SUBJECT: MORE GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT IN THE UFO COVERUP FILE: UFO2786 CHRONOLOGY: (Based on FOIA Papers and personal testimony) Version 2.09 COPYRIGHT SEPTEMBER 8, 1988 by PEA RESEARCH ULTRA MAJIC BBS, (916)684-5578 ............................................................ (UFOHIST2.TXT PART2 Conclusion) Early 1960's...Frank Scully dies. (Author of "Behind the Flying Saucers".) Aug. 13, 1960..Red Bluff, CA: CHP Officers Charles A. Carson and Stanley Scott were on patrol when they sighted what they thought was an airliner about to crash. When the UFO had descended to about 100 or 200 feet altitude it suddenly reversed direction and climbed to 500 ft. Description: round or oblong surrounded by a glow (color not mentioned) and having definite red lights at each end. They continued to watch the UFO as it performed "unbelievable" aerial feats. The local RADAR operator confirmed the UFO at this time but denied it the next day. Other Tehema County Sheriffs' officers also saw this UFO and another similar one that same night. (NICAP, 1964) May, 1961......In the May issue of "Fate" magazine, Master Sgt. O.D. Hill admits that we are still loosing Air Force planes to UFOs. The first case was an F-86 jet fighter that was sent aloft to investigate an UFO that had been plotted on the Radar scope of an Air Base (name and dates classified). The Radar Operator spied the UFO heading straight for the craft. The operator radioed for the F-86 to climb at once, but it was too late. The two blips merged as one and the UFO was tracked moving away. Classified as "mysterious" not a single shred of the F-86 was ever found. (ref. Kinross AFB where an F-89 with crew of two merged with an UFO and disappeared.-Donald Keyhoe) Second Case: A radar operator was tracking a transport plane carrying 26 persons aboard when, suddenly, another blip appeared on the screen closing at 2500 mph on the transport. Before the operator could warn the transport the two blips emerged as one. The remaining blip sped straight up at tremendous speed. A surface search in the vicinity revealed no oil slicks on the water, although a Generals' briefcase was found floating around. (see 4/1/59;9/29/59) 1961-1963......Near Nellis AFB, NE: "Mat", a radio maintenance engineer at Nevada's AEC between 1961-1963, provided evidence to the MUFON Journal that Project REDLIGHT was secretly being conducted at nearby "Area 51", a 50-mile-square quadrant of land east of Nellis AFB. This Project "involved flight-testing of an UFO which had been shipped there from Edwards AFB." The craft flew silently, was about 20 to 30 ft. in diam., and had no wings or tail. Apr. ,1962.....Flight Commander P.J. (initials), attached to TAC Fighter Wing was deployed at Wright-Patterson AFB and mistakenly broke into an air hanger where he thought the gym was located. Upon entering the hanger he was approached by an air police sentry with a sub-machine gun. Behind the sentry was a saucer approx. 12-15 ft. diam. suspended off the ground by two engine test stands. There were no markings or insignia on the saucer. It had no rivet markings. The saucer was roped- off and 8 guards stood at parade rest around it. P.J. and his friend were encouraged to leave the hanger. P.J. returned to MyrtleBeach AFB, S.C. July 17, 1963..A passenger of a Convair-880 related to UFO investigator, James Moseley, that the 4 engined jet airliner she had been flying in was pursued by an UFO. The jet , traveling at 600 mph, made a sharp turn to avoid the UFO, now rapidly closing in on the plane. Just as they were about to collide, the UFO swerved away at fantastic speed and disappeared in the night sky. When the (unnamed) woman confronted the pilot about the incident, he said, "I wouldn't dare risk telling the airline of the incident. If I could tell you of some of the experiences my buddies have had, you'd never fly again!" Apr. 15, 1964..USAF Intelligence officer meets with 2 Aliens at prearranged location in the desert of New Mexico. Project SIGMA operates at AFB, New Mexico. (see 1959) Oct., 1964.....Air Force and Army radar stations tracked an UFO as it hovered over and flew along the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea. The UFO was visible for over an hour. Dec. 10, 1964..Fort Riley, KA: Recovery of Saucer by A.K. (initials). (see 11/00/65) Dec. 19, 1964..MEMO to Chief, Contact Division: NICAP case #(censured): Subject: UFOs over Patuxent Navel Air Station between 1500 and 1530 hours. Two UFOs approached Air Base at 3800 mph. Another UFO approached at 6000 mph. Radar operator, Chief Pinkerton had visual on Radar. US Coast Guard had "visual" on the UFOs. OFFICIAL statement to press: the (single) blip was caused by faulty radar equipment! (see 1/25/65) Jan. 25, 1965..MEMO to Chief, Contact Division: NICAP Case #(censured). (see 12/19/64) 1965...........While visiting the Air Force Museum in Fairborn, Ohio, R.M. (initials), a government employee of 23 yrs., went through a double- door marked "Off Limits" and suddenly came face to face with an Alien in a self contained space suite. Description: About 4.5 ft. tall with a translucent dome over its' large