SUBJECT: ANCIENT UFOs FILE: UFO2879 Sun 24 Jan 93 9:55 By: Jim Sanders To: All Re: Ancient ufos St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I would like to present this extract from "On Shores of Endless Worlds" by Andrew Tomas for those that have not read it. "One of the Vedic hymns, dedicated to Varuna, intimates that there had existed some sort of galactic police in Space: 'Whoever beyond the sky should think his way to wing, He could not elude the grasp of Varuna, theking, His agents descending from the skies glide all this world around, Their thousand eyes all-scanning sweep to Earth's remotest bound.' Reading this verse, it would seem that the ancients were aware of the same sort of reconnaissance as those of today's contro- versial UFOs." page 121 Think about it! -=* Jim Sanders *=- === ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************