SUBJECT: GUARDIAN ANGEL OR E.T. FILE: UFO2585 PART 2 GUARDIAN ANGEL OR E.T. 2 OF 2 {GADREEL} Intoduced weapons of war to mortals. {KOKABEL] taught the science of constellations.{SARIEL} taught men the course of the moon. Abraham saw Angels descend to Earth in the form of men. They clothed themselves in corporreal elements and appeared to men in human form. Angels who are God's messengers turn themselves into different shapes. Either Female or Male. I also believe these Andels to be a higher race. They have been with us as long as man has inhabited the Earth. I beleive they are still here watching and waiting. Are these beings Immortal? In the opinion of most scholars, yes; but are they eternal? No! They perform a mutiplicity of duties and tasks. They carry out missions to man from their superiors. They cannot occupy 2 places at the same time. They can journey fron one place to another, however far removed, in the twinkling of an eye. ST.PUAL warns that the evil ones can show themselves as Angels of light.So don't be deceived. Man however coutinues to enjoy freewill. He can sill choose between good and evil. This may or may not work out to his advantage. The best that a man can hope for is, apparently, that when he is weighed in the balance by the superior of finial reckoning he is not found wanting. I'm sure that when we pass on into the next dimension or plane we will find the truth. Something is going on people. They are here. They are watching. Let us hope that good reigns over evil. May your "Guardian Angel" watch over you......... THE END Typed by N2IXW ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************