SUBJECT: ABDUCTION REPORT I FILE: UFO2651 PART 1 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ THE ENTITIES Initial Findings of the Abduction Transcription Project A MUFON Special Report by Dan Wright In the Spring of 1992, MUFON launched an ambitious project to compile transcripts of audiotaped hypnosis sessions and conscious-recall interviews with claimed abduction experiencers (hereinafter the "subjects"). A year later, the Fund for UFO Research joined the effort. By agreeing to divide the costs with MUFON for a sophisticated computer system, FUFOR underscored the need for comparative analysis of all reported factors in the verbatim transcripts. With an ever growing number of cases on record and a powerful computer now in place to conduct multi-factor analyses, future updates will begin to address the question "Who does what?" This initial report is limited in scope, presenting data for each descriptive element without factoring by entity type or other variable. The findings are based on 317 transcripts derived from thirteen abduction researchers.(1) Most of the subjects were hypnotized and/or interviewed on multiple (or even numerous) occasions. Consequently, the 317 documents, each from a single session, comprise 95 separate cases: 27 males, 58 females, and 1O cases with both male and female subjects. It is not the author's intent to imply statistical significance for any of the results that follow. PREFACE Abduction cases involve widely varying descriptions of entities, surroundings, medical and other procedures, communications with the beings, and post-event effects. However, similarities among many accounts are striking. This, the first of two parts, addresses typical abduction sites; precognition of an episode and familiarity with a being; vehicle types; how subjects are transported and the resulting effects; features of the examining room; odors detected; recognition of other abductees and the appearance of the entities, including their garments and locomotion. In this report, a "case" includes all abduction-related events in a subject's life. Families or roommates ar also considered a single case except wherein an individual had separate CE-4 episodes apart from the shared living arrangement. The data below frequently express the number of "subjects" to which an abduction factor applies. In such tallies, every subject represents a discreet case. For some factors, the total of all input exceeds 100% of the cases reported, since many individual subjects have encountered more than one type of entity or circumstance. The terms "entity," "being" and "alien" are used interchangeably, as are "vehicle," "ship" and "craft." ABDUCTION SITE In a great majority of the 95 cases, the subjects indicated that their own residence (generally the bedroom) was the abduction point. However, 15 subjects have also (or instead) reported some other location. Ten of those were taken from their automobiles and six from a cabin or campsite. UNSEEN PRESENCE Whether purposeful or inadvertent, over a fourth (28%) of the subjects in the study have sensed an alien presence other than visually. This often occurred in the hours, minutes or seconds before visual confirmation. In other cases, an unseen presence was felt in the midst of a cluster of episodes but with no known CE-4 on that night. The recognition was sometimes obvious -- an electrical tingling, a buzzing or beeping in the person's mind, rappings and other "poltergeist" activity. In a few cases, the subject "just knew" that the intruders were present. FAMILIARITY From prior events, presumably, many subjects recognized their abductors -- or one in particular -- a factor which David Jacobs has called the "familiar being."(2) While common, the initial results of this study suggest it is far from a universal aspect. In the 95 cases thus far recorded, the subject told of recognizing one or more entities in 34. Relatedly, ten subjects telepathically heard their own names spoken by a being. In 18 other cases, the entity told the subject (s)he was "chosen " "special" or "protected"' in some unspecified manner. Taken together, these three factors (familiar beings, hearing one's name, and selection or protection) account for 44 cases. VEHICLE SIGHTED A telling point concerning the study findings to date: Only a small majority (55%) of the subjects had _ever_ sighted an anomalous object (i.e., excluding simple nocturnal lights) -- whether during an abduction scenario or any other time. Table 1 shows the basic vehicle shapes reported among the 31 cases in which an object of any _specific_ shape was discerned. SUBJECT TRANSIT No doubt surprising to some readers, a clear majority of the study's subjects had no recollection of ever going to or returning from a ship. This poses obvious questions for ensuing research. Of those who did recall the transit, four mentioned a small, peculiar capsule in which they were placed. Levitation, though, was by far the more frequent mode, cited in 33 cases. In 17 cases, usually beginning outdoors, the subject was raised bodily into the air by a beam of light. In 20 cases, the person was lifted out of bed and through a closed window (or screen), door, wall or ceiling -- generally without sensing a surrounding light. DIZZINESS/NAUSEA Twenty subjects reported feeling either dizzy or nauseous at some point in an episode. This was most often associated with transit via levitation. EXAMINING ROOM Very often, the first area viewed onboard the ship was a hallway or tunnel. This feature, which played a part in 35 cases, was sometimes quite lengthy and usually curved. Soon, however, most subjects entered an examining room that was fairly stark in appearance, likened to the office of a doctor or dentist. The room's shape has been described in 29 cases. In 25 of those, it was said to be either round(ed) or domed. This, together with curving hallways, coincides with the preponderance of discoid vehicles in the study. Notably, nine subjects remarked on an especially large room with either numerous examining tables or amphitheater-type seating. Coloration of the room was mentioned in 31 cases. White was dominant in 18, while grey (or metallic) was the theme in eleven. Curiously, in three a room with black walls was mentioned. Thirty-two subjects remarked on the relative luminosity onboard. A very bright room was found in 25 cases, but in 13 there was a dim or dark room. Obviously, then, a few subjects encountered both. Room furnishings included variations on many built-ins and items of furniture in our daily lives. The centerpiece was nearly always a table (or tables), specifically mentioned in 52 cases and implied in most of the remainder. Typically it was hard, flat, rather narrow, and supported by a single pedestal. In a few instances, the table was raised, lowered or folded like a living-room recliner. Other furnishings frequently seen were kitchen-type counters and/or cabinets, as well as computer panels and screens. Table 2 details these and other items. ODORS In 18 cases, the subject detected some specific aroma other than a basically clean smell. Nothing in particular dominates the data, but a couple bear mention. Four subjects apparently smelled the burning of their own hair or tissue, while six remarked on a foul odor emanating from the beings themselves. OTHER SUBJECTS Abduction events are thought by many to be solitary experiences for the human subject. Yet in 30 cases (nearly a third of the total) one or more persons were seen in the vehicle and assumed -- from their state of dress or demeanor -- to be fellow abductees. Usually there was no communication whatsoever among the subjects. Ambiguous but fascinating, a few thought they recognized a certain person from previous episodes. ENTITY SKIN TONE & QUALITY "Greys" have gained status as the garden-variety alien in abduction lore. And while 38 subjects in the study have encountered grey (or grey-white) skinned entities, another 19 describe the abductors as absolutely "white" (not to be confused with Caucasian). In one case, the subject was emphatic by stating "Clorox white." Neither greyish nor whitish aliens dominate the study's files, though. Dark-skinned entities were seen in 18 cases; blue or grey-blue in eight; and green or grey-green in seven. Beings with an aura (or "glow") obscuring the actual exterior were present in 13 cases. And five subjects reported a "shadow-like" entity that might not even be tangible. Table 3 is a breakdown of entity skin tones. Certain qualities associated with an entity's skin have been reported in significant numbers. In six cases, the epidermis was said to be "translucent" or "thin" and the underlying dermis (sometimes described as a grey gel) thereby visible. This might account for some confusion here and there as to whether a given entity was "white" or "grey" toned. In 17 cases, the subject reported a "smooth," "plastic," "vinyl" or "shiny" skin. This was usually attributed to the diminutive "worker bee" types rather than to the taller one(s) in charge. Fifteen subjects mentioned seeing one or more entities who were prominently wrinkled. These were sometimes referred to as "old ones" and thought to be important figures. Thirteen persons mentioned that a being's touch (often as part of examining procedures) was cool or cold thereby prompting questions of whether such types are warm-blooded by our standards. ENTITY HEIGHT & BUILD Subjects in 66 cases remarked on the relative height of their captors. Few people are in fact good judges of same, and in many instances the estimate was from a prone position in bed or on a table of unknown elevation onboard. Nevertheless, in 57 of the 66 cases at least one entity type was depicted as "short," typically between 3 and 4 1/2 feet. Also, in 47 cases there was mention of a "taller" entity -- either taller than another type in the experience or of roughly adult human proportions. And in ten cases there was a "tall one" -- at least 6 feet and more often over 7 feet. Forty-four subjects remarked on the entities' stature. In 39 cases, there was a "skinny" or "frail" being. Two subjects indicated someone of normal human build. And ten spoke of a being who was "stocky," "muscular," "wide" or "stout". FACIAL FEATURES Oversized eyes, typically almond-shaped and uniformly black, have certainly been the norm in the literature. But that description is not exclusive. In 11 cases within this study, a distinct pupil, iris and/or sclera (whiteness surrounding the iris) was noticed. In three of those, the being was said to have "cat's eyes" (i.e, vertical-slit pupils). Basic eye color, among the 44 cases reporting, was described as: * black (or.dark) - 35 * green - 4 * blue - 3 * brown - 3 * gold 2 As to the nose, an indistinct rise above two small nostrils was indicated in 30 of the 33 cases reporting on same. One subject said it was pointed. Another five thought that a particular entity type was without a nose of any sort. Twenty of the 25 subjects who reported a being's mouth indicated either a line (or "slit") with no lips or said simply that the orifice was small. However, in three cases it was described as a "hole" (or the letter "O"), while two subjects believed there was no mouth at all. There was mention of the entities' ears, or absence thereof, in 25 cases. Eighteen said there was nothing visible. Three noticed a cavity in the side of the being's head, and six others described some manner of ear lobe or protrusion. ENTITY GARMENTS Surprisingly, in 24 cases (55 percent of the 44 reporting on the presence of garments) the subject alluded to a "robe," "cloak" or "cape" on at least one entity. These were nearly always worn by beings seen only onboard a vehicle and perceived as leaders. Ever popular, however, has been the (loose-fitting) "jumpsuit" or (form-fitting) "wetsuit," one or the other seen in 23 cases. Disconcerting by our mores, in 14 cases certain entities (always in lesser roles) were said to be naked. This might be a misperception in some instances, in that certain light-colored, tight-fitting suits are apparently almost the same color as the entity's skin. Basic black (or dark without a color specified) was the garb indicated in 21 cases. Conversely, 18 spoke of a white outfit. Silver (or "shiny") was identified in six, while bluish silver (or bluish grey) and brown were each mentioned in another four. Insignias and accessories were not uncommon, but neither was any one type predominant. Nine subjects noticed some type of emblem on a jump-suit-type garment, usually identified only by its basic shape. A belt was seen in four cases and a sash in two. Also, two entities displayed a metallic pin at the neck of their robes, while one was adorned with a necklace. ENTITY MOTION Certain entity types seem to always walk -- in the subject's home, outdoors, and onboard the ship -- whereas others are seen only in a "gliding" mode or other form of levitation. Many cases involve both walking and levitating -- by the same or separate beings. In 31 cases a being walked. In 21 of those no other form of locomotion was ever apparent, but in the other ten the same or some other entity levitated at some point. In all, gliding or other levitation by an entity was present in a total of 25 cases. Three subjects described a being's shuffling motion, not specifying whether this was on or above the floor/ground. And two indicated a "jerky" motion. SUMMARY Any one transcript -- stemming from hypnosis or a conscious- recall interview -- is necessarily suspect: - Fantasies and frauds have haunted legitimate UFO research for more than 40 years. - A majority of the cases in this study did not involve carte blanche subjects. That is, they had read at least one or two best-selling books related to abductions. - Some persons are more readily and deeply hypnotized than others, and some hypnotists might be more adept at eliciting factual memories than others. That said, and within the confines of 95 cases, the author has been impressed by replications of certain details not previously published or even widely discussed. When, for example, an entity is said to have an unpleasant odor -- described by one subject as "musty," by another as "like wet newspapers," and by a third as "like wet cardboard" -- one must sit up and take notice. The second part of this report will center on the "leader of the pack" as well as various types of entity communications and human-like behaviors; restraining and altering the subject's consciousness; samples taken from and pain felt by the subject, sexual elements; and physical aftereffects. ENDNOTES 1. The 13 contributors of audiotapes and prepared transcripts include: Jean Byrne, R.N.; John Carpenter, LCSW: Ann Druffel; Richard Haines, Ph.D.; Richard Hall; David Jacobs, Ph.D.; Raymond Maurer, R.H., John Miller, M.D.; Robert Morgan, R.H., Joseph Nyman; Yvonne Smith, C.H.; Robert Swiatek, and Grey Woodman, M.D. 2. David Jacobs, _Secret Life_; Simon & Schuster 1992. ---------- Dan Wright is Manager of the MUFON Abduction Transcription Project. A MUFON member for 17 years, from 1987 to 1992 he served as Deputy Director in charge of investigations. ---------- TABLES Table 1: Vehicle Shape (from 31 of 95 cases) -------------------------------------------- Discoid, 47% |###################### 22 |###################### | Spherical, 17% |######## 8 |######## | Cylindrical, 13% |###### 6 |###### | Rectangular, 6% |### 3 |### | Triangular, 6% |### 3 |### | Oblong, 6% |### 3 |### | Asymetrical, 2% |# 1 |# | Conical, 2% |# 1 |# Table 2: Room Furnishings ------------------------- Table(s), 39% |#################################################### 52 |#################################################### | Screen(s); |################# 17 computer/TV-like, 13%|################# | Computer(s), 12% |################ 16 |################ | Chair(s), 8% |########### 11 |########### | Counter |########## 10 (shelf, ledge), 7% |########## | Cabinet, 7% |########## 10 |########## | Bench(s), 4% |###### 6 |###### | Divider(s), 2% |### 3 |### | Cart, 2% |### 3 |### | Sofa, 1% |## 2 |## | Gurney, 1% |## 2 |## | Bed, 1%, |## 2 |## Table 3: Entity Skintone (from 64 of 95 cases) ---------------------------------------------- Grey |###################################### 38 (to grey-white), 28% |###################################### | White |################### 19 (to cream), 14% |################### | Dark, 13% |################## 18 |################## | Other |############# 13 (aura/glow), 10% |############# | Pale |########## 10 (re flesh tone), 7% |########## | Blue |######## 8 (to grey blue), 6% |######## | Green |####### 7 (grey-green), 5% |####### | Tan, 4% |###### 6 |###### | Other |##### 5 (shadow-like), 4% |##### | Mottled, 4% |##### 5 |##### | Brown |### 3 (to grey brown), 2% |### | Other (stripes), 1% |# 1 |# | Yellow, 1% |# 1 |# | Flesh Color |# 1 (w/ grey), 1% |# Table 4: Entity Garment Type (from 44 of 95 cases) -------------------------------------------------- Robe/Cloak/Cape, 37% |######################## 24 |######################## | Jumpsuit |############### 15 Coverall, 23% |############### | None |############## 14 (seems naked), 22% |############## | Wetsuit, 18% |############ 12 |############ Table 5: Entity Motion (from 47 of 95 cases) -------------------------------------------- Walking, 51% |############################### 31 |############################### | Levitation |######################### 25 gliding, 41% |######################### | Shuffling, 5% |### 3 |### | Jerky, 3% |## 2 |## ---------- ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. 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