SUBJECT: UFO VIDEO TAPE LIST FILE: UFO2736 PART 2 Filename: M-Video2.Cat Type : Catalog Author : Mike Christol Date : 11/19/92 Desc : Mike Christol's Video/Audio Catalig list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike Christol Space Link BBS US 502/683-3026 FidoNet 1:2310/210 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- METAPHYSICAL AND PARANORMAL AUDIO TAPE LIST ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The following list of audio tapes consists of lectures, guided meditations, meditation music and psychic exercises, such as Astral Projection, self hypnosis, etc. Anyone wishing a copy of one or more of these tapes please contact me via Space_Link BBS. The following tapes are not for sale. They may be acquired by trading for other material or by donation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 001 LECTURE - Dr. Raymond Moody, Jr. "LIFE AFTER DEATH" 002 LECTURE - Dr. George C. Ritchie, Jr. "MANY REALMS" 003 LECTURE - 004 LECTURE - Dr. Geddes MacGregor "REINCARNATION IN CHRISTIANITY" 004 LECTURE - Capt. Ed. Mitchell "THE WONDERS OF SPACE" 005 LECTURE - Capt. Ed. Mitchell "OUTER SPACE AND ESP" 006 LECTURE - Dr. Alex Tannus "YOUR SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT IN A CHANGING WORLD" 007 EXERCISE - Side A - "DEEP MUSCLE RELAXATION" Side B - "PASSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION" 008 EXERCISE - Side A - "IMAGERY" Side B - "IMAGE REHEARSAL" 009 ENVIRONMENTS TAPE - "HEARTBEAT" This is the first sound you heard as a fetus. Its power is undeniable. After a great deal of research into bionic technology, SR has created a heartbeat that, due to its unusually slow rhythm, produces extraordinary results during lovemaking and meditation. Also highly useful for calming newborn infants. (60 min.) 010 TROPICAL RAIN FOREST - Great for meditation or relaxation. 011 EXERCISE - "HEALING WATERFALL" Guided meditation 012 EXERCISE - Jose Silva "THE SILVA MIND CONTROL METHOD" 013 GUIDED MEDITATION - Max Highstein's "LIGHTBEING" 014 MEDITATION MUSIC - Patric O'Hearn "ANCIENT DREAMS" 015 MEDITATION MUSIC - "LAZARIS REMEMBERS LEMURIA" 016 WEST INDES CHANTS - Side A - "CHANTS AND MEDITATION MUSIC" Side B - "GREGORIAN CHANTS" 017 EXERCISE - Dick Sutphen Side A - "CHAKRA BALANCING / ENERGIZING HYPNOSIS SESSION" Side B - "ASTRAL PROJECTION / Standard Lift Out" 018 EXERCISE - Dick Sutphen Side A - "MEETING YOUR GUIDE AND MASTER" Side B - "ASTRAL PLANES TOUR" 019 EXERCISE - Side A - "ASTRAL PROJECTION" Side B - "MIND PROJECTION" 020 EXERCISE - Dick Sutphen - "EMERGENCE INTO THE LIGHT" 021 INSTRUCTIONAL - Donald M. Kraig Side A - "USING MODERN MAGICK LANGUAGE" Side B - "USING MODERN MAGIC / RELAXATION RITUAL" 022 EXERCISE - Dick Sutphen Side A - A Hypnotic Regression; "PRE-BIRTH PLANNING" Side B - A Hypnotic Regression; "THREE SPECIAL LIVES" 023 EXERCISE - Dick Sutphen Side A - "ASTRAL PROJECTION PREPARATION" Side B - "STANDARD SELF HYPNOSIS" 024 LECTURE - Paul Solomon - Source Readings; "EARTH CHANGES AND NEW HORIZONS" 025 EXERCISE - David Naegele - "JOURNEYS OUT OF THE BODY" 026 LECTURE - Side A - "THE SEVENFOLD WISDOM OF HERMES" Side B - "RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM" 027 MEDITATION MUSIC - Side A - "AFFIRMATION; HEAVEN AND HELL; Gymnosphere" Side B - "TARANSHANTI; ANCIENT ECHOS 028 MEDITATION MUSIC - Both Sides - Aeoliah, "ANGEL LOVE" 028 MEDITATION MUSIC - Side A - Steve Halpern - "SPECTRUM SUITE" Side B - Steve Halpern - "SUITE..." Continues Georgia Kelly - "SEAPEACE" 029 MEDITATION MUSIC - Both Sides - Kitaro, "SILK ROAD" 030 MUSIC - "MOODS FOR A STORMY NIGHT" 031 EXERCISE - Georgia Kelly and Emmett Miller - "RAINBOW BUTTERFLY" Side A - "RAINBOW MEDITATION" Side B - "AWAKENING THE RAINBOW BUTTERFLY" 032 MEDITATION MUSIC - "GOLDEN VOYAGE" Volume # 1 033 MEDITATION MUSIC - "GOLDEN VOYAGE" Volume # 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THE ROBERT MONROE TAPES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "These tapes are not for sell. They remain the sole property of the Monroe Institute who retains the copyright. Any resale of these tapes is illegal and the offender will be subject to prosecution by the Monroe Institute." The next series of tapes are from the Monroe Institute Self help course. They are divided into three different categories: One, the Explorer tapes which are the recorded reports of the explorers who are in altered states of consciousness. Two, an introductional lecture by Robert Monroe and a series of tapes which include Meta Music, concentration exercises, resonant tuning exercises, etc., etc... Three, the instructional tapes themselves, which if practiced will allow the student to develop the hemispheric synchronization. This consists of progressing through six different levels of training. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 034 No. 1 - An out-of-body experience. Communication through the Explorer's vocal chords from other entities. ROMC No. 2 - From a REBAL, the Explorer is taken into several past-life regressions. ROMC No. 3 - A physicist Explorer discusses the human relationship with higher consciousness and the opportunities for learning and ways to develop new technology. TCA No. 4 - The multi-dimensional aspects of the self; how thought forms limit us; the importance of recognizing the limitlessness of the soul. Notice of preparation for Earth Changes. ROMC No. 5 - Introduction to Miranon, coming from level 46 of pure energy. The story of Leona and Lemuria. The seven evolutions of Earth and introduction to the "Cosmology of Seven." SHE No. 6 - Miranon further explains the "Cosmology of Seven." --- the levels and planes of existence. The purpose of guides in helping us overcome our limitations. SHE No. 7 - What is reality? How humans can gain awareness of the true reality. The purpose of sleep in balancing human perception. Mental illness as a healing process. ROMC No. 8 - Discussion of consciousness. The importance of breaking thought barriers by putting knowledge into action. The purpose of the Christ and the importance of knowing the Christ consciousness within the self. ROMC No. 9 - Four Explorers discuss Earth Changes throughout the world, the reasons for them and what humans can do to avert or minimize their effects. All foresee coming catastrophe, but many beneficial results in the next 20 + years. TC, SHE, MC, JOC No. 10 - A meeting with several entities who have passed over to the other side. Discussion of their activities and perceptions now of physical existence. A discussion of food and energy. MJA No. 11 - The five levels of human consciousness. The importance of overcoming limiting thoughts and being responsible for one's own self. ROMC No. 12 - TC reports his travels and his communications with other entities. Message on the levels of human consciousness. TC No. 13 - Miranon discusses health and energy, walking, the corres- pondence of the seven energy centers of the body with the seven levels of human existence; growth and death as one. More discussion of vibrational levels and definitions of what we call good and evil. SHE No. 14 - Left and right hemispheres of the brain. The 14 triangles of safety in the U.S. Discussion of higher consciousness. Miranon prepares to move from level 46 to higher planes. SHE No. 15 - Relation of energy and the physical body. Simultaneous existences. Nature of the personality. Discussion of food. JCA No. 16 - The effects of auditory signals on the brain. The importance of balancing and integrating male/female principles within the self. Arrival to Earth of non- physical entities to prepare humans for coming Earth Changes. TC No. 17 - The rescue of Patrick, who has died more than 100 years ago, but refuses to accept his death. ROMC No. 18 - Story of the Creation. The created as the Creator and the unity of all things. No. 19 - A message about Christ Consciousness, love and fear. NVP No. 20 - Attachments, including religious beliefs, as major stumbling blocks to spiritual development. Comments on Earth Changes. MJL No. 21 - A meeting with Father Time. Encounters with other forms of existence, each with a message. JCA No. 22 - Comments from the Council of Love about the dawning of the Aquarian Age. Lessons that Man must learn. NKH No. 23 - Robert Monroe reviews the past ten years of h is work. Life as wave forms. Comments on reincarnation. RAM No. 24 - Robert Monroe describes his laboratory procedures. Excerpts from some Explorer tapes. Final report from Miranon. RAM 035 A - NEW FRONTIERS OF CONSCIOUSNESS - Robert Monroe B - INTRO ENERGY BAR TOOL C - HEMI-SYNC LECTURE D - RESONANT TUNING (Very important to practice often) E - CONCENTRATION AID F - META MUSIC - GREEN G - META MUSIC - BLUE H - MEMI-SYNC - SURF I - LIVE BETTER - LIVE LONGER J - HEMI-SYNC OPEN EXERCISE K - MOMENT OF REVELATION L - GUIDE TO SERENITY M - MENTRONICS SLEEP TAPE N - HP 10 - BASIC O - HIGH PERFORMANCE 10 - SLEEP P - HP 10 - SLEEP Q - RELAX AND RECHARGE IN 30 MIN. R - RETAIN - RECALL - RELEASE S - CABLE CAR RIDE (Wake up tape) T - FOREST TEACHER U - ALERT AND AWAKE V - META MUSIC SUNSET W - META MUSIC DOWNSTREAM X - LIVING BODY MAP - Exercise # 1 and # 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 036 Wave I - Discovery: Understanding Hemi-Sync...establishing Focus 10 (mind awake, body asleep)...mind conversion box...resonant tuning...resonant energy balloon... release of emotions, fears...sleep flow 10. 1 - GATEWAY DISCOVERY Orientation 2 - GATEWAY DISCOVERY Intro Focus 10 3 - GATEWAY DISCOVERY Advanced Focus 10 4 - GATEWAY DISCOVERY Release - Recharge 5 - GATEWAY DISCOVERY Explore - Sleep 6 - GATEWAY DISCOVERY Free Flow 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 037 Wave II - Threshold: Establishing Focus 12 (expanded awareness, non-physical perception) mind body map for physical bar tool, the mental "magic wand"...problem-solving techniques at the mental level...setting future patterns, one month...color as energy catalyst. 1 - THRESHOLD Introduction - Focus 12 2 - THRESHOLD Problem Solving - Focus 12 3 - THRESHOLD One month Patterning - Focus 12 4 - THRESHOLD Color Breathing - Focus 10 & 12 5 - THRESHOLD Energy Bar Tool 6 - THRESHOLD Introduction - Living Body Map (See 035 - X for more exercises) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 038 Wave III - Freedom: Perceiving distant events...inner awareness, answers to five basic questions...non-physical navigation training...controlled floating food... practice in first stage separation. 1 - FREEDOM Lift Off - Focus 10 2 - FREEDOM Remote Viewing - Focus 10 3 - FREEDOM Vectors - Focus 12 4 - FREEDOM Five Questions - Focus 12 5 - FREEDOM Energy Food - Focus 12 6 - FREEDOM First stage Separation - Focus 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 039 Wave IV - Adventure: Advanced future patterns, one year... five personal flow 12, for extended exploration ...non-verbal communication (NVC)...application of NVC in other energy systems...meetings with high tech friends...lessons in protocol. 1 - ADVENTURE One Year Patterning 2 - ADVENTURE Five Messages 3 - ADVENTURE Free Flow 12 4 - ADVENTURE NVC 1 5 - ADVENTURE NVC 2 6 - ADVENTURE Compoint 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 040 Wave V - Exploring: Traveling the inner or outer universe... expanding thoughts beyond previously charted paths...exploring in NVC free flow 10 and vistas of perception... exploring the realms of sleep...opening doors to unexplored places within. 1 - EXPLORING Mission 10 2 - EXPLORING Mission 12 3 - EXPLORING Mission - Day 4 - EXPLORING Mission - Night 5 - EXPLORING Horizons 6 - EXPLORING Pathways ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 041 Wave VI - Prospecting: Digging for treasures within the mind... tools to explore and find "diamonds of thought"...experiencing near and far in Null Point...Plus Polarity potential...Bio-body discoveries...Metamorphosis. 1 - PROSPECTING Metamorphosite 2 - PROSPECTING Bio-body 3 - PROSPECTING Null-Point 4 - PROSPECTING Plus Polarity 5 - PROSPECTING Near Reaches 6 - PROSPECTING Far Reaches ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 042 Medical Tapes: For those who may be preparing for surgery these tapes will prove extremely useful. 1 - P8006 - E.T. - Pre-Op: To be used prior to surgery. 2 - P8007 - E.T. - Intra-Op: To be used during surgery. 3 - P8008 - E.T. - Recovery: Post operation tape. 4 - P8009 - E.T. - Recuperation: To be used in the weeks after surgery. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. 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