SUBJECT: AREA 51 LAND SEZIURE FILE: UFO2937 Date: 10-31-93 (21:43) Number: 24140 of 24853 (Refer# NONE) To: ALL From: MICHAEL CURTA Subj: AREA 51 LAND SEZIURE Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo) Conf: Fidonet_UFO (21) Read Type: GENERAL Dear Fellow Researchers, I am writing you today to ask for your help. Please write your Congressperson, Senators, and Interior Secretary Bruce Babbit asking that they STOP the seizure of the Groom Mountain Range in Nevada. The proposed seizure of 3,900 acres just outside the famed Area 51 is just one more ploy by the military to make themselves unaccountable to anyone! Hell, the Base Commander is not allowed into Area 51. If the Base Commander, Congress or Senators can not keep tabs on them, then we as Americans MUST! Nellis AFB. and the Test Site that surrounds it now covers some 3.1 million acres. What could they possibly do with 3,900 more acres that they can't do with the more then 3 million acres that they already have? Deny people access to public land? Put an end to the checks and balance system of govenment? While the military must have secrets, it is also true me as citizens must have a right to free access to public land. The military should not be able to seive land for no other reason then to keep people off of a mountain. If the military were to use the land for a visitors center or a golf course then I would have no problem with the seizure. Please help make YOUR military accountable before it's too Late. Write your government officials today! Regards, Michael. Michael Curta P.O. Box 470776 Aurora, CO. 80047-0776 ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************