SUBJECT: IMPLANT & COMMUNICATION FILE: UFO2723 By: Clemens Vermeulen To: All Re: Implant & Communication ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a REPOST of this message. I have reason to believe that it did not get away at the time of posting...... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- On wednesday night each week at 8:00pm at an address at Douglas Track, Freedom County via Kuranda Q 4872, you have the opportunity to meet Jannie King and her friend & companion P'Taah. On 27/11/91 Jannie told a group of about 40 people from the district that back in 1947, as a little girl while living on a remote and isolated forestry farm in New Zealand, she was taken aboard a craft and had a medical procedure/ implant performed on her. She remembers especially the fact that while she had been away for several hours, nobody at the farm house appeared to be concerned about her absence. Details about the event have been very vague in Jannies memory until she underwent regression theraphy or hypnosis, during which she once again became fully conscious of the events that took place that day. In the 60's Jannie then had her first and only physical(!?) meeting with P'Taah, an energy being who has since that time been channeled by Jannie in group work and in private sittings. Recently, (13/11/91) transmissions were completed for a book which is expected to be available in February 1992. For further information you may care to contact the publisher: Peter O Erbe on telephone +61-70- 930-121. Once we have obtained permission to do so, we may be able to publish some excerpts from these transmissions on this echo area. Regards Clemens ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************