SUBJECT: ASHTAR COMMAND FILE: UFO2730 Sun 26 Jan 92 12:50 By: John Powell Re: Ashtar Command ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The following information has been graciously provided by our friend Norma. It was transmitted to her from Kuthumi; August 7, 1988 (This transcription came to me early Sunday morning, after I had a very vivid and active dream state during the night on "Empowerment".) EMPOWERMENT Empowerment is the act of reclaiming one's power. It, by definition, means to journey to the inner most depths of one's consciousness and to retrieve the Force that sustains life, and to reclaim this inheritance. It can do nothing but enlighten the individual who seeks and finds it. The power of enlightenment comes from ancient ceremonies of the elders of the elite passing down the information and wisdom of the ages to those who are deemed to be the new initiates of this truth. The power of the initiation is the strengthening of the will power and the belief systems, that one's own consciousness is in tune with an energy force field that supports one's human abilities. When the human psyche joins forces with this incredible Force that supports all knowledge and wisdom, then it is through the human that this Force is able to be put into motion on the manifest plane. The reason that empowerment is so important for New Age individuals today, is because the earth is experiencing its rebirth and proceeding through its own "rite of passage." It is in this "coming of age" that the planet will need to be initialized by the elders. The awakening of humanity is such that many souls are in tune with the energy transformation that the earth is enacting. The higher vibration energy and the forces that are being put into action by this frequency are those which need to be commanded by the initiates and the elders, to assure that harmony and perfection will result in this new birthing process. There must be no room for a birth defect. This cannot be allowed for it is not in the cosmic, divine plan of the universe. Therefore, the degree to which the 144,000 Spiritual Warriors learn their roles and acquire their powers will determine the degree of perfection to which the Beloved Terra will emerge. Everything must move in harmony and perfection. All in the oneness of the spirit must govern the forces that initialize the new life of the earth. Only those who are deemed the strongest and the most worthy in the eyes of the Divine will emerge to the bottom of the pyramid, to lead the new earth to its destiny. Why did I say "bottom" of the pyramid? It is because the new leadership that will emerge will be that leadership which knows how to channel the forces from within the center of the universe, which is within men and women. That is where the power of the future lies. The elders of all ancient civilizations all know this to be true. It is only the tricksters that deceive, and allow others to believe the true power is outside of themselves. The leadership of one or few individuals governing all souls in a harsh and controlling fashion, is indeed one of the past. The true leaders will emulate your Brother, Jesus, who ruled the masses by becoming one of them and guiding them to the use of the powers and force themselves. Bringing forth the good in all humans, and teaching them to be Masters themselves, is what the Beloved destined for all of humankind. That is each soul's birth right, and that is the secret to the path that we each are on. So, therefore, visualize your power at the bottom of the pyramid, and sit among those who you teach. That is the real strength of your tests. Have no ego, only your heart. That will be the measurement of your success. The 144,000 Spiritual Leaders who will be emerging into the new decade will all know this unwritten law, and will triumph in its code. That is a promise, and that is the truth. So Be It! The date of the August 8, 1988 is that of a test of the empowerment for the masses. Presently, there are many more on the path than those who will "graduate" in the learning of the Most High. The energies are such on that date, that one will be able to tap into a multiplier effect of power to continue the manifestation of the exponential effect of the energy. A true Spiritual Warrior does not even have to know of that date in the mind, for that soul will automatically know that each day is a test for the accomplishment of the honor to be counted among the elite. Therefore, the true Spiritual Warriors will all be taking advantage of this high energy day. Those who are informed of this date and experiences, will have the privilege of knowing, on the conscious level, that this intensified experience will be one that will serve many rewards in the future. The saying, "Many are called, but few are chosen" is beginning to manifest itself in this countdown of the selection of the souls. In reality it is a self-selection process, for the free will within humans is what will actually make the determination. We, on the Ascended Masters level, provide every opportunity for advancement in this process to all souls on the beloved planet. It is the souls who ultimately