SUBJECT: MANKIND'S MOST SIGNIFICANT DISCOVERY FILE: UFO2530 First let me say this is not a wind up, neither is it a something from a paranoid imagination, no this is and this will come as the biggest shock to orthadox science. Indeed what I am about to reveal will and I turst it will be put on record that it was MADE BY ME AT THIS PRESENT MOMENT IN TIME. Certain information came to me via a good freind and fellow researcher by the name of Mr Tony Dodd,who was a Police Sergeant in the north yorkshire police for 25 years. I went to his home and he showed me some photographs,he told me the story about how it all happened and now here we are today on the brink of the most significant discovery in mankind history. It concerns a collection of gold plates and goblets,which when consumed by light,create wounderful and spectacular "HOLOGRAMS" just to give you a example when a shaft of sunlight hit a goblet, it showed a moving four D color picture of a woman giveing birth? On another occassion they showed an atomic explosion,also these plates and goblets have shown what are commonly known as the GREYS exponants of UFOLOGY WILL KNOW ABOUT THESE GREYS. It has been established that contained in these plates and goblets is the COMPLETE HISTORY OF MANKIND? Now I can hear all the guffaws these statements but they have been examiened by the british museum in London,and they will feature in the televison program SCHOFIELD'S QUEST ON SUNDAY the 4th DECEMBER 1994 so all you sceptic's PLEASE WATCH THIS AND SEE YOU WORLD TURN UPSIDE DOWN. I'm sure this will be one of the most significant discoverys this world has ever seen. I am sending this www to let people know of this incredible discovery. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************