head; wasn't human; large eyes under a heavy brow; no noticeable nose; a slit for a mouth; bluish skin. When the creature walked it didn't bend its' knees. R.M. later found out from a retired Air Force Colonel from Wight-Patterson AFB, that 2 live Aliens were held in captivity in an artificial environment. The Colonel also said that a 2-man sized craft crashed near Whitewater Lake, Indiana, as a result of an electrical disturbance in the atmosphere. [The Alien would have to lock his knees in a high-gravity environment to avoid falling down.] Feb. 11, 1965..Personal Interview report by Capt. D.M. (initials): Aerial encounter of three UFOs with radar and visual sightings. Air Force flight F-169 enroute from Anchorage, AL, to Japan. Capt. R.W. (initials) and Capt. W. (initial) observed 3 UFOs on radar 5 miles off the wing. The UFOs paced the Flying Tiger freighter aircraft for 30 minutes then climbed away at a steep angle at about 1200 knots ground speed. Estimated size (thumb and finger method) approx. 200 to 1000 ft. diam., glowing red and oval shaped. The pilot remarked, "we often see UFOs on the Alaskan run!" May 28, 1965...Police statement (interview); Bougainville Reef, Australia: An Ansett-A.N.A. DC-6B airliner (VH-INH) en route to Port Moresby, New Guinea, was buzzed by a UFO at about 3:25 a.m. The pilot radioed the Townsville Ground Control Tower and talked to Mr. O. (initial). Description: slightly spherical and oblate, flattened on top and bottom; appeared to have exhaust gasses coming from it. Photos of the UFO were taken by the pilot but were later confiscated at Canberra as was the taped conversation to Mr. O., the Tower operator. Mr. O. was threatened with dismissal if he talked about the incident. July 3, 1965...Newspaper reports, ANTARCTICA: Argentine, British and Chilean military and scientific personnel observed an UFO moving at a frightening speed doing incredible maneuvers. It was something solid, glowing blue-green and causing E/M interference with our equipment. Lenticular shaped "flying saucer". Tracked by theodolite, binoculars and magnetograph tapes. Also, 10 color photographs were taken of the UFO. Sept. 3, 1965..Project Blue Book File #(?): Damon/Angleton, TX. Deputy Sheriffs Billy E. McCoy and Robert W. Goode were investigating an UFO in the back-woods roads when the purplish UFO shot instantly towards them to within 150 feet and hovered at 100 feet off the ground. The bright glow illuminated the interior of the car and the surrounding fields (11:30 p.m.). "Every blade of grass stood out clearly" in the field. Officer Goode, who was driving with his arm out the window, felt heat on his arm and later reported that a cut that was on his arm healed more rapidly than normal [U/V effects]. Sept.16,1965...NICAP Report #(?): Pretoria, S. Africa: Constables John Lockem and Koos de Klerk while on patrol (after midnight) suddenly had a domed, disc shaped object come into their van headlights. It was sitting on the road. The UFO was copper colored and about 30 ft. in diam. Immediately the UFO lifted off, emitting tongues of flame from two tubes or channels on the underside. The flames deflected about three feet off the macadam road surface and were still visible after loosing sight of the craft. Road damage: part of the road was caved-in, and in a 6 foot area the gravel was separated from the tar. Samples of the road surface were taken for analysis, which report was never released. Lt. Col. J.B. Brits, District Commandant of Pretoria North said the incident was "highly SECRET ... and inquiry is being conducted in TOP circles." Nov., 1965.....Fort Riley, KA: "AK" (Aaron Kaback) was on guard duty at 2 a.m. when the duty officer drove up and ordered him to hop into the jeep. He and 3 other officers were driven out to a remote area where a large oval objectwas resting. An army chopper was hovering above the object and shining a bright light on it. The object was approx. 35-48 ft. in diam., had a fin on the end and an exhaust port or some kind of hole below the fin. It had rows of squares around the rim and remained completely dead for the 2 1/2 hours they guarded it. (Kaback seems to be confused as to the actual date this incident occurred. see 12/10/64) Mar. 20, 1966..Dexter, MI.: Frank Mannor, age 47, and Ronald Mannor, age 19, went out at night through swampy, hummocky terrain to investigate flashing lights in the swamp. They saw a domed, elliptical object with a quilted surface hovering about 8 ft. off the ground in a patch of apparent mist. The object glowed "blood red" and the body lights disappeared. They lost sight of the UFO and didn't see it again. (see 3/21/66;4/1/66) Mar. 20, 1966..La Porte, IN: Patrolman Michael Spevak was on duty when 2 youths pulled over and pointed out an UFO that they said had been following them from Michigan City to La Porte. According to the young men, the object frequently burst into such a bright glare that it blinded them, forcing them off the highway. It had been following them at an altitude of about 60 ft. Both the young men and the patrolman noticed a cross-shaped appendage protruding from the lower portion of the UFO. Mar. 