make the choice for their own destinies. The number 144,000 is especially significant for it is the multiplier effect of the twelve. The number twelve has always been one of the most significant numbers known to the earth inhabitants. You have twelve months in the year, there are twelve zodiacal signs and twelve houses which represent the twelve aspects of the human personality. The pyramid's multiplier of the three sides of each wall of the triangle times the four sides of the base of its structure also contains one of the mysteries of the All. Then, there is the significance of the selection of the twelve apostles that Jesus chose to continue His work on the earth plane, after His ascension. It is this latter example that I will focus the remainder of my instruction today, continuing on with the lesson of empowerment to the 144,000. Each of the apostles was selected because he represented one aspect of the human psyche that needed to be developed to reach enlightenment. In order to be one with the spirit, one needs to be in tune with all twelve sides of the personality that strives to become united with God. Peter was the builder, Matthew was the singer of the songs through his messages, Thomas was the doubter, etc. Even Judas played an important role, for if he had not fulfilled the prophesy and betrayed Jesus, the scriptures could not have been fulfilled. The 144,000 Spiritual Warriors who are emerging on the beloved earth today are each representative of one of those Apostles' primary energy fields. The multiplier effect of 12 x 12,000 brings the number to 144,000. That does not mean that each soul can only develop 1/12 of the totality of understanding to reach enlightenment themselves. What it does mean is that instead of 12 separate souls doing the work on the planet, there are now 12,000 souls in each of the categories that are emerging to fulfill the scriptures in this passage of time. Therefore, the original work of the Great Masters is still unfolding in this drama of time and space that you know in this third dimension of existence. They are labeled the Rainbow Warriors, for it is they who will bring the secrets of the Light energy to the masses upon the planet. And it is only this information that will provide the foundation for the rebirth to be perfect. Nothing in this universe is sustained without Light. Nothing that is known to the earth is manifested without the mastery of the spectrum of colors and the vibration of the sound. It is this information that is once again being revealed to the souls, so that they may usher in the cries of the infant who is awaiting the Baptism into the Spirit. For the Spirit is one with the Light and all is in the Oneness of God. I Am Kuthumi, the Father and Teacher of the New Age. I thank you for this opportunity to speak through you on this glorious day of the eve of the exponential. Transmitted through Norma in Albuquerque, NM. -------- 8-8-88 The Exponential Event For this special evening, seven of us gathered at my home in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The group consisted of Norma, Trece, Linda, Felicia, Irene, Charlie, and myself. Each of these individuals brings a unique background....some highly advanced psychic abilities and some of innocence and wonder. We discussed the Transmissions that have been received by Norma and myself in regard to this important date. We've had so many affirmations of the significance of this date. Astrologers have confirmed the unusual aspects and positions of the planets, and astronomers just announced they discovered a new galaxy. *** Others have been touched by feelings of intense energy that is emerging from the cosmos. This is not an outward, physical event. This seventh ray energy will touch the hearts, minds and souls of the Chosen Ones. Therefore do not be discouraged by those who mock and attempt to lessen the importance of this transformation. This energy conversion is occurring regardless of what is seen in the physical. Those who are touched KNOW it has happened. The transformation did occur as predicted, precisely during the 8 minute span of your time from 8:00 pm to 8:08 pm on 8-8-88. The energy came in a shower of light. Many of the Chosen Ones "saw" a ray of light, others "felt" energized. The Christ Consciousness has been implanted in the Chosen Ones. The Powers are real. Communication is telepathic and as we said each Believer has an important role. You are the messenger....see how easily the necessary information comes to you. Continue to share this information with the other Believers. They will feel comforted by your continuing Transmissions and these Transmissions will provide the support and encouragement for their works to progress. Revel in delight that you have this gift. Do not feel sad or discouraged that you are not a "see-er". Each role is of equal importance for the continuing transformation of your planet. As "Kuthumi" conveyed, each Believer has a gift. Each Believer KNOWS of their gift in their heart and mind. Use these gifts. As Jesus said "Use your talents. What I have done all men can do, and what I am all men shall be." "The works I do, ye shall