SUBJECT: THE HILL ABDUCTION CASE FILE: UFO2702 PART 1 ****************************************** INTELLIGENCE, MEDIA CONNECTIONS IN UFO CASES UFOsearch / Val Germann / Columbia, Mo. / 1990 #2 The Hill Abduction Case, 1961, source: Interrupted Journey SEPT. 18-19 [Sept. 19-20] Barney and Betty Hill abducted in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. They remember part of the experience but have over 2 hours of "missing time," of which they are totally unaware at first. Barney remembers seeing huge object with "fins with red lights on the ends" and "crew members behind glass" panels at very short range. This object was more than 100 feet across and hovered 50 feet above the ground only 300 feet away for several minutes Barney watched through binoculars. SEPT. 20 Betty Hill calls her sister and tells her part of the story. Sister then calls a local physicist who suggested they check for radiation. Sister also calls local police chief who suggests they call Pease AFB, Portsmouth, N.H. Betty calls the Air Force Base, worried about radiation. The officer who answers was at first "cynical and unresponsive" but finally did ask to talk to Barney. After Barney mentioned the "fins with lights" the officer perked up and said the call was being "monitored". Barney felt that the officer was definitely interested. Barney did not mention the figures he had seen behind the glass through binoculars. SEPT. 21 Major Paul Anderson, Intelligence Officer for the 100th Bomb Group, Pease AFB, calls back, says he has stayed up all night working on a report of this incident. Asked Barney for the size of the object. Barney says it appeared as big as a dinner plate held at arms length. Major Anderson filed a report with Blue Book, #100-1-61. SEPT. 23 Betty [Barney] Hill Goes to the local Library and finds one of Major Donald Keyhoe's books on UFOs. Takes down his address. SEPT. 26 Betty Hill writes to Keyhoe in Washington, D.C., describing the incident as she remembers it. Fuller reports that NICAP (Keyhoe's organization) was getting 40,000 letters a year. SEPT. 30 Ten days after the sighting Betty Hill begins to have a series of vivid and awesome dreams, which Fuller does not tell us about. They continue for five days and then stop. OCT. 4 Keyhoe is asked to lunch by Robert Hohman and someone named C.D. Jackson, "senior engineer" for a "notable electronics company", name withheld. They are supposedly working on a paper about extra-terrestrial contacts that Nikola Tesla, David Todd and Marconi were alleged to have experienced in the early part of the century. Keyhoe tells them about the Hills. OCT. 21 Walter Webb, investigtaor for Keyhoe's NICAP and an astronomer [lec-turer] with the Hayden Planetarium, New York, N.Y., comes to interview the Hills. He is there several hours. Betty does not tell him about her dreams. Barney tells of the "captain" and others he saw through the glass. OCT. 25? Betty begins to have a series of dreams following an experience in the car. She had panicked as she and Barney had come upon a stalled auto in the road with some people standing around it. That night she dreamed of being taken into a UFO and given some sort of examination. OCT. 26 Webb's report goes to NICAP in Washington. He had not been contacted by Keyhoe directly but through the mail by Richard Hall, NICAP's secretary. He had been skeptical. He was very much impressed by the Hills, however. NOV. 3 Hohman and Jackson write the Hills asking for an interview. They tell the Hills that they are serious minded men whose interest is in "verifying the origin of these vehicles according to existing scientific theory maintained by Hermann Oberth." Oberth was of V-2 rocket fame. They did not reveal their place of employment but permission was granted. NOV. 25 Hohman and Jackson come to the house to interview the Hills. "Also visiting that day" is Major James McDonald, a long-time friend of the Hills and an Air Force intelligence officer. It appears he asks no questions about who Homan and Jackson are. The Hills had "discussed the case many times with Maj. McDonald." The three of them spend 12 hours talking to the Hills about their experience, including the "men" behind the glass. Major McDonald suggests hypnosis but does not know any therapists. The matter rests here for some time. Both Hills begin to be concerned about the incident and the chance they may have been hallucinating. MAR., 1962 Betty Hill writes to a doctor recommended by a colleague. The Hills see him and tell their stories. The doctor recommends they wait and see if the problem subsides on its own. No therapy is attempted. SUMMER, 1962 Barney begins to see a psychiatrist about his anxiety but only briefly mentions the UFO incident. SEPT., 1962 The Hills are invited to a "UFO Study Group" to informally talk about their experience. That meeting is taped, by whom Fuller does not say, unknown to the Hills. Betty talked of her dreams, the dream of the physical examination. SEPT., 1963 The Hills tell their church discussion group about the UFO inci-dent. That same day Captain Ben Swett, from Pease AFB, was to talk about hyp-nosis, which he had made a personal hobby of his. The Hills are encouraged by Major McDonald to talk to