SUBJECT: THE SECRET WEAPON THEORY FILE: UFO2766 From UFOs and the Limits of Science by Ronald D. Story c. 1981 Reproduced for educational purposes only. The Secret Weapon Theory This theory, which was more popular in the 1950s, refers to advanced technological flying devices constructed by the U.S. government or some foreign power. The proposition has some very serious problems. First, UFOs were reported soon after World War II, when military jet aircraft were barely operational. Had the U.S. had operational "saucers" capable of the performance described, it would not have expended the hundreds of billions of dollars that it has, since that time, in the development of alternate and less efficient military weapons systems. Secondly, even if such craft had been experimentally tested or even operationally deployed, they would not have been permitted to approach civilian airports, urban centers, and all the everyday places where UFOs are reported. Also, they would not have been deployed to the dozens of countries where UFOs are reported. On the other hand, such craft would very probably have been revealed to the world as a major technological breakthrough and as a warning to all potential adversaries. The political advantages of the latter would have been enormous. A third problem would be the question of security. The development and operation of such craft would have involved many thousands of persons over a long period of time, and it is almost inconceivable that the secret would not have eventually surfaced. These same arguments can, of ocurse, be applied to a Soviet secret weapon, or one from any other country. A British/Canadian Secret Weapon Theory, for example, was once in vogue, and one organization has been promoting a Nazi Secret Weapon Theory, interwoven with Adolf Hitler's possible survival and escape from Berlin. The organization has published a book supporting this claim and also makes available other Nazi-oriented books, posters, bumper stickers, and tapes (such as "Beautiful Nazi Songs and Marches," "Songs of the Brownshirts," "Dr. Goebbels and the Third Reich," and "Adolf hitler Speaks to the Reichstag"). As with all other "secret weapon" theories, it is difficult to imagine how such craft could have been operated for more than thirty years without political utilization or without the truth emerging. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************