SUBJECT: BENJAMIN CREME - CONTACTEE, ENGLAND FILE: UFO2688 BENJAMIN CREME - Contactee, England Born in Scotland, but living in London since 1946, Benjamin Creme has experienced one of the most ususual and electrifying lives of modern times. His claims of contact with extraterrestrials and spiritual beings go back as far as 1959. Creme says he is the channel through which important spiritual messages are relayed to earth. Over the years, much of his effort has been directed at broadcasting these lessons to the world by many means. Benjamin has written several books, which he claims are messages delivered through him. Included among them are, "The Reappearance of the Christ and The Masters of Wisdom, Maitreya's Mission" and "Transmission - A meditation for the New Age". He has also written articles and essays for magazines and newspapers. Creme claims many sightings and contacts over a period of years and continuing into the present time. He believes the alien visitors to earth are on a spiritual mission. "They mean us no harm" he says. "They are not here to destroy us". For Benjamin Creme, the spiritual importance of UFOs and ET contacts is to be valued beyond other considerations. For his part, he has established contact and communication with spiritual Masters working here on earth. Benjamin's messages go beyond those proffered by most other contactees. Predominantly spiritual in content, his writings and lectures involve such subjects as the Life of Jesus and his travels to South America and the Pacific, the works of 63 Masters here on earth, his contact with Masters and the value of realising that Christ is a principle and we are all Sons of God. Creme has also done some research into UFOs and ET contacts. He met with George Adamski in 1959 and has no doubts about the man's veracity. He believes that Edward "Billy" Meier is a legitimate contact case. In addition, Ben believes many present world leaders have had contact with extraterrestrials, including Gorbachev. Creme speaks with great conviction when he describes his contacts and how Maitreya speaks through him. "No matter what you call him," he says, "there is only one God." Benjamin Creme says there will be a Day of Declaration when Lord Maitreya and the Masters will announce their being and their missions. "When that happens," he says, "All the networks and news media will combine for that purpose." "Someday," he says, "we on earth will be where the space people are today." ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************