21, 1966..Law enforcement officer F.B. (initials) at Dexter, Michigan, and officer "C" (initial) on patrol sighted a landed saucer in a swamp. Description: Large craft, like a pot; no windows; had a dull glow and steam was coming up from the water. Sounded like a turbine, a low whine or hum. He notified Selfridge AFB which immediately sent out MP's, well armed. All law officers were ordered back and their film was confiscated. Later his report and other reports disappeared from police headquarters. Then, everyone in the force, including he and "C", were transferred to other parts of the county. The UFO wasn't disabled. F.B. saw it take-off and climb straight up. (see 3/1/67) Apr. 1, 1966...From LIFE magazine: In a hastily called press conference, the USAF spokesman J. Allen Hynek suggested that the Dextor, MI, UFO and others seen in the swamps near Hillsdale may have been marsh (or swamp) gas that had spontaneously ignited. (see 3/20/66;3/21/66) Apr. 5, 1966...Congressman, Gerald Ford announces to Congress the need to extensively examine UFOs. Apr. 17,1966...Ravenna, OH, to Conway, Penn.: Deputy Sheriffs Dale Spaur and Wilbur Neff of Portage County were on patrol when an UFO stopped above them, illuminating them and the surroundings (it was just about dawn). As the UFO moved away from them at about 300-500 ft. above the road, it would alternately start and stop ahead of them playing cat and mouse. At E. Palestine, OH, officer Wayne Huston joined in the pursuit. At speeds of 100 mph in unfamiliar territory, they were soon low on gas and had to give up the game with the UFO. Through local police dispatch the officers alerted the Air Force, who sent out fighter planes to investigate the UFO. As the officers saw the AF planes approaching the UFO shot straight up and out of sight. (see 6/24/66) Summer, 1966...Results of an Iowa Poll, Iowa: 45% Iowans queried believe UFOs to be REAL objects. Of the 45%, 21% were of the opinion that the UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin. June, 1966.....Nha Trang, Vietnam: At this active Army Base at about 9:45 p.m., what was thought to be a flare lit up the north sky. The bright UFO approached the base alternately moving at low to high speeds. Upon descending toward the soldiers it hovered at an altitude of 300-500 ft. All of a sudden the 6 generators failed along with the engines of the idling Skyraiders, (TESLA energy discharge effects) bulldozers and trucks. The entire valley and surrounding mountains were illuminated by the hovering UFO for about 4 min. after which it went straight up and disappeared in about 3 sec. After the incident a plane load of officials from Washington arrived to investigate. (see 3/4/69) June 24, 1966..Richmond, VA: Officer William L. Stevens, Jr., observed a dirigible-shaped UFO at 3:30 in the morning near the fairgrounds. It was about100 ft. long and 30 ft. thick with greenish-yellow lights on its perimeter. Stevens attempted to chase the UFO but it maintained an even distance from him even though he sped up and slowed down. "The object seemed to be playing CAT & MOUSE with me," he later said. After 10-15 min. the UFO accelerated and sped away. (see 4/17/66) Mar. 1, 1967...Lt. Gen. Hewitt T. Wheless, USAF, sends notice to all branches of the military warning of persons imitating military officers and harassing private citizens and confiscating UFO photos. (see 3/21/66) Jul. 3, 1967... R.T. (initials), with ALPHA RED TOP SECRET CRYPTO Clearance, rank PFC, assigned to Canine Corps at Camp Pendleton, San Diego, CA., states that he and his dogs were air transported 2.5 hrs. to a sight in a desert (unknown location) UFO crash-sight. Saucer: Metallic, 30 ft. diameter, domed top, no windows. He also observed: Large walk-in refrigerator, empty body bags, men at work with technical instruments. JAN. 19, 1968..DIA Intelligence Report from Liaison in Moscow, Russia mentioning an attempt by the British Government in 1967 to collaborate with the Soviets in UFO research. (see 2/22/68) Feb. 22, 1968..UNCLASSIFIED AIRGRAM, U.S. Dept. of the State regarding UFOs in the Soviet Union: Feb. 1968, Soviet Life published three pages pertinent to UFOs, by Felix Zigel. He also published a UFO article in 1966. Until recently no study of UFOs had been made in the Soviet Union (see 1/19/68) 1968...........Project xxxxxxxx (name CENSURED) established to evaluate all UFO information pertinent to space technology. (see 1953,12/69,1976) Mar. 4, 1969...Near Atlanta, Missouri: The City Marshall and Mail Carrier in Elmer, Missouri, William R. Overstreet observed an UFO at early dawn over the road ahead of him. It was about 100 ft. in diam. apparently rotating clockwise and emitting a strong white beam of light down to the road which seemed to magnify the size of the road it was shining on. He felt intense heat from the direction of the UFO and his CB radio was dead. As he neared the light beam from the UFO his truck motor and radio quit. As the beammoved away from his truck he was able to start the engine again.