SUBJECT: PROOF OF LIFE IN SPACE! FILE: UFO2858 BY KEN O'HARA for SUN Humanoid bodies found in meteor, revel scientists A giant meteor that slammed into Australia is being hailed as the scientific discovery of the century - because it contains absolute proof of human life on ohter planets! When scientists sliced open the meteor, they found mumified fossils of humans - alien human beings! "We found four mummies inside the meteor when we cut it open," says Dr. Thomas Bennett. Questions "There was great excitement, as you can imagine. We instantly realized we had stumbled upon the answer to one of the great unanswered questions of all time: Is there life on other planets? "The answer is yes! We have the preserved bodies to prove it. They are human remains - and they came from a galaxy billions and billions of miles away. "The remains we recovered are of a mother, father and two children, a boy and a girl. Healthy "Tests show it's about 3,000 years since they were entombed - possibly by a volcanic eruption. The red rock is definitely volcanic. "They all seemed to be very healthy and had little or no body fat. From our preliminary examinations, they were in far better physical condidtion that humans on earth. "The mummies show no traces of heart disease or cancer, the two most potent killers on earth. So perhaps these remains will help us improve life on our planet, as well as providing us with valuable information about life on other planets." Analyzing Scientists from the University of Melbourne are now painstakingly analzing the dead aliens from the meteor which landed near the small town of Nullagine. "We have to determine how old they are and the cause of death," said Dr. Bennett. "But one thing is definite. They provide us with irrefutable proof that human life exists on other planets besides Earth." The university has been ordered by the nation's securityh department to keep the findings secret. "We have been told the medical breakthroughs that may result are so valuable to Australia that we must keep quiet," says a Sun source. However the same source managed to smuggle to the Sun Australian representative a sensational picture of one of the bodies that is till entombed in rock. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************