SUBJECT: THE KLASS BET FILE: UFO2484 PART 1 ============================================================================ [The following is a re-type of a White Paper sent to me by Phil Klass when I asked about claims apparently made by Stanton Friedman regarding a "bet" between the two of them. I have done my best to keep the proper emphasis and spelling, even where a given word was misspelled. -- David Bloomberg] Philip J. Klass 404 "N" St. Southwest Washington D.C. 20024 This is in response to your query about whether Stanton T. Friedman did indeed "win" $1,000 from me because he was correct and I was wrong about one detail of an "MJ-12" related memo allegedly written by President Eisenhower's aide, Robert Cutler to Gen. Nathan Twining, on July 14, 1954, which William L. Moore and Jaime Shandera claim to have discovered in the National Archives. Yes, I paid Friedman $1,000 because he was correct and I was wrong. The money came from the interest earned on $1,000 Friedman had earlier paid me. Here is the full story that Friedman never reveals. (It may be reproduced without permission.) As a boy in Iowa, we had a useful expression: "Talk is cheap; put your money where your mouth is." A friend might claim he could run around the block in 2 minutes. Bet him a dime he couldn't--and if he really believed in his claim, he would accept the wager. I have found this is a most useful technique in my many years in the UFO field to determine if there is "adverse evidence". In fact, I used it during my very first contact with Friedman, around 1967. He had published a Letter-to-the- Editor in the American Instit. of Aeronautics & Astronautics journal, claiming there was overwhelming evidence that UFOs were ET craft. I promptly sent Friedman a copy of my $10,000 Contract to determine if he believed his claim was true and to learn what that evidence was. Under the terms of this contract, I agree to pay the other person $10,000 if/when any hard, incontrovertible evidence is found which shows that the Earth has been visited by one (or more) ET craft. (The other party does not need to find the evidence.) The other party agrees to pay me $100 per year until such evidence is found, but with a limit/maximum of 10 years of payments. Thus, the maximum the other party risks is $1,000. Friedman rejected my $10K offer as "ridiculous." In my second UFO book, "UFOs Explained," I briefly discussed my $10,000 offer and noted that Friedman (among others) had refused to sign up. I noted that the most Friedman risked losing was $1,000--which was the fee he typically was paid for giving a single one-hour lecture "Flying Saucers ARE Real." A few months after this book was published, Friedman and I appeared on a syndicated talk show- -pre-taped in Detroit. During the taping, Friedman whipped out a crisp $100 bill and announced he was accepting my $10K offer. I promptly sent him the one-page contract which he signed. During the subsequent nine years, Friedman made his annual payments and as of early 1984, Friedman had paid me a total of $1,000. Although I did not put Friedman's payments into a special "Escrow" account, if I had done so, the compounded interest I earned on Friedman's money would have totalled slightly more than $1,000 as of 1989. So much for background. One of the two MJ-12 documents made public by William L. Moore, Jaime Shandera and Stanton Friedman in the spring of 1987 purports to be a document prepared in November 1952 by Rear Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter to brief President-elect Eisenhower on UFOs and crashed saucers. (Hillenkoetter had been director of the CIA from 1947 to 1950.) Christopher Allan, a British UFOlogist, first called my attention to a very unusual date-format used in this briefing document--a hybrid of civil and military format. I discovered that only one other person consistently used this same unusual date-format in his correspondence: William L. Moore, who released the MJ-12 papers. Another anomaly in the briefing document allegedly written by Hillenkoetter was that he referred to himself as "Adm. Hillenkoetter," rather than "Rear Adm. [or Radm] Hillenkoetter," which implied he was a four-star (full) admiral rather than a two-star. So I requested the Truman Library to send me copies of letters which Hillenkoetter had written as CIA director to determine if he consistently used this unusual date-format and if he correctly identified his rank as Rear Admiral. In every one of the letters I received, Hillenkoetter used the traditional military date-format and he correctly showed his rank as Rear Admiral. Furthermore, from these authentic archival letters I discovered that he never signed his letters using his first name "Roscoe." Instead he always used his initials: "R.H." Yet in the MJ-12 briefing document which Hillenkoetter allegedly wrote, he used "Roscoe." And so on Oct. 30, 1987, using my old "put your money where your mouth is" approach, I offered Friedman the opportunity to win many thousands of dollars. I offered to pay Friedman $2,000 for each and every authentic letter written by Hillenkoetter while he was