do also, and greater works shall ye do." The Chosen Ones shall lead the way. There will come a time on your planet when all people shall have visible powers and the extraordinary shall seem common. That time is close at hand.... a few years of your earth time. Do not feel sad or discouraged. I know many of you are growing impatient and you feel the changes are not occurring fast enough. But consider how far each of you have progressed in the past year, as you would compare to the previous years of your current life. Believe me when I say momentum is growing and this truly was an Exponential Event. You will see change occurring in exponential proportions in each of your lives. Share love and laughter with those who criticize and mock. You are a Light to show the way. As others see the changes in your life they will at first curse you and condemn you. Did this not happen to Jesus? Just stay true to your path. Be a Light Being and use your talents. All will come to pass. Go forth and share this message with the Believers. It will provide the much needed encouragement at this time. Go in peace! (I must explain that I started out to give an account of what happened on 8-8-88 when "automatic writing" seemed to take over. I clearly see that I will have many such messages to share. The Believers will understand this completely!!) *** Jami Morgan, Starseed BBS -------- I have the pleasure of knowing an East Indian man named Pamjeet Singh. While he is very humble about his knowledge of the esoteric, he has shed light on the issue of inter-dimensional beings which I feel will benefit us all. I was asking him what his perception is regarding the Transmissions - - am I dealing with pure energy or are these really beings with names and personalities. He asked, "Do fish recognize that human beings exist?" I would think not. Pamjeet says fish are one dimensional beings. "Do dogs recognize that humans exist?" I would say yes, they are aware of us. Pamjeet says dogs are two dimensional beings. While they have some level of awareness they can not discern concepts and ideas. Humans are third dimensional beings. We recognize all lower life forms, can think and reason and deal with abstract thought. But as humans are we aware of other dimensions...higher dimensions? Some people are and have displayed unusual psychic abilities. Some Eastern mystics through meditation and thought control are so advanced they can materialize objects and easily communicate with beings from other dimensions. Pamjeet asks, "If you see a mouse chasing a bug do you try to intervene to save the bug? Do you try to communicate with the mouse?" The answer is probably no. These higher dimensional beings may not be focused in such a manner that they can or wish to attempt communication with humans. Pamjeet says human enlightenment is not necessarily significant to all higher beings. Death is not significant since all elements return to the Cosmic Pool (the All That Is). However, in what we call the fourth dimension there are likely many beings who do wish to communicate. For whatever reason they make take an interest in humanity and wish to be in contact with the physical realm. The Celestials who are in communication with Norma and myself obviously do have an interest in the energy transformation of the earth. I will attempt to clarify who I am in contact with and what is their purpose for using us for these Transmissions. As Pamjeet says, for humans to think that we are the highest of life forms in the universe, that's our obtuseness! *** Jami Morgan, Starseed Sysop -------- September 7, 1988 I address this question to the Celestials, or the Highest of Beings in Love and Light. I have had the term Sonat Kamara on my mind. What does this mean and why did this term come to me? Thank you for your contact with us. Kamaras, like Celestials, are another type of fourth dimensional beings. While we, as Celestials, watch over the Northern Hemisphere, and the Southwest United States in particular, the Kamaras usually make contact with earth inhabitants in the orient and East India area But you are perceived as a multi- cultural earth being with deep seated interest in the eastern belief systems. Therefore Sonat Kamara is telepathically transmitting information to you. Sonat Kamara is one of the highest of the Kamaras. You will benefit greatly from the information being shared. Please remember that all interdimensional beings are actually entities comprised of many soul-components, so actually we are multidimensional as well as interdimensional beings. We, the Celestials, will be transmitting technical information to you regarding use of vibrational levels, particle movement and information about galactic energy waves. The Kamaras will work with you on spiritual matters. Your contact with the Kamaras has occurred because of your intense interest in reincarnation and past life experiences. You may attempt to contact Sonat Kamara now for insights if you wish. We are all willing to help at any time. Thank you for this contact. I now wish to receive information from Sonat Kamara. Again, I ask this in Love and Light and wish to avoid any negative