SUBJECT: UFO SIGHTING OVER NWK.N.J. FILE: UFO2601 UFO SIGHTING 3-5-94 At home of Angie & John, Angie is my mom. On Saturday 5, 1994, evening. at 10:30 pm a loud sound was heard on the amateur radio,computer and scanner a high pitch squeal. I was listing to a UFO net on 80 Meters on the freq. of 3977.8 Khz. The object then struck my amateur antenna and then an oak tree in the back yard. There was a very bright light, the light was lit all the time it was in my vicinity the light was whiter then snow and it seem to be brighter then the sun.I know this for a fact because I had a one million candle power light on my boat. The object was moving from East to West after hitting the tree it headed Southwest. The house lights were blinking on and off thenit sounded like a earthquake just hit. But there was no quake. It shook the my house an everbody's house in the neighborhood. I called the (911) and reported a quake. The police came in about less then 2 minutes for Newark that's very fast, the police, fire, and emergency medical came with the fire truck a Civil Defence person was on the truck, I ask one of the firemen what was the C.D. doing with them, he said that they were with the fire company until 9:00 pm that there were people calling to report UFO sightings scents 9 o'clock to night. On the amateur radio friends of mine were telling me to try to do a test on my coax cable with a compass so I did, I put the compass near the cableand the compass needle moved, then I moved the cable around the compass the needle moved. I can not understand how copper wirecan be magnetized. I was on 10 Meters after sighting discussing itwith them when one of my friends his name is Tom his calls are WQ2O by the way mine are N2IXW any way he lives in manhattan in a 36 floor apartment. Tom was looking from his balcony on the 28th floor with his binoculars looking to the West and seen 5 or 6 fighter jets leaving Newark Airport. Tom also said from were he was he can see a dozen or more helicopters were flying towards the northwest in my direction. I seen them about 3 am Sunday 7, morning. I seen 3 black helicopters very near my home they look all black with no lights visible. I also seen the jets at about a half an hour after Tom saw them leave the airport.I saw 5 jets going in five different directions. on the scanner on the air frequency there was nothing no one talking from 9:00 pm to 3:00 am. One of the hams call a friend up who was a air traffic controller at Kennedy air port he said everything was grounded. But he did not say why. He was afraid for his job. I also got a piece of wood or branch from the yard and was looking at it just a few minutes ago, and it looks burnt at little nodes on the branch, but the bark is burnt at all. what kind of heat could do that. I Just found out from my nephew who is in the air force that there are no Air Force Jets at Newark Airport he said they came from an aircraft carrier somewhere near New York. I do not know where they came from I just know that after the sighting they were over head, as were the black helicopters. Tom seen a couple of Jets flying North over the Hudson river a few feet off the water. If anyone has info about Saturday night March 5, 1994 at the time of the sighting which was at 10:30 pm please let me know throw my home BBS KA2RIT, 73's 76's. From, Sighting and typed by John N2IXW. March 5, 1993 ****************************************************************************** ========== End of message #28116 ========== ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************