(TESLA energy discharge effects) He followed the UFO for about 4 mi. staying away from the beam. The UFO followed the contour of the land it was flying over. After 7-8 min. the UFO veered away and went out of sight. "I had never believed in them too much until I saw this," he said. "Now I know that there is something to these UFOs!" (see 8/13/75,6/66) 1969?..........A retired Colonel from Wright-Patterson AFB with Top Secret clearance states that a 2-man saucer crashed near Whitewater Lake, Indiana as a result of an electrical disturbance in the atmosphere. Dec. 1969......Project xxxxxx (name CENSURED) continues after Project BLUEBOOK is closed. (see 1968) Oct. 1969......Jimmy Carter sees and reports a UFO. B1-E,516 CARTER, JIMMY (Pres.) 1972...........Project SNOWBIRD established to test fly a captured flying saucer. Oct. 2, 1972...A letter from the Dept. of National Defence, Canada, Brig. Gen. L.A. Bourgeois states: All UFOs reported to CFHQ are investigated by the Director of Operations. It isn't a practice to allow the public to study these files. Since the beginning of 1968 these UFO reports have been passed along to the NRC. Evidence suggests that UFOs present no threat to the Technology world. They exhibit a unique scientifically advanced technology. (see 9/19/26) Sept. ,1973....At Great Lakes Naval Base, Instructor R.K., Gunnery School Grade E-4, while delivering a sealed envelope to the Commandant in the quonset hut, was surprised to see a saucer 30 ft. diam. and 10 ft. ht. resting on a wooden platform. Description: Silvery blue and shimmering, it tapered like a teardrop with a flange running along its topside from one end to the other and there were no windows. R.K. believed this saucer to be the one shot down on its third pass over a Navy vessel by a missile. The saucer crashed in 350 ft. water between Hawaii and the mainland. It was retrieved by a Glomar Explorer, shipped to Hawaii then stateside to Chicago. Oct. 18, 1973..Capt. Lawrence Coyne, while flying an Army helicopter with three other crewmen were 45 minutes out over Mansfield when Staff Sgt. Robert Yanacsek spotted a red glowing UFO headed toward their helicopter at an estimated 600 mph. It stopped abruptly 500 ft. above them. It had a big, gray, metallic looking hull about 60 ft. long, shaped like an airfoil or streamlined cigar with a red light in front and a green light in the rear, the lead edge glowed red a short distance from the nose. There was a center dome. The 'copter radio wouldn't function and the copter was set for a 20 degree dive but gained altitude from 1700 ft. to 3500 ft. with no power applied. After a slight "bounce" the UFO took off to the N.E. Oct. 25, 1973..Director of FBI, Clarence M. Kelley, states: UFOs are not and never has been a matter that is within the investigative jurisdiction of the FBI. Jan. 8, 1975...CONFIDENTIAL Spanish Report, Spanish Air Force: UFO spotted by military personnel at Las Bardenas Reales near Zaragoza Air Base. Mar. 28, 1975..Letter from Senator Barry Goldwater stating: Ten or twelve years ago I tried to get access to the building at Wright- Patterson (HANGER-18) where UFO artifacts were stored and I was understandably denied access. It is still classified above TOP SECRET. I've heard they plan to release some of the information in the near future and hope not to have to wait too much longer. Aug. 13, 1975..Near Haderslev, Denmark: Police Officer Evald Hansen Maarup was driving home at 10:50 p.m. when all of a sudden his car was engulfed by a bright blue light while at the same time his car lost all power. The temperature in his car rose to that of a warm summer day and his radio was dead so he couldn't call for help. The bright beam from the UFO was conical in shape with a bottom diam. of 4-5 meters and a top diam. at the UFO of 10 meters. Two dome-like protrusions were visible on the underside of the UFO that was hovering at about 20 meters altitude. He activated a special camera on the patrol car which automatically took 3 pictures of the UFO. As the UFO sped away he regained power to his car. The developed film which was later turned over to the Danish AF showed the light source of the UFO on it. No report or analysis has been available from the AF to date. (see 3/4/69) Aug. 13, 1975..Alamogordo, NM: Staff Sgt. Charles L. Moody, USAF, drove out to the outskirts of town late one night to watch for meteors. As a disc-shaped UFO descended toward him, he tried to start his car to get away but it wouldn't start. He heard a high pitched whining sound from the UFO and saw shadowy figures in it and felt numbness, after which the UFO departed. After driving home he found he couldn't account for 1.5 hours. The next day his back was enflame and he discovered a small puncture wound over his spine and a few days later he developed a body rash. As months passed he regained memory of the missing 1.5 hours. He remembered that he had been in the UFO and in telepathic communication with small 4'8" humanoids. They had whitish gray skin, large heads, large eyes, small slit-like mouths and mask-like features. He had been in a drug-like state on a table and they had poked a rod like device into his back. After this they escorted him about the ship and later dropped him off at his car. (see 3/4/69) Oct. 28, 