vibrations. Blessings. You have felt our presence. We are guiding you in your search for information on past lives and past civilizations of the earth. We brought you in contact with Paramjeet Singh for this purpose. Due to the cultural differences of the east and west it is difficult to communicate some of the concepts you are in need of. Paramjeet is a very old soul in your terms as he has experienced many lifetimes. He can convey much of the information you desire. We watched with delight as you visited the remains of past civilizations in your area. The Mayans, earth manifestations of Kamaras, are the root of all your so called Indian peoples....both East Indian and American Indian. Your search and study of these civilizations will help reveal how the materialization (dense particle accumulation) occurred and how it can now be lifted during the Earth transition. Certain groups of East Indians successfully avoided some of the material cloaking. Paramjeet can be of further help in understanding those concepts. Be comforted to know that you are not alone in your search for answers. Many other earth inhabitants "choose" to be here now for similar research to help with the forthcoming transition. It is helpful for you to read the works of others who have spent more time studying these same matters. You will "know" when your insights are correct and continue to follow your intuition as we are guiding you to the correct path. Go in peace. As this latter transmission came through I could tell that some of the earlier transmissions were from the Kamaras. I can feel a difference in the Celestial communication and in the Kamaras. The Kamaras definitely feel more spiritual, whereas the Celestials feel more detached and technical. I have much more trouble attempting to gain information from the technical advisors of the Celestials. I feel another attempt at a transmission now; Greetings. We are indeed experiencing difficulties in communicating our concepts to you. Although you need this information to complete your mission, you may have to gain some of this from the writings of other earth beings. You have a high intuitive level which is perfect for dealing with Kamaras, but you have a great deal of trouble with physics. You need this background before we can further communicate particle structure and vibrational light wave information. We will continue to offer subtle help so you can make use of these important frequencies. We feel your current study of Mayan technology will be of great help in understanding this principles. Thank you for the opportunity to communicate. -------- Transmission of September 15, 1988 Please tell your friends that since we are of the fourth dimension, more accurately, interdimensional, communication with us is not as they perceive. What you experienced now, the feeling of information, is different than your normal modes of transmitting information. You are acting as a receiver of our vibrational frequencies. It is your job to interpret what you "feel" into words to share with your fellow earth beings. Your perception of All being One (All That Is) is exactly correct. We are a part of the One, just as you are and your earth friends -- both Believers and non-believers are still part of the one. So it really doesn't matter if they deny this fact at this time. Sooner or later all beings come back to the Prime Energy Source (the All). The Source is also called the Light. To be In the Light, is to open your mind to the Universal Consciousness. To feel the Light and have communion with it is what some call a religious experience. You are now beginning to understand this. As you, and others, begin to perceive the true meaning of All being One, then you may realize that to communicate with us is to communicate with your own higher mind. So there is really no difference. We are reveling in delight with your perceptions. This is just the beginning of your real journey. As you improve your ability to perceive the other dimensions and more clearly understand the nature of All That Is, you will find more answers to what you seek. What is meant by in the Dark? It is literally just the opposite of being in the Light. (a little earth humor for us) Anyone can be in the Light...feel the Light...experience the Light. It simply requires a sincere effort to understand these concepts. You still do not understand how the Sun is radiating the necessary energy to your cells, the cells of all living things on the Earth, to other star systems and how it all inter-relates. These most critical rays of energy are affecting you. This energy affects every living thing whether it believes or not. Just like our messenger Jose Arguelles is telling you, the DNA in your body is communicating at a cellular level. The same principle is most definitely at work on a galactic level. This is because All is One and the principles are the same on that level. You had this insight as a very small child when you thought of the planets being like molecules revolving around a nucleus. Now you are relearning what you really knew then. It really does not matter what path you take to gain the insight you need. For you