SUBJECT: ALIEN CONTACTS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT FILE: UFO2588 ############# T H E U F O R E P O R T J O U R N A L ############# ALIEN CONTACTS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. Even Western scriptures reveal evidence of extraterrestrial visitors, agrees Erich Von Daniken in his book Signs of the Gods. Von Daniken noted for his research into the possibility of prehistoric contacts with intelligent beings from other worlds, sites as evidence the biblical mystery of the ark of the covenant, an amazing box that supplied the Israelites with manna over the 40 years they wandered in the desert. This "miracle" is explicable, he writes, only if we assume that space beings had provided Moses` people with a mie 40 years they wandered in the desert. This "miracle" is explicable, he writes, only if we assume that space beings had provided Moses` people with a miny-nuclear reactor that produced food from algae and dew. Biblical scholar Zecharia Sitchan, himself and author, is also convinced that there is evidence in the Old Testament in other ancient writings of the extraterrestrial guidance. He believes that Noah's ark provides a clear example of such help. According to the original Hebrew versions of these text's, Sitchan says, "Noah was advised to construct a boat roofed over and below and heretically sealed with tough pitch. There were to be no decks, no openings, so that the sun shall not see inside. The boat was to be a vessel that could turn and tumble." There is only one kind of boat that fits this decription says Sitchan:a submarine. And he goes on to point out that, in ancientHebrew, the biblical "ark" stems fromthe word sunken. No other type of boat could of endured the stresses and strains of 40 days and 40 nights in such a raging flood, Sitchan contends. "No ordinary surface vessel could of survived the tumultuous waves without being sunk." The story of Noah also appears in ancient texts from suner, now a pat of Iraq, and Sitchan studied these as well. In a passage from one of them, according to Sitchan, Noah explains that he survived the flood thanks to the help of superior beings from another planet who helped him built the ark. Like a modern submarine, Noah's ark had ballast tanks that made it possible to submerge and to surface, Sitchan says. Before the deluge, it took an oxygen supply, later surfacing when more was needed. Renowned UFO investigator Brad Steiger agrees that there is clear evidence that Noah's ark was a submarine and that the patriarch had to have received advice from space aliens to build it. "One must have advised Noah to construct a waterborne vessel to prevent his death," says Steiger. "But Noah would not have known the principles of building a craft. Being a mere mortal, Noah would not have the ability to construct a submarine. He would have needed extraterrestrial assistance to build his craft." Hayden Hewes, director of the International UFO Bureau, confirms this. "This does not exist a single iota of doudt that Noah`s ark was a submarine, craft." Hayden Hewes, director of the International UFO Bureau, confirms this. "This does not exist a single iota of doudt that Noah`s ark was a submarine, And it was built by Noah with extraterrestrial guidance." Obviously, ancient history is not the concern of modern governments, but when the evidence mounts to prove that alien extraterrestrials are among us and making contact with us is in growing numbers today thoughout the world, it is impossible not to wonder at the silence of the authorities in the best positions to know what`s going on. If the powers of our visitors were so far in advance of our own thousands of years ago, can we assume that they lagged while we caught up? And if, as so many experts think, we are on the brink of direct, open contact with such superior beings, it cannot help but affect all our lives. The possibility exists that, during their visits, "something may have happend to make the alien visitors angry or bellicose," as a Soviet researcher has speculated. Yet the general media-television, radio, and the press, continue to follow the official line and keep us in ignorance. It would be comforting to say that those in authority know best and that, therefore, we have nothing to worry about. No matter how many people see them, UFOs have been defined as nonexistent. Many experts have begun to punch holes in the previously solid wall of denials. And the picture that is beginning to emere gives little comfort to the skeptics. There is, for example, evidence not only of a long-standing cover-up but also of contact on the highest level with alien extraterrestrials. THE END ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************