1975..CONFIDENTIAL CINC/NORAD Report: UFOs, suspicious objects seen by ground personnel. Sounded like jet aircraft. Intermittent radar contact made with object. Jets scrambled to intercept but objects lights went out interceptors passed and then came on again. Then the object increased in speed and raised to a high altitude and could not be discerned from the stars. Description: Through binoculars, looked like 100 ft. sphere and appeared to have craters around the outside. To date, AF and SAC helicopters have failed to provide a positive I.D. of the UFO. (see 11/11/75,7/52) Oct. 29, 1975..NMCC Joint Staff Memo: Subject: AFB penetration. At 290200 EST, AFOC informed NMCC that an unidentified helicopter (UFO), possibly two, had been sighted flying low over Loring AFB, Maine, in proximity to a weapons storage area. Army Nat. Guard helos called in to assist in locating UFO. NORAD informed of the incident by SAC. Received authority to proceed into Canadian airspace, if necessary, to locate UFO. A similar incident was reported the evening before. Nov. 11, 1975..CONFIDENTIAL CINC/NORAD Report. (see 10/28/75) Jan. 21, 1976..MEMO from NMCC by Rear Adm. J. B. Morin stating: Two UFOs reported near the flight line at Cannon AFB, N.M. Security Police report the UFOs to be 25 yards (75 ft.) in diameter, gold/silver in color with blue light on top, hole in the middle and red light on the bottom. Apr. 9, 1976...CONFIDENTIAL CIA Message: Source (name Censored) seeks guidance from CIA UFO experts as to material in his report that should remain classified. July 30, 1976..NMCC Joint Staff Memo: Subject: Reports of UFOs. At approx. 0345, EDT, the ANMCC received several reports of UFOs near Fort Ritchie. At 0130, civilians reported an UFO to the NAB. At 0255, two separate patrols sighted three UFOs; oblong with a reddish tint. At 0300, the Desk Sgt. (name with held) sighted an UFO over the ammo storage area at 100-200 yds. altitude. At 0345, an Army Police Sgt. sighted an UFO in the vicinity of sight R. ANMCC was requested to have each individual write a statement on the sightings. One person said the UFO was the size of a 2.5 ton truck. Sep. 19, 1976..Tehran, Iran: Civilians reported an UFO to the AFB. The Iranian AF scrambled an American F-4 for intercept. As the F-4 was vectored towards the brilliant UFO, all communications and instrumentation were suddenly lost. As the pilot broke off pursuit, all aircraft functions returned to normal. A second F-4 that was scrambled began closing in on the UFO at greater than Mach 1 and was closing on the UFO at 150 nautical mph., but the UFO accelerated and stayed ahead of the F-4 (confirmed by Radar). Multi-colored flashing lights were visible on the UFO. The moment the F-4 pilot tried to lock an AIM-9 missile at the UFO he lost all weapons panel and communication control. The UFO launched two smaller UFOs, one of which began to follow the F- 4. After evasive action by the F-4, the smaller UFO returned and united with the larger UFO. The other smaller UFO seemed to have landed on the ground so the pilot flew down to investigate it. The landed UFO appeared to be 12 feet in diameter? As the pilot descended the light from the landed UFO went out and he lost sight of it. The DIA termed this sighting as "an outstanding report. This case is a classic which meets all the criteria necessary for a study of a UFO phenomenon." And, "an inordinate amount of manuverablilty was displayed by the UFOs." (see 10/2/72,9/20/76) Sep. 20, 1976..DIA MESSAGE: UFO sighted over Tehran, Iran. "Initiate" IPSP PT-1440. The Iranian Air Force scrambled an F-4 to intercept the UFO. Due to its brilliance the UFO was visible 70 miles away. When the F-4 approached within 25 mi. of UFO the F-4 lost ALL instrumentation and communications (UHF and intercom). As the first F-4 banked away from the UFO he regained instr. and comm. A second F-4 was dispatched, 2 man, with radar.The radar return was of a craft the size of a 707 Tanker. As the F-4 closed within 25 NMi. of UFO, the UFO launched a bright white object about one third the apparent size of the moon. The pilot attempted to fire an AIM-9 missile at the second UFO but at that moment he lost all instruments and communication.As he banked away from the primary object the secondary object went to the inside of his turn then returned and rejoined with the primary object. Afterwards the F-4 regained control of instr. and communications. (see 9/19/76) 1976...........Project SIGMA becomes an independent project from project xxxx. (see 1968) Sept. 1, 1977..Air Force Letter from Col. Charles H. Senn, Wash., D.C., to Gen. Duward L. Crow (Ret.), NASA, Wash., D.C. stating: Enclosed are the UFO Fact Sheet and standard response to UFO public inquiries you requested. I sincerely hope you are successful in preventing a reopening of UFO investigations. Jan. 18, 1978.. MP at Ft. Dix shoots and kills an Alien. Incident report sent to Col. Landon and Brig. Gen. Brown (AFOSI). The reporting officer was S. W. (initials), Lt. 1st Class. Sgt. J.M. (initials), Security Police Squad (PACAF) also witnessed and reported the incident (Sept. 16, 1980). Feb. 1, 1978...NASA