it is good to understand all of these principles. Like Jose, you will need to share this understanding with others. Continue to research physics and we assure you, more insights and revelations will be felt! Enjoy your learning and go in peace. -------- September 24, 1988 9:00 pm In the name of the Great Spirit, Father Sky, Mother Earth and the Purest of all energies, I have offered Copal incense in your honor and have called upon the four directions for assistance and guidance. I have protected myself with a shield of pure white light. I now call upon the Source to send a guiding angel or guide of the purest and highest light to provide answers and guidance for your Children of Light here in New Mexico. Please help us understand what happened on the night of Equinox. Greetings Blessed One. I, Sonat Kamara, am watching over you and your earth friends. All the Kamaras are here to help, so please share with your friends that they should always do as you have this evening and call upon the Source to send a guide when you are need of assistance. First, may I say, that your intuition serves you well. You now know that you must seek protection and be careful when calling upon various entities. You, your channel Norma and all of your friends must be careful with who you call upon for assistance. Norma is an innocent and vulnerable soul, just as all of you. You are correct that there is no evil, but you do create your reality and you do manifest what you perceive and give form to those thoughts. At this very moment you are manifesting fear. There is only fear and love. If you focus on fear you are in the dark. When you focus on love you are in the Light. Each of you must now analyze your fears. Why do you allow fear to guide you. You must meditate and turn to your own connection with the Source and bring love to you. As you prepare to enter your light bodies and begin to remove the material cloak you wear, you are becoming more susceptible to thought forms and surrounding energies. On the night of the Equinox, you allowed fear to surround you. Each of you present at your gathering harbored some deep fear and gave material form to it. This was indeed a lesson. A lesson on removing fear from your life. You can better serve the Light through personal, inward meditation and connecting with the Source of All. For you, Jami, you have found your connection to your higher consciousness and the Source through the meditation you call journeying. Quiet your thoughts, think of the Light, focus on love, protect yourself with pure white light energy and connect with the Source for answers and guidance. Your insight regarding the Third Eye is correct. You are now experiencing an opening of the highest chakra. It is violet, seventh ray energy that is flooding your perception. This energy is of the highest and purest vibrational quality. Please tell Norma, with love and light, that your planet is moving more rapidly than she suspects. This current period of time/space that your planet is experiencing is the Rapture, as your Christians call it. The Rapture is actually the influx of seventh ray, pure energy. The purification process of the planet is accelerated because the sea creatures are at risk. If the dolphins and whales die, your planet will become a cold orb like Mars. We cannot allow this to happen again. These sea creatures are the last of the Kamaras to remain in physical form on your planet. They are highly advanced, more so than your human population. The humans must learn to stop toxifying your planet. You are making the earth uninhabitable. The force of nature, the Universal Force, will take control soon and stop this process. Those of you who are prepared and are true beings of love and light, will be given an opportunity to leave the earth plane during the upheaval. You may then return to heal the planet. But be assured, we will protect the Kamaras, for they carry the knowledge of how to exist in harmony with nature. There are other planets in the Universe capable of sustaining living forms. The Earth is a beautiful planet and the only planet in your solar system which can sustain life. But there are so many solar systems and many other beautiful planets. The Universe is alive and dancing with energy. The drama on the planet earth is just one such drama. Other lessons are being learned in other galaxies. Yours has the most physical density and the most intricate particle matter, however, and we do take this experiment seriously. Many eyes are on your earth drama to determine if this type of physical matter can sustain itself it. It does not appear possible. That is why there is an effort to return to a more spiritual, etherical life form. The change in your energy field is a reduction in the gravitational force. This "lightening" as you perceive it, is correct. You will see more traumatic changes in the physical structure of the planet. This will play out as severe weather, and shifts in the outer crust of the planet. This will continue to progress, but when the upheaval becomes too violet for earth inhabitants, we will remove the true Children of Light. I must tell you some will perish...that