SUBJECT: SIGHTING OVER AREA51 FILE: UFO2900 Mon 22 Feb 93 23:32 By: Don Allen To: All Re: AREA 51: QUE COSA ES? St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Forwarded from "UFO" * Originally by Jim Nelson * Originally to Bruce Lewis * Originally dated 21 Feb 1993, 2:34 About two years ago, a friend and I saw something flying over the area I had been told was Groom Lake. AAA Auto Club maps of Nevada show Groom Lake and Mud Lake on them (Mud Lake is near the Tonopah home of the F-117s before moving to Holloman AFB in New Mexico). I'm told by sitting near where the highway turns towards the northeast from a southerly heading south of Warm Springs, you can see 'interesting' things flying, mostly at night. I was told the best night to see things is Wednesday night since that is supposedly the night with the least amount of traffic on the road. I WOULD STRONGLY RECOMMEND AGAINST GOING OFF OF THE HIGHWAY AT NIGHT. We got 400 feet off of the road and within 10 minutes we had headlight coming across the desert at us. We didn't wait to see who was coming out to greet us... ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************