Information Sheet: NASA is not involved in a research program involving UFOs, nor is any other government agency. The U.S. Air Force nolonger investigates UFOs. (see NASA arrest laws re. private citizens) (see 11/17/80) July 18, 1978..DOD Staff Message: UFO spotted over North TEHRAN, Iran. Oct. 21, 1978..Aircraft Accident Investigation Summary Report: Fredrick Valentich vanished while reporting a UFO playing cat and mouse with his airplane which was a Cessna 182L. It's hovering above me... it's got a green light and sort of metallic (like) it's all shiny (on) the outside... it's hovering and it's Airplane not an aircraft... (end of transmission...pilot presumed dead). Nov. 9, 1978... L. Gordon Cooper, in a letter to the U.N., states that UFOs are interplanetary vehicles and crewed by Aliens. May 10, 1980...DOD Report: The FAP (Peruvian Air Force) spotted a UFO twice and tried to intercept and destroy the UFO without success. (see 7/52) Aug. 9, 1980...through Sep. 3, 1980: AFOSI Complaint Form:at Kirtland AFB three persons report seeing UFO over a Restricted Test Range. On Aug. 9th a Sandia Security Guard drove down the Coyote Canyon access road to check out an alarmed building and observed a landed UFO next to an alarmed building. The UFO was a round disk shaped object. As he approached the object on foot equipped with a shotgun the object took off in a vertical direction at a high rate of speed. His radio wasn't working right at the time so he couldn't reach dispatch. The building contained HQ CR 44 material. [Nature of material not known.] Sept.16, 1980.. Sgt. J.M. (initials) of the PACAF writes to Len Stringfield that he was stationed at McGuire AFB, N.J., when, on Jan. 18, 1978, an MP shot and killed an alien at the Ft. Dix Army base next to the AFB. (see 1/18/78) Nov. 17, 1980..SECRET USAF OSI Document: Analysis of photo of UFO following C-5A aircraft inclusive. Photo analysis of Cylinder Shaped UFO legitimate. PhotoE. showed legitimate disc shaped UFO of 37 ft. diameter with trilateral insignia on object. USAF still has an interest in all UFO sightings over installations and test ranges. Several other Government agencies, lead by NASA, actively investigate legitimate sightings through COVERT COVER. One agency that deceives the public whict such covert cover is the UFO reporting center at U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Rockville, MD. 20852. [The results of PROJECT AQUARIUS is still classified TOP SECRET with access limited to "MJ-12".] The Paul Bennewitz case still being monitored by NASA. Still receiving assistance from Fugate(?) Miller. (see 2/1/78) Dec. 27, 1980..USAF UFO REPORT signed by Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt, Deputy Base Commander, RAF Woodbridge stating: Two USAF security police patrolmen saw a UFO either hovering or on legs outside the back gate, Woodbridge. Being early morning, it illuminated the entire forest with a white light. Description: Metallic in appearance and triangular in shape, pulsing red light on top and banks of blue lights underneath. Approx. 2-3 meters across and 2 meters high. It maneuvered through the trees and disappeared. (see 12/29/80) Dec. 29, 1980..Lt. Col. C. I. Halt, sees a UFO that separates into 5 UFOs and later sees 3 other UFOs. (see 12/27/80) Dec. 29, 1980..A low flying UFO was escorted by a large number of helicopters (23) including some Chinooks and possibly Hueys, near Dayton, Texas. It was probably escorted to the TOP SECRET underground installation within Fort Hood, Texas. The SECRET air force base is NOT listed in the Air Force Officer's Guide or the Air Force Almanac [it is an Army AFB]. The name of the Secret base is Gray AAF, Texas. (12/29/80, cont'd) The special group piloting the helicopters Escort for UFO are known as the "BLUEBOYS". The Texas Department of Public Safety works closely with Gray AAF on UFO cases. (see 6/6/88) Jan. 13, 1981..(BENTWATERS AFB) Air Force MEMO from Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt, Deputy Base Commander. (see 12/27/80,12/29/80) Oct. 19, 1981..Barry Goldwater, Senator, Arizona, in a letter to Lee Graham, f Aeroject Electric Systems, Azusa, Calif., states that he has given up trying to get into the BLUE ROOM at Wright-Patterson AFB where UFO artifacts are stored by the Air Force. (see 3/28/75) Nov. 3, 1981...Civil Action, Case No. 80-1562, goes against the plaintiff and for the defendant, the NSA. The NSA retains the right to withhold 156 TOP SECRET records containing communications intelligence (COMINT) reports which were produced between 1958 and 1979. Only military personnel with a Top Secret Clearance were allowed to view the documents for the court hearing. NOT even the Judge was allowed to see them, even though he ruled against the plaintiff (CAUS). (see 6/24/83) Nov. 27, 1982..Palatine, IL.: Police Commander Michael McDonald was on patrol at 5:00 a.m. when the area around his car was lighted, as if by a phosphorousflare. Looking up he saw a large white UFO with tinges of red at an altitude of 900-1000 ft. Two other officers, alerted by radio, also observed the UFO. The other two cars gave pursuit to the UFO at speeds of between 