their church friends about their experience and en-couraged by Capt. Swett to undergo hypnosis. Barney is experiencing extreme psychological disturbances as a result of the UFO sighting and abduction. He would die in the late 1960's at the age of 46. Television movie THE UFO INCIDENT with James Earl Jones and Estelle Parsons. Dr. Simon had been technical advisor on a WWII movie made by John Huston called LET THERE BE LIGHT. JUNE, 1964 Sessions with Dr. Simon end. FALL [Oct.], 1965 Sensational articles run in Boston newspaper about the Hills experience. Information taken from tape made at the Sept., 1962 "UFO Study Group" meeting, provenance unknown. NOV., 1965 Unitarian Church in Dover, N.H., invites the Hills to talk. Hills meet with Admiral Knowles, NICAP, before they speak. Also on program is a Public Information Officer from Pease, AFB, who is a member of the Church [not a church member] and has helped set up the event. He does not attack the Hills. At this time a huge UFO flap was underway in the area and hundreds of people were turned away from the church on a cold and raw evening. The usual attendance for the weekly Unitarian sessions: 40 people. AS YOU CAN SEE from the simple chronology above (assembled from John Fuller's book with difficulty) there is more going on in the Hill case than meets the eye. WHO WERE "HOMANN and C.D. Jackson?" Who were they really working for? Why was a "major electronics firm" paying them to investigate 60-year-old fairy tales about Nikola Tesla? What "scientific theories" held by Hermann Oberth could be of interest to an "electronics firm." What we actually have here is a "cover" for intelligence activity. IN ALIENS FROM SPACE, 1973, Keyhoe says that these two "engineers" were "aiding NICAP." That is not the impression that is given in Fuller's book. In INTERRUPTED JOURNEY the strong impression is that these two gentlemen simply had an independent interest due to a strange research assignment from their company. This could be accepted in 1966. In 1990 we know better. YOU SEE, by the fall of 1963 a gentleman named C.D. Jackson was working for Time/Life Corporation in an executive position. In fact, he was helping to arrange a $25,000 payment to the widow of Lee Harvey Oswald. IN CASE YOU HAVE forgotten, Time/Life bought the Zapruder Film for $150,000 and then made sure it was not shown as a film for many years. Then, when it was shown, it had been obviously altered. David Lifton in BEST EVIDENCE says that the film was at the CIA's photo interpretation lab the day Time/Life bought it. DOES THE FACT THAT Donald Keyhoe had lunch with C.D. Jackson just after getting Betty Hill's letter "resonate" with you? It does with this author. Donald Keyhoe was, in UFOsearch's opinion, running a two-track operation. In the public and with his organization he was not interested in "contactee" stories. But on deep background he was involved with another investigation, one connected with the intelligence community. Were they running him? CONSIDER THIS. In ALIENS FROM SPACE Keyhoe says that "A well-known journalist, John Fuller, had learned of the case in a confidential talk at NICAP. It was arranged that he should prepare the record using Dr. Simon's taped questions and the Hill's answers." Then Keyhoe says: INTERRUPTED JOURNEY received a surprising amount of serious attention compared to the usual treatment of "contactee stories." How interesting. YES--AND THE "abduction story" has become a staple of the UFO investigator. Indeed, the sanitized Hill story became the ONLY abduction movie ever made --- before COMMUNION, 1989. And the Hill saga appeared only on the small screen, it never ran in theaters. The same could almost be said for COMMUNION which was not widely distributed and died a very quick death. It will be in video stores by mid-1990 which, I think, is the idea. OTHER QUESTIONS: How did it happen that one of the Hill's best friends was an Air Force Intelligence Officer who just happened to be visiting the day that Hohman and Jackson showed up? Isn't it interesting that they were the ones who first made the Hills aware of their "missing time?" Isn't it interesting that they were the ones who suggested hypnosis? ISN'T IT INTERESTING that the man finally called in to do the regressions on the Hills was the Executive officer of the Army's main psychiatric hospital during World War II, who did his undergraduate work at Johns Hopkins University whose wartime president was a member of MAJESTIC-12 and who was the technical advisor on the major WWII propaganda film made by the famous director John Huston? The Hills went through two other therapists before going to Simon. Did they have the money to pay this gentlemen, who must have been very, very expensive? This is something Fuller does not talk about. Did NICAP pay their way? UNPLEASANT POSSIBILITY The Hills were "set up" by the people dealing with the so-called "Greys" out in New Mexico. The Hill case was either a deep-cover check on what the "Greys" were doing under the "agreement" or it was an even deeper-cover attempt at "disinformation" to get "abductions" in play--safely. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. 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