at the CIA IF the letter used the unusual MJ-12 date-format and if it was signed "Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter," providing Friedman agreed to pay me 1/5th that amount ($400) for every Hillenkoetter letter I could supply which did not use the unusual date- format and which was signed with his initials. Thus, if Hillenkoetter used the "MJ-12 format" in even one out of every four letters he wrote, Friedman could win some of my money. Friedman promptly rejected my generous offer in his letter of Nov. 5, 1987. So I sent him a slightly revised version on Nov. 10 which he also rejected on Nov. 19. (Copy of my offer and Friedman's comments are enclosed.) Now for the $1,000 wager that Friedman did accept, and which he won. On Jan. 16, 1989, based on a modest sample of letters written by Robert Cutler which I had obtained from the Eisenhower Library, I had reason to believe that the typewriters in Cutler's office all used the "elite" (small) typeface then used for many executives. But the Cutler memo which Moore/Shandera claimed to have found in the National Archives used the larger "pica" typeface. Further, I had learned that Cutler could not possibly have written the memo to Gen. Twining on July 14, 1954, because Cutler was out of the country on official business on that date. If all of the typewriters in Cutler's office used pica type, that would be further evidence that the July 14 memo was a counterfeit. So, on Jan. 16, 1989, I challenged Friedman on this issue and offered to pay him $100 for each letter written by Cutler during this same time period which he could find which "uses a typeface identical in size and style to that used in the alleged Cutler/Twining memo of July 14, 1954." (Fortunately for me, I set an upper limit of $1,000 on my payments.) Friedman did come up with several dozen Cutler letters with pica typeface. I might have quibbled over whether their typeface was "identical in style," but I opted to promptly pay off and sent him my check for $1,000. My payment to Friedman represented the interest I had earned on his earlier $1,000 payment to me under our $10,000 contract. More recently, I extended a similar challenge to Friedman under which he could win another $1,000 while risking only $100 of his own--a challenge he declined to accept. The recent crashed-saucer book co-authored by Friedman and Don Berliner ["Crash at Corona"] features the tale of Gerald F. Anderson who claims that in 1947 he and four other members of his family (all now deceased) stumbled onto a crashed saucer on the Plains of San Agustin in New Mexico. Anderson claimed that his family was soon joined by a group of archaeologists headed by a Dr. Buskirk. Despite the fact that Anderson was only 5 years old at the time of the alleged incident and the 40+ years which had elapsed, he was able to reconstruct Dr. Buskirk's appearance with the aid of techniques used by the police to reconstruct the appearance of a criminal. Thanks to a painstaking investigation, UFOlogist Tom J. Carey managed to locate Dr. Buskirk who closely resembled Anderson's sketch but who flatly denied Anderson's tale. Buskirk had hard evidence to show that he was hundreds of miles away from the Plains of San Agustin at the time of the alleged crashed saucer incident. However, Carey learned that Buskirk had been a teacher at the Albuquerque, N.M. high school in the late 1950s when Gerald F. Anderson had taken a course in anthropology which Buskirk taught. Yet Anderson claimed that he had never seen Dr. Buskirk since the crashed-saucer incident in 1947. When skeptical investigators tried to obtain a copy of Anderson's high school records to see if he had taken a course in anthropology (under Buskirk), Anderson instructed school officials not to release his records. Anderson then released what he claimed to be a photocopy of his school records which seemed to show he had not taken a course in anthropology. But there were suspicions that the record that Anderson made public might have been "doctored." On Aug. 8, 1992, I sent Friedman a Memorandum of Agreement dealing with this key issue which could reveal whether Anderson had resorted to falsehood and altering of evidence. My memo noted this issue could be resolved "if Anderson will request and authorize the present Principal of the Albuquerque High School, or the Superintendent of Schools, to carefully examine the transcript of Anderson's high school records and issue a public statement that Anderson did, or did not, take a course in anthropology." I offered to pay Friedman $1,000 if Anderson would provide me with a notarized statement authorizing such action by Albuquerque school officials, while Friedman would pay me $100 if Anderson refused to take such action. Friedman never responded. (Within nine months, Friedman and Berliner publicly acknowledged that Anderson "can no longer be seen as sufficiently reliable." But they added that this "does not mean that everything reported by Gerald Anderson is without value.") ======================================= ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************