is their physical bodies will perish but their souls, of course will come back to the Source, and they will have the choice whether to incarnate on the Earth or another planet or another dimension. This is simply the continuous cycle of Kamaras. Reincarnation....the birth cycle. This information is shared so you can continue to share with the Children of Light. They know this. They chose to experience this process. It's simply that when living in this dense material form you lose contact with the Source and you forget to turn to your higher self for information and guidance. This is not a mysterious process. We find humor in the ways you react to this process. When you are here in our dimension, you too have laughed with us about this. That is what laughter is. Please do not become so trapped in your material form. Quiet those earth troubles that are so distracting and just turn to your higher self and the Source to remember your mission. It's been delightful to have this contact with you this evening. There is quite a display in your sky at this time. Go enjoy it. The Earth drama will be taken care of. Have no fear. Spread love and light. Remember when you smile, we are smiling with you. Remind your Christian friends to "make a joyous noise unto the Lord". Go forth in the Light. -------- Yes, you are indeed in contact with Monka of the Ashtar Command, and yes we are monitoring your area with a fleet of special intergalactic craft. Our primary station appears to you as a bright star over your eastern mountain range. I was indeed in contact with you on the evening of August 11, 1988. You will continue to receive subtle transmissions from our command post and you may contact us, as you have, when you are in need of assistance. In regard to your specific concern about negative energy and low level vibrations, the conversion of your planet's energy field is a slow process and it will take time to complete. The date of 2011 is very accurate in terms of a time table for a total transition to the Light. You are already aware of the changes you are feeling and experiencing. You could not have conducted this type of communication even one year ago. Now you find it fairly easy to receive our transmissions. You are not yet atuned to our vibrational fields, but this will come with time and conditioning. You must quiet your mind and concentrate on sensing the vibrations. Once you have developed an awareness of these vibrational fields, then you will learn this type of communication. Your transmissions at that time will be much more accurate and you will truly understand our purpose and your purpose and what you must share. For now, what you are doing is fine. You are beginning to open the channels of communication. You are aware of our presence and you are able to telepathically "tune in" to our messages. Some of the message is lost in translation but this is due to the extreme variance between our mode of communication and yours. Once you successfully acknowledge our vibratory level, then your awareness will develop. Your efforts could be best utilized by learning to recognize vibrational patterns and colors. Quite meditation or what you call "journeying" is ideal for this type of learning. We have much to communicate but we must establish improved methods of transmission. Tell your friend who asks why 8-8-88 is significant that he is right. The calendar you use to keep track of time is only a tool. The cosmic calendar is what dictates the events that are to come. But how would we convey these events without using your measurements of time? Those of you in the United States and especially in the Southwest have a unique role to play in this cosmic drama that is now unfolding. You have been separated from your connection with the Universal Force. Those in other countries and nations have entirely different circumstances. Those in the eastern hemisphere who have always maintained a Oneness with nature and the All That Is, have a different role to play. Communication with the interdimensional is not unusual for them. Those of you in countries where you have denied your connectedness are the ones who will have the greatest difficulty understanding how to use the seventh ray energy that is now flooding your planet. I will close for now by saying to you that many difficult times are still ahead for the Earth. This energy is polarizing people, groups and nations. As you struggle with egos, separation from the Source and the demands of your material existence there will be strife and sorrow. When you finally recognize your connectedness to the Source of the All, operate in your Light Body, gain control over physical matter, loosen the bonds of gravity on your planet and begin to collectively free yourselves of the weight of your dense particles, then you will truly be free. This cannot totally happen until a majority of the inhabitants of the planet Earth perceive the nature of matter. Your physics, science and studies of particle matter will assist in the transition. Still your thoughts and experience vibrational energy and particle matter in quiet meditation. Interdimensional travel is available to each