SUBJECT: THE UFO ENIGMA FILE: UFO2630 PART 2 S (word processor parameters LM=8, RM=75, TM=2, BM=2) Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501 Sponsored by Vangard Sciences PO BOX 1031 Mesquite, TX 75150 There are ABSOLUTELY NO RESTRICTIONS on duplicating, publishing or distributing the files on KeelyNet! April 21, 1991 UFO7.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- Conf : UFO [*Fido*] Msg# : 9434 Lines: Extended Read: 1 Sent : Mar 26, 1991 at 12:09 PM Recv : Mar 29, 1991 To : All From : Jim Stewart Subj : UFO engines Starship Engines By: Anthra Andromda Starship engines come in two flavors; for strictly interstellar propulsion, and for combined interstellar/planetary travel and atmospheric use. This paper will treat the latter of these. The engine described here is suitable for either interstellar or atmospheric travel. This engine is of a dual-mode design; it will optionally produce either gravitons or tachyons. ENGINE DESIGN The engine or propulsion unit proper consists of six discrete elements (see fig. 1). 1) the shield coil - required to protect the crew/inhabitants of the ship from any harmful radiation. The shield itself is a high-power electromagnet operating in a steady state (DC). 2) the exciter coil is in reality an auto-transformer, operating much like a 'Tesla coil', but at much higher power levels, voltages, and frequency. Its purpose is to excite the atomic structure of the core material into production of either tachyons or gravitons (these two events occur at different power levels and frequencies). 3) This element is the 'pump', its operation is much like a magnetic shock-tube. It will start and maintain movement of particles from the core in the direction of the exhaust. Page 1 4) The focusing element. Here the responsibility is to shape the particle stream into something useful. This is the element that can either make the basic unit an engine or a weapon. 5) The core, is a stack of particle producers separated by some insulating material. In a dual mode engine the material for one kind of particle acts as an insulator for the other. 6) Not shown in the figure is the control system, this is normally a collection of high speed computers and high energy power control circuits. +--------------------------------------------+ | a | | +-----------+-----+-----------------+-----+ | | b | c | | d | | +-----------+-----+-----------------+-----+ | | e | | +-----------+-----+-----------------+-----+ | | | | | | | +-----------+-----+-----------------+-----+ | | +--------------------------------------------+ fig. 1 a. Shield coil. b. Exciter coil. c. Pump d. Focus coil/yoke e. Quartz/niobium core. +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | Q | N | Q | N | Q | N | Q | N | Q | N | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ fig. 2 ENGINE SHIELDING The shield coil surrounding the 'engine unit' is of a design that will allow for the development of high magnetic fields. This field is required especially in interstellar propulsion; tachyons can be very ionizing and therefore destructive. The magnetic shield can me made by using large gauge wire (low gauge numbers) and winding many turns. The gage of the wire is important here, as it will determine the amount of electrical current that the magnet can handle. If it is at all possible, the use of small diameter, insulated copper tubing may be used. By pumping coolant through the magnet larger fields may be generated. Page 2 On the outside of the shield magnet a material such as 'mu-metal' or some other magnetic shielding should be used, so as to further shield the operators from the engine. This sub-system is probably the most difficult to build. While the construction of the magnet itself is not difficult, the power supply may be another matter. Electromagnets, by their nature, develop a field that is proportional to the amount of current (amperes) flowing through them. Thus it is important to build a power source that can not only develop a sufficiently high voltage, but it must also supply the required current. This power should be as close to 'pure' DC (direct current) as possible. EXCITER COIL The exciter of the system is very much like the 'Tesla coil' or auto-transformer. As an example of an auto-transformer, I submit the television 'flyback' transformer. While these examples are by comparison crude, they will serve in the construction of a model. As in the auto-transformer, the 'turns ratio' is important. The higher the ratio the greater the voltage that may be developed. Another important factor here is the impedance of the sub-system. Since this will be working at high frequencies (several megahertz for graviton production, and 10 to 100 times higher for tachyons) the AC resistance or impedance must be taken into account, this impedance must be kept to a minimum. This part of the system, like the shield, does its job by the magnetic field it generates, therefore, the current flow through the exciter must be as high as possible, though not as high as the shield. Again the power supply is important, it should be able to provide the necessary voltage (several hundred volts) at moderately high current levels (up to 30 amps). THE PUMP This element functions much like a 'magnetic shock tube' but again at high frequencies (megahertz). While the power levels here are somewhat reduced, it is still important to have enough power to do the job. The function of the pump is to 'pull' quanta of either gravitons or tachyons from the 'stack' and send them down the length of the engine. This is done by setting up a traveling magnetic wave, see fig. 3 for a crude schematic of this pump. It is again important to consider the impedance of this component. Page 3 multiple turns on coil +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+------> | | | | | | | | | = = = = = = = = = pulsed capacitors-> = = = = = = = = = DC input. | | | | | | | | | ---------------------------------------> It will be noticed that the input to this element is pulsed DC, and that the element is referred to as an AC element. The nature of this such that it functions in the following manner. When power is applied the capacitors charge in turn creating the effect of many smaller electromagnets stacked end to end, when the last capacitor in the chain is charged, power is removed, thus allowing the capacitors to discharge (high voltage/current diodes across each magnet element will allow for proper discharge of the capacitors). When the capacitors are discharged power is once again applied. Because of the nature of the pulsed DC and the current requirements, high speed switching electronics are called for to control this element. FOCUSING ELEMENT The focusing element used here would be much like the 'yoke' used in television. The purpose here is to create a beam of particles and to 'bend' that beam in the desired direction. The requirements for the focusing coils are greatly relaxed, but, the need for high power still exists. CONTROL SYSTEM If this system were to be used only as a 'steady state demo' the requirements here would be small. Simple power supplies and switching circuits would be the only requirement. However, if the system were to be used in a starship the requirements would change. In a flight situation the dynamic control of 'exhaust' and power levels would exist. If used in a planetary mode, one could probably 'get away' with using something like a personal computer (I personally would recommend at least a '386' based machine). However if used in interstellar flight then the use of something like a 'Cray' would be more in order (though I would doubt that even the fastest of machines known here on earth would suit). In an interplanetary mode, where one is not traveling 'faster than light', again a PC (486) would probably work. So that's basically it. A suitable air/space frame for a ship and Page 4 three of these engines and one could go 'star-hopping'. Though I would warn against 'faster than light' travel due to the 'unknown' factors involved. It has been said that when one attempts to travel faster than light it must be done 'smartly', i.e. the "jump to light speed". It is said that to merely accelerate through the light 'limit' is dangerous. If there are any questions or comments, I can be reached through Jim Stewart at the BBS known as ORDO ARGENTUM ASTRUM (fidonode 1:346/13) or on the UFO echo. -------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Some of the sources of information cannot be divulged, sorry. But, it has nothing to do with any earth government. And some of the original sources I simply cannot remember at the time of this writing. If anyone is interested in an EGA animation of the operation of this system, please leave a note on the echo, or netmail me. ---I am Nuit, and my word is six and fifty. --- * Origin: Ordo Argentum Astrum <(509)935-4763 after 8:00pm> (1:346/13.0) ***** A Grasp Animation file is also listed on KeelyNet under ***** ***** TACYON.ZIP which illustrates operaton of this device ***** ***** The file is listed in the Pictures section F). ***** -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the Vangard Sciences address as listed on the first page. Thank you for your consideration, interest and support. Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet -------------------------------------------------------------------- If we can be of service, you may contact Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 5 ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************