SUBJECT: WHO'S DISINFORMING WHOM ? FILE: UFO2536 PART 3 4418 39th St. Brentwood, MD 20722 August 5, 1993 To Whom it May Concern: I have read the so-called AIR#1 report and Bruce Maccabee's reply entitled "Hot Air." Although W. Todd Zechel told me on the telephone that he had no control over some of the content of AIR#1, and that there is primarily one other person responsible for it, I agree that the paper bears all the earmarks of Zechel's work and clearly is a reiteration of his past writings. If there is another primary author, aside from being a total coward he or she apparently doesn't have an original thought in his or her head. I shall call him or her "Air-Head." It must be emphasized that, other than Zechel's obvious role in it, the paper is totally anonymous and the list of alleged AIR members is totally fictitious. None of the people attacked personally in the paper or (like the Fund for UFO Research) smeared by it were afforded any opportunity to reply to the allegations in advance, nor is there an official author or address to which a rebuttal can be sent. The paper is full of half-truths, innuendo, and totally false statements. Nevertheless, it has been widely circulated with obvious intent to do harm to Bruce Maccabee and/or the Fund and so we must reply. The fund is preparing its own separate statement, but I wish to go on record as stating that I have known Bruce Maccabee for over 25 years and have no reason to doubt his personal integrity. We disagree about the merits of some UFO cases that he has worked on, but disagreement and dialogue among colleagues is part of the scientific method. There is nothing devious or "evil" about the positions Bruce takes on a given case, despite insinuations by Air-Head. His position may be mistaken in sole respects or even wrong, but who among us is perfect? He also may be right. That is for scientific research to determine. Bruce is absolutely correct in stating that the Fund never has had a clandestine relationship or any other with the CIA, and it never will as long as I am Chairman. There is at worst "an appearance of impropriety" for Bruce, as past Chairman, to have given talks or information to parties in CIA, which he did as a private individual. When he mentioned some of his meetings with CIA people to us over the years, we cautioned him that it could cause a problem. However, I find his explanation of what his relationships were with some CIA personnel to be entirely credible and they had virtually nothing to do with the Fund. At no time did the CIA have any influence over any decisions made by the Executive Committee or National Board of the Fund. Suggestions by Air-Head to the contrary do border on paranoia. As he points out, Bruce had only one vote and in fact some of his ideas were voted down (some of mine have been voted down too). For any decision by the Fund to support any given project or to take any particular action, there is joint responsibility by the Executive Committee and, for major funding decisions or other fundamentally important matters, by the full 15-member National Board. The Board members are independent-minded people whose names and track records are known, not "tools of the CIA." Finally, Bruce Maccabee served honorably as Chairman for 13 years providing important leadership to the Fund, and remains a respected member of the National Board. Whatever "mistakes" he may have made during that period may be attributable to human failings, but not to sinister plotting or devious behavior. [ signature ] Richard Hall, Chairman Fund for UFO Research ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************