60-65 mph but the UFO outdistanced them. A few minutes later another UFO was noted by the commander and then the other two officers. It was a diffuse "domed disc" which was seen to emit a beam of light towards the ground. The UFO then disappeared behind the tree line of a forest preserve. The police report includes a tape recording of the radio communications during the sighting. Jun. 24, 1983..Larry W. Bryant, Director of CAUS, filed a Civil Action, Case No. 83-1932 (Judge Oliver Gasch) petitioning for a Writ of Habeas Corpus EXTRATERRESTRIAL, in the United States District Court for the Dist. of Columbia, seeking to obtain the release from custody of "one or more occupants of apparent extraterrestrial origin." Mr. Bryant contends that the Government action in maintaining secret custody, detention, and prosecution of such extraterrestrials is unlawful and a violation of their basic rights and is seeking to restore their civil rights. (see 11/3/81) Nov. 29,1983...Dr. Robert I Sarbacher, President and Chairman of the Board, Washington Institute of Technology, in a letter to William Steinman states persons definitely involved in operations of recovered saucers were John von Neuman and Dr. Vannever Bush. Also, Dr. Sarbacher thought that Robert Oppenheimer was also involved. Dr. Sarbacher had been invited by President Eisenhower to attend several discussions associated with the reported recoveries, but was unable to attend them. He did receive Special Reports on the recoveries at the Pentagon but was instructed NOT to remove them from his office. 1984...........From the Air Traffic Controllers Manual: Controllers MUST report UFOs immediately to AIS (Military), LATCC. A completed report MUST be sent to MOD (AFOR). A list of phone numbers and locations is shown in the directory at Appendix H. May 16, 1984...Dept. of the Army letter to W. S. Steinman stating that the IPU was disestablished in the late 1950s and all records were transferred to the Air Force. Therefore the Army isn't aware of what their function was even though it was a Secret unit of the Army. [FOIA requests to USAF] (see 3/12/87) Mar. 19, 1985..(LONDON, ENGLAND) In a letter from Ministry of Defence, Lord Trefgarne states, "There is no organization in the MOD appointed solely for the purpose of studying UFOs, and no staff are employed on the subject full time... the staff in the Department... examine the reports as part of heir normal duties... and we cannot inform observers of the probable identity of the objects seen." June 28, 1985..USAF ACCESS RESTRICTED NOTICE: Report TR-DE-3A, Oct. 15, 1955, from Air Tech. Intel. Ctr., file no. TS5-2862, has been WITHDRAWN from the National Archives and is classified a TOP SECRET UFO REPORT. Aug. 27, 1985..Darlian, CHINA, the "China Daily" reports: 20,000 people are involved in UFO research. The first recognized photo of a UFO in China was taken in 1945. In 1981 CSUR UFO research organization was established. More than 600 UFOs have been reported within the past 5 years in China. Studies will be done on UFOs and Human body science relationships. May 11, 1986...Near Sadona, AR: Minister Robert H. Henderson and his wife, Nann, of Phoenix, AR, were flying at an altitude of 8500 ft. at 4 p.m. when a very bright UFO was seen approaching head-on to them. As he prepared to take evasive action the UFO passed quickly to the left and below of his plane. The UFO was seen to be wingless and resembling a "modified half-sphere, with the flat side down." The closure rate was estimated at about 1200 mph. May 19, 1986...Near Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Between 9:00 to 12 midnight the Brazilian Air Defense and the Civil Air System were swamped with Radar and pilot UFO sightings. As Ospires Silva, President of Petrobras Oil Company were preparing to land, the control tower informed him of UFO targets on their radar. He and his companion, Alcir Pereira da Silva, saw bright red-orange UFOs, not at all like stars or planes. They attempted to pursue the UFOs for 30 min. but gave up as the UFOs seemed to be jumping from place to place. At this time three F-5E fighter jets were scrambled from Santa Cruz AFB. Capt. Marcio Jordao was able to approach within 12 miles of an UFO, visible to him as a bright light changing from white to green. Lt. Kleber Caldas Marinho chased another UFO which was a very intense light, changing from white to green then red again. Both pilots broke off chase as they were running low on fuel. Ground Radar picked up 10-13 more UFOs that surrounded another plane with Capt. Armindo Souza Viriato de Marinho, K.C. Freitas piloting it. Capt. Freitas tracked the UFOs on his radar, but only de Freitas, A.S.V. saw them visually once as they climbed vertically past him. Brig. Gen. Octavio Moreira Lima made these events public at a press conference and allowed the pilots and radar operators to be questioned by the media. (see 7/52) Feb. 15, 1987..The San Jose Mercury states that the Pentagon has a "Black Budget" which has become a "Black Hole" for SECRET Projects spending! It is far bigger than the federal budget for education or transportation or agriculture or the