SUBJECT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, K2 REPORTS FILE: UFO2481 PART 2 The "Phoenix Project Reports" Are Published By ADVENT PUBLISHING COMPANY P.O. Box 3748 Carson City, NV 89702 Entire Contents Copyright (c) 1992 by The Phoenix Project Logo A Registered Trademark (tm) