SUBJECT: UFO TECHOLOGY FILE: UFO2618 UFO Techology From: Phillipp Diehl Although I have stated previously that I am unable or unwilling to discuss material of "sensitive" nature, I am willing to discuss material that is of "public knowledge" that may (or may not) be being studied and developed by one of many groups within the US government, and/or may (or not) be technology associated with UFOs and/or secret government projects. I am unable to give any details that might compromise the security of the government (or myself), as in, how I became knowledgable of this information, how it might pertain to governmental projects, how it might relate to UFO technology being studied, or the advancements and research that might still be classified by the government. All the information that I shall present is of "public knowledge", and I have included some sources that may be helpful for those who might be interested in further research. I will attempt to briefly touch on these subjects and attempt to lead you in a direction that with additional research and a logical approach, you might be able to come to your own conclusions. ELECTROAERODYNAMICS: Electric charges are applied to high-speed vehicles for the purpose of reducing air drag or eliminating sonic booms. High-speed ions are projected forward from the leading edges of the craft, the corona glow propagates forward and repels air molecules away from the oncoming surfaces, thus a shock wave cannot be mechanically produced. Sources: Dudley, Horace C., Analog Science Fact & Fiction. "The Electric Field Rocket", November 1960. Product Engineering. "Sonic Boom Experiments", Vol. 39, New York, pp. 35-6, March 11, 1968. US Patent No. 3,095,167, Dudley. COUNTERGRAVITATION: The sustaining of an object in space by means of a counter-gravitational effect produced through the action of an electric field upon the object. Associated with the effects of levitation in this manner, is a simultaneous appearance of a strange luminous halo that appears at about 500,000 volts. Sources: American Philosophical Society, Proceedings. Philadelphia, PA, years 1914-1929. Articles on Charles F. Brush's experiments. Electrical Experimenter. "Can Electricity Destroy Gravitation?", New York, March 1918. Electrical Experimenter. "Piggott's Electro-gravitation Experiment", Vol. 8, 1920. Hooper, William J., New Horizons in Electric, Magnetic, and Gravitational Field Theory, Principia College, Elsah, IL, 1974. The Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell. Vol. II, W.D. Niven (ed.), Constable & Co., London, 1965. "Le Sage Theory of Gravitation". Transactions of the Academy of Science. "Nipher's Gravitation Experiments", Vol. 23, pp. 163-192+, St. Louis, 1916. US patent No. 1,006,786, Piggott. 3,518,462, Brown. 3,610,971, Hooper. Although I didn't give much information on these subjects, I hope it will be helpful in your investications and research into the UFO phenomenon. I will _attempt_ to answer any questions here, but don't know how much or little I should say. I'll also try to collect additional information on various subjects that might (or not) be related to, or on the border of being "sensitive" material, but can be documented as being "public knowledge". Thanks for your time, Phillipp Gulf Breeze Update 1/1 Tue 20 Jul 93 9:53 By: Vince Johnson To: All Re: Gulf Breeze Update The following file is courtesy of HUFON REPORT, the newsletter of the Houston UFO Network. For more information call (713) 850-1352. Gulf Breeze Update "Bubba" Back in Dramatic Daylight Sightings by Andy Abercrombie With what may prove to be the BIG Story of 1993, the town of Gulf Breeze, Florida, again steps into the UFO spotlight with a blockbuster of a story... videotaped and still footage of a structured daylight disk! No, this is not another Mexico City misidentification of theplanet Venus but, rather, what appears to be the "real thing" as boththe video and the Polaroid photo have been analized and proclaimed to begenuine by not only MUFON's Jeff Sainio , but optical physicist, Dr.Bruce Maccabee as well. As many of you know, since 1987, Gulf Breeze,Florida, has been nick-named the unofficial UFO capital of the world dueto the extraordinary number of sightings that have been witnessed andrecorded there. The most famous photos were those taken by Ed Waltersand published in the book detailing his experiences, The Gulf BreezeSightings, in 1990. Until July of 1992, skywatchers had documented anaverage of 7 to 8 sightings a month... after that, the elusive UFO,affectionately named "Bubba," apparently disappeared for his 30,000light-year check-up. But then toward the end of November , a few phonecalls were received saying that "Bubba" was back. These reports turnedout to be true, but the UFO's visits have become much less frequent.I've been told if the Gulf Breeze Research Team is lucky, now they'llhave a sighting about once every two weeks, so the appearance of astructured craft during the daylight hours is a truly significantdevelopment. In a telephone interview with Bland Pugh, MUFON investigator and editorof the Florida MUFON News ( and creator of one of the finest red-beans-and-rice recipes in the Northern Hemisphere), the following factswere reported: On March 25, a Mr. Martin "Allen" looked up and sawsomething coming out of the northwest at a tremendous rate of speed. Hefirst thought it must be some type of aircraft he'd never seen before. Later, the object reappeared and again moved toward him from the same direction and toward the southeast. The next day, "Allen" set up his video camera in hopes of recording the object and that's exactly what it did! Returning from having gotten an apple inside his house, he was stunned to see the same UFO coming at him from the southeast. The camera recorded the whole sequence as the UFO sped across the screen. In anarticle by Bland appearing in the June 9th issue of The Islander,"Allen" said, " I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw that round, silverthing racing across the sky. But, when it shot overhead a second time, I knew it wasn't a normal airplane. By God, I knew it was that UFO that I read about in the newspaper! It was round and kind of crown-shaped witha lower level and a dark red circle in the bottom center." It was atthat point that Bland decided to enlist the aid of another MUFONinvestigator, Gary Watson, well known for his investigation of the EdWalters case. That decision proved to be a timely one as less than aweek later, on March 31, Bland said he received another call from"Allen." This time he said he had videoed the same UFO hovering out overthe Gulf of Mexico from his home on Santa Rosa Island. After beingrecorded for about 45 seconds, the UFO made an extraordinary exit to thesoutheast. Allen exclaimed, "It was fast, real fast! I videotaped it! Icouldn"t believe this was happening and that it was happening in broaddaylight!" Bland told me that when he saw the tape that night, hecouldn't believe it either but, there it was... hovering with the sunreflecting off of it and the clouds moving behind it, sat the UFO. Theobject was silver in color and reflected the light of the sun. It seemedthat "Bubba" had definitely returned and, that without a hint ofshyness. On April 2, Bland received yet another call from "Allen" saying that at 10:30 that morning, because the batteries on his video camera weren'tcharged, he'd photographed the UFO with his Polaroid camera! This timethe object had been hovering over the beach to the south of his home.Charles Flannigan, Florida State Director for MUFON, was now also calledinto the investigation, and the decision was made to forward the videosand Polaroid photo to Jeff Sainio, Photo Analyst and Manager of Imaging Research and Development at the Quad/Tech division of Quad/Graphics in Wisconsin. Dr. Bruce Maccabee, optical physicist for the U.S. Navaldefense lab in Maryland, was also contacted and both Sainio and Maccabeewere given the original of the Polaroid photo for analysis. After twoweeks of intensive tests and several calls for additional information,such as weather reports and atmospheric conditions, Jeff Sainiosubmitted his findings and returned the videos and photo to theinvestigative team. The results: The UFO is genuine and not a h ,n toits size eliminates all aircraft as a cause, since known airplanes can'tmove this fast. A 100-foot long fighter jet would need to move 300 feet,3 times its own length, in 1/30 second, or 9,000 feet per second orabout 6,000 mph. below clouds at 7,000 feet. To stay below the soundbarrier, a plane length of 10 feet would be required. Of the secondvideo, where the UFO is seen hovering motionless over the Gulf and thenflashes off, Sainio says in The Islander, "Initial calculations show the UFO accelerated, then slowed 20% and then surpassed 2,000 mph, all inunder 1/10th of a second!" Dr. Maccabee's assessment of the March 24video states, "A frame -by- frame analysis shows that the object movedso fast it traveled several times its own length in each frame, makingrectangular images on the screen. It only took about one second to crossthe nearly 30* field of view of the camera. Unfortunately, the actualspeed cannot be determined because the distances are not known, butestimates range from several hundred to several thousand mphcorresponding to distance estimates of 1,000 to 10,000 feet."<< cont in next message >>Lazar and Element 115 From: Glenn Joyner To: All Subj: Lazar is smirkingYes, folks, I know all the physicist-types out there may declare that Lazarand his "element 115" are so much drivel. I don't make judgement either direction on this, firmly neutral, heh heh. But you may all be interestedin this article, listed in it's entirety. And yes, the Russian scientistis named LAZARev. No foolin'... ************************** Monday, September 6, 1993 SCIENTISTS MAKE ELEMENTAL DISCOVERY U.S.-Russian team sheds new light on theories of atomic stability by Charles Petit - Chronicle Science Editor Russian and American scientists are reporting that, using a powerful cyclotron in a lab north of Moscow, they may have found a way to break a scientific log jam blocking efforts to make elements beyond the 109 now known. The new work suggests that extremely heavy elements, virtually all of them man-made and never seen in nature, can be much more stable than believed, making it easier to extend the list of elements. The scientists did not make a new element but say they did make a handful of atoms of element 106 with an unprecedented number of the subatomic particles called neutrons in their centers. The atoms lasted as long as 30 seconds or even longer before spontaneously disintegrating in radioactive decay. Element 106, which has no formal name, was first reported nearly 20 years ago by a team at the University of California's Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, but the Berkeley version had a half life of less than a second and also had few neutrons in its core. "The goal was to be at the limits of nuclear physics, where theory is stretched to the extreme of what we can understand," said Ronald Lougheed, a leader of the effort and chemist at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. "What our results indicate is that things are much more stable elements out there than the usual theories would have predicted." An element's atomic number refers to the number of electrically charged protons in its nucleus. The nucleus also contains a similar or larger number of neutrons, which have about the same mass as protons but no electric charge. Since discovery of 106, German scientists have managed after great effort to create in the laboratory elements 107, 108, and 109, but each disintegrates in fractions of a second. Worry had grown that elements heavier than 109 might be impossible to make. If so, it would bring to an end an intellectual journey to discover all chemical elements permitted by the laws of nature. It is a quest begun by ancient civilizations such as the Greeks - who believed all things are combinations of earth, air, fire, and water. Modern science recognizes 92 natural elements, from hydrogen at number 1 through uranium at 92. Since the 1940s, 17 more elements have been created, including plutonium, neptunium, lawrencium, and einsteinium that are even heavier. Lougheed spoke during an interview at the laboratory that included two members of the Russian portion of the collaboration, Yuri Lazarev and Vladimir Utyonkov of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research at Dubna, some 90 miles north of Moscow. The results were first described to a small meeting in Finland in the spring and are being submitted to publication in the journal Physical Review C. Lazarev is also leading a symposium on them this week at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Although preliminary, the work inspires intense excitement among the relative handful of scientists who still pursue the hunt for ever- heavier, more exotic elements. "Boy, I hope they are right. This gives a whole new twist to it (theories of atomic stability). I would get busy right now if I had a machine to work with," said Albert Ghiorso, a senior Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory physicist who has been a major figure in creation of man-made elements since the 1940s. There is no sure practical payoff to the research. Lazarev said, however, that the behavior of atomic nuclei under the extreme stress created by interaction of so many protons and neutrons will help scientists understand the nature of more common elements. The scientists base their conclusions on only a small bit of data. They ran the cyclotron, a form of subatomic particle accelerator, for 16 straight days in April. Its intense beam of neon nuclei slammed into a target of curium. The hope was that among the trillions of collisions, a few neon and curium nuclei would merge into an isotope of element 106 with 160 neutrons that some scientists hypothesized might be unusually stable. The evidence of success came from measuring decay products, called alpha rays, released by atoms as they decay. Only four alpha rays of the computed energy were detected. Factoring in the efficiency of the Livermore-supplied detector, the scientists estimate they made about 150 neutron-rich atoms of element 106. "We were at the extremes of what is possible with both U.S. and Russian physics," Lazarev said. "These experiments are terribly hard." The U.S. Department of Energy recently ordered a shutdown of the only remaining accelerator in Berkeley, the super-Hiliac, which would have been able to confirm or extend the work. *The End* ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************