environment. These Projects are classified above Top Secret, therefore very few federal investigators have the security clearances necessary to audit black programs. Mar. 12, 1987..U.S. Army Intelligenc letter: The IPU (Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit) of the Scientific and Technical Branch, Counter intelligence Directorate, Department of the Army was disestablished during the 1950's and never reactivated. All of its records were turned over to the USAF (which can't seem to locate them). This letter was sent to Timothy Good. (see 5/16/84) Sep. 4, 1987...JMP (Justice for Military Personnel) letter sent to President Ronald Reagan. This letter, verified by: Astronaut L. Gordon Cooper, Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe (USMC, Ret.), MUFON (Sequin, TX), APRO (Tucson, AZ) and Just Cause (Coventry, CT) states that:"WE (military personnel) have been ordered by the CIA to shoot at UFOs, silence pilots who have seen UFOs, intimidate, harass, jail, confine to institutions,and destroy military carreers of witnesses to UFO sightings. We VIOLATED the Freedom of Information Act by hiding Government documents." (see 7/52,9/24/47) Nov. 17, 1986..Near Fort Yukon, Alaska: Japan Airlines flight #1628, a Boeing 747 freighter, was cruising at 35000 ft. altitude and at 5:11 p.m. the pilots noticed bright lights 30 degrees to the left and below them. The UFOs moved up directly in front of the 747 and, said Capt. Kenju Terauchi, "most unexpectedly, two spaceships stopped in front of our face, shooting off lights (like numerous exhaust pipes). The inside cockpit shined brightly and I felt warm in the face." The UFOs appeared as two rectangular clusters or arrays of light, one above the other. As the larger UFOs moved away from the 747 Airlines Flight 1628 there remained two smaller flat white UFOs. At about 5:30 p.m. Capt. Terauchi checked the pale white light behind their craft visually. He saw a gigantic "walnet-shaped" UFO (Saturn-shaped) following them. As an evasive action the Capt. ordered the 747 to turn away from the giant UFO that was following them, at which time the UFO "spaceship" disappeared. Dec. 21, 1987..CIA letter to Mr. Richard Hall stating the CIA's reasons for denying certain FOIA requests about himself on the basis of national defence reasons and must be kept secret. Mr. Hall is an UFO investigator. May 5, 1988....For the third time, publicly, President Ronald Reagan states that the nations of the earth would unite if we were threatened by an Alien race from a hostile planet. Jun.6, 1988....Letter received from Paul F. Bennewitz describing Project Beta: Alien base located in New Mexico consisting of type "Grey" Aliens. NASA CIR film has aided in locating this base and revealing US Military involvement with the "Greys". Aliens helped US Military to build a working saucer, Atomic Powered. Two women and a boy exposed to radiation burns by this saucer. Government is not picking up the medical bills. "Grey" base is currently abandoned. Another group called "Orange" is based on the west slope of Mt. Archeleta near "the Diamond". Goal of Project Beta: to locate, inventory and propose ways of destroying Alien bases! (see 12/29/80) Some sources of information: ....."UFO CRASH RETRIEVALS:" series by Leonard H.Stringfield A. Status Report ONE, c. B. Status Report TWO, "Amassing the Evidence", c.1980,pub. by MUFON, Sequin, TX. C. Status Report THREE, "New Sources, New Data", c.1982, pub. by Leonard Stringfield. ............................................................ REFERENCES:(A) ADDRESSES of AUTHORS, RESEARCHERS: 1. UFO Photo Archives, P.O. Box 17206, Tucson, Arizona 85710, USA. (B1-E, p.580) 2. STEINMAN,William S., 15043 Rosalita Dr., La Mirada, Calif. 90638, USA. 3. CAUS, Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, 3518 Martha Custis Drive, Alesandria, Virg. 22302, USA. Larry W. BRYANT, director, Washington, D.C. Office. 4. L/L Research, P.O. Box 5195, Louisville, Kentucky 40205, USA. 5. STRINGFIELD, Leonard H., 4412 Grove Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227, USA. (B1-E, p.580) 6. Flying Saucer Information Center, 7803 Ruanne Court, Pasadena, MD 21122, USA. 7. MUFON, Mutual UFO Network, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, TX 78155-4099. (B1-E, p.583) 8. Just Cause, PO Box 218, Coventry, CT 06238 USA. 9. APRO, 3910 E. Kleindale Road, Tucson, AZ 85712 USA. 10. KEYHOE, Major Donald E., (USMC, Ret.)(now deceased) 11. MOORE, William L., Publications & Research, 4219 W. Olive St., Ste. 247, Burbank, CA 91505. (B1-E, p.580) 12. FRIEDMAN, Stanton T., PO Box 2246, Berkeley, CA 94702. (B1-E, p.583) 13. BRAY, Arthur, PO Box 5528, Station-F, Ottawa, Ontario K2C 3M1. (B1- E, p.566) 14. MACCABEE, Bruce, PO Box 277, Mount Ranier, MD 20712. 15. STEVENS, Wendelle C., 3224 So. Winona Circle, Tucson, AZ 85730. (B4, p.168) 16. McINTYRE, W.F., c/o MARCEN, 123 Olney-Sandy Spring Rd., Sandy Spring, MD 20860. 17. BECKLEY, Timothy G., c/o UFO Review, PO Box 753, New Brunswick, NJ 08903. UFO HISTORY V2.09: Copyright 1988,1991,1992,1993 by PEA Research, Elk Grove,CA. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************