SUBJECT: WHO'S DISINFORMING WHOM ? FILE: UFO2537 PART 4 T H E F A I R - W I T N E S S P R O J E C T O F L. A. FOUNDED 1984: RESEARCH, PUBLISHING & MEDIA CONSULTING SERVICES SPECIALIZING IN INFORMATION ABOUT UNEXPLAINED PHENOMENA 4219 W. OLIVE AVE., SUITE #247, BURBANK, CALIFORNIA 91505 August 10th 1993 ***AN OPEN LETTER*** Bruce Maccabee 6962 Eylers Valley Flint Rd. Sabillasville, MD 21780 Dear Bruce: Thanks for the note and accompanying material. Yes, I have a copy of the "AIR" Report. They sent me one, believe it or not (post-marked, by the way, "Suburban MD MSC 206," which translates to somewhere in Prince George's County). Apparently I'm the only principal to have received one directly from the source. Interesting. There is no doubt that Todd Zechel figures heavily in this thing, although he apparently chooses to deny having actually written it. His words reportedly were, "I didn't write it, but of course I can't be responsible for what others may do with information I provide them." Certainly we are dealing with some sort of vendetta group here, and if I had to guess at the membership aside from Zechel himself, I would finger an unholy alliance of the usual Zechel gadflys with perhaps a couple of naive newcomers. Anyone who's been around the UFO community for any lenqth of time knows the type of people he prefers to associate with. Naming them would only give them more notoriety than they deserve. Stylistically speaking, the writing resembles that of Zechel more than anyone else. As for the accuracy of the piece at least insofar as the material about me is concerned what few things the writer does have right are taken so badly out of context or so heavily embellished with outright fabrication, invective and innuendo that it's hardly worth my time to comment. Certainly I have never claimed (or "confessed" to be "a government disinformation agent." (A tran- script of my 1989 Las Vegas speech is available from me in case anyone wants to read my exact words.) Certainly I did not "create" the MJ-12 papers! As far as I know, Rick Doty never attempted to make "big money" or in fact any money at all "by concocting phoney UFO stories." And if money and greed are my motives, why am I always on the edge of poverty? (Anyone who thinks money is my God simply doesn't know me very well.) In addition, the writer confuses the matter of the so-called Carter Briefing Documents (the ones I photographed in a motel room) with the Eisenhower Briefing Document. This is all set out in 'The MJ-12 Documents: An Analytical Report' which the writer gives no indication of having read. Equally confused is the account of Rick Doty's involvement with the Kirtland documents, a matter which is also set forth in detail in my above referenced 'MJ-12 Report'. Furthermore, to the best of my knowledge, Doty has never offered to sell either information or documents on UFOs to anyone. Indeed, during the thirteen years I have known him, Rick has never expressed any interest in receiving money for anything, and on the couple of occasions when money was offered (just to see what the reaction would be) it was quickly declined with a wave of the hand. Nor, for my part, did I ever accept any money for my own involvement. I do not know whether Rick Doty ever slept with Linda Howe or not, and frankly I do not care! I do know that I have never discussed any such allegation with Ms. Howe. Furthermore, the HOT-AIR Report's assertion that "up to this point, Howe had never in her life spoken with Moore" is untrue. I first met and had a fairly long conversation with Linda in mid-1980, six months before my involvement with the Bennewitz affair and several years before the time frame outlined in the so-called Report! There's a lot of other stuff as well, but why bother? To have me bragging to Zechel, in early 1980 (!), about making lots of money off UFOs, is ridiculous. Hell's bells-- the sum total of my contribution to ufology at that point was perhaps half-a-dozen pulp magazine articles. Yes, I had made some money off the Phil/Ex book, but that wasn't really a UFO book. Strangely enough, that meeting marked the only time I have ever met Zechel face-to-face, and Maccabee was present. I knew something of Zechel's curious reputation even at that early date, and as a result I said damn little about anything at that meeting. (It seems to me that he was living in a flea-bag hotel and working as a clerk at Le Sexe Shoppe, a sleazy Hollywood porn palace, at the time.) I wonder if his flawless memory can recall where we met and what the circumstances were. I can. In summary, I view the HOT-AIR Report as nothing more than the product of seriously twisted minds who have banded together out of sheer desperation in order to attempt one last hurrah. The reason Zechel is a nobody today has nothing to do with me or anything I might have done. The cess pool he wallows in is entirely the product of his own profligacy. How sad that people who have descended to such depths so frequently believe that the only way they can make themselves look good is to make others look bad. Even the Nazis used the technique, although it is now widely accepted that heavy use of amphetamines was responsible for at least some of Hitler's erratic behavior. I wonder what drugs Mr. Zechel is doing nowadays??? In any case, HOT-AIR is clearly nothing more than a hatchet job effort by individuals inimical to Maccabee and myself. Ufology has always been hesitant to give credence to anonymous sources. Why should these cowards be treated any differently? [ handwritten note indicating this is from Bill Moore but not signed ] -!- ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************