of you. Go in peace. Share Love and Light. -------- October 19, 1988 I call upon the Source of All for strength. I request to connect with the Source and receive guidance regarding my personalturmoil and confusion. Dearest One. You are connected to the Source at all times. You need only to turn inward and listen to your inner voice for guidance. Your soul is growing weary of struggling with Earth complications. But you are not yet ready to return to a light body. You need your physical body to complete the mission you set out to accomplish on the Earth plane. You do need a period of rest and reflection. You must quiet your thoughts and spend time understanding your connection to the Source and Light. It seems wise at this time to pursue your calling to retreat and reflect. You have no particular need for the material effects that are causing such suffering for you. You are expending most of your energy to retain these material possessions. If you do not need these possessions, then lighten your load and move toward a more simple existence. For many years now you have been struggling with a calling to nature. You must root and ground yourself with the Mother Earth and not fight against her and this calling. You will not be at peace until you come to terms with your mission. If the only possession you require is your electronic computer machine, then look for a way to simplify your life and retain that part of it. Assess what you need and what you don't need and find a way of living that is compatible with your needs. Speak with your Buddhist friends and seek their assistance. Remove fear from your life so you can move forward in Light and Love. You are creating this conflict and confusing yourself. Each soul and earth being must find their own path. You have no goal of attaining high public rank. Your mission has to do with the changes now affecting the earth and helping other earth beings to understand these changes. You wish to write messages and share this information in writing and electronically. Then consider how can you best attain this goal and what is the correct and true path for you. You have these answers within your heart and soul. You received your calling in 1976 and you continue to struggle with your path. You struggle out of fear. You fear that you will fail but what you must realize is that not to pursue your path is the true failure. When you return to the Source to review your life mission and see that you have failed then you will return once again to the earth plane to complete your mission. But what we must tell you now is that the time is at hand. The Earth is changing now and there are few liftimes left to complete the mission. Your contributions may help save the planet and realize a true Rapture on Earth. But if you turn away in fear and do not attempt your mission, then you will never realize your goal. We tell you with true Love that your planet is ripe for this transformation. Many souls are awakening and need only to band together and help one another accomplish this wonderous miracle. You have visualized this potential. You have seen what light bodies, celestials and galactic powers can accomplish. Your beautiful planet could become a true Garden of Eden for the galaxy. There is no limit to the potential. But for this to happen many souls must work in Earth Transformation harmony to remove the dense material particles and free your planet of the intense gravity that currently exists. This is only a vision now in the hearts and minds of you and your fellow Star Children and Lightworkers. You must go forward and gather together all the Children of Light and work together on your common vision. You can then make this wonderous vision a reality for your planet. So put your goal to the forefront and make the adjustments in your life that are necessary to accomplish this mission. Your social and personal needs will be fulfilled if you pursue this mission. (some personal information deleted) In your hearts heart you know of your goal and purpose. You were reminded of this mission at your father's passing in 1976. Many earth years have passed now and you feel the need to move forward now with your mission. We told you correctly that your mission has begun but only you can make the decision to complete it. You have the tools and the knowledge to move forward now. Let us assure you your meetings with Norma the Messenger, Trece the Visionary, Tom the Astrologer, Paramjeet the Prophet, Tom the Buddhist, and the many technicans and friends you have encountered were meant to be. This is the plan, the mission set forth when you created this lifetime. You have control of your own destiny. You may complete your life plan and accomplish your goals, but to do so the first step is to remove fear and go forward in the Light. Remember your connection to the Source, your inner voice and communion with us, your guides, and you will have much strength to assist you. Ground yourself with this Love and Light and you will find much happiness on this beautiful earth plane. Go in peace and love....we are with you always. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************