure communications links. The microwave dishes are to guarantee government officials with direct access to national communications links. The government has always relied on AT&T for these links. [It should be noted that within 50 miles in 3 directions of this site are 3 major military communications facilities-one SE of Davis, one north of Sacramento and one west of Petaluma.] The satellite dishes make direct communication with geosyncronized satellites at regular intervals. The communication linkage is by laser, which accounts for the constant reports of light beams and flashes in the area [this sounds like the same reports out of the Quincy NASA facility- hummm?]. The operation in Napa County is classified according to the United States Air Force. The area has been serviced by unmarked helicopters for some time. There have been other helicopter overflights, some as part of the Drug Enforcement Agency sweep and others are National Guard training missions. But the main and constant force has been to supply this secret installation. The United States Government has similar installations all over the nation. These facilities are all located in remote areas which would not normally be targeted by enemy nations for a nuclear strike. [What comes to mind here, and Harry is intrigued by it too, is the truck loads that are left in the middle of nowhere-remember that thread??] Napa Valley's wine growing areas provide a good cover for such an installation. Similar helicopter traffic has been reported in other areas of California and the west, which indicates the government is creating new facilities or is preparing for some type of disaster or upheaval. The helicopters used in Napa are olive drab and also black-all unmarked. The olie drab helicopters originate from Hamilton Air Force Base [which is supposed to have been decommisioned several years ago] and operate generally in the late afternoon and in the evening. The black helicopters generally operate in the late evening and early morning hours. The olive drab helicopters are providing supplies to the secret installation, but the black helicopters are providing direct laser communication to satellites. Hamilton Air Force Base has confirmed that the helicopters originate from their area and that the mission is classified. (end of article) --------------------------------------------------------------------- It should be noted here that when the cattle and horse mutilations occurred last year, there were unconfirmed reports of thes black helicopters landing and the occupants (who were dressed in unmarked uniforms that looked like Delta Force) wore night vision gear. They sealed off the area and ask everyone to leave immediately. This is the same thing that happened up in Georgetown (just 40 miles east of Sacramento) last April. If anyone has additional information on such facilities, please contact Harry Martin at the Napa Sentinel, 926 Lincoln Avenue, Napa CA 94558 Sincerely- Steve Jones- Co-Moderator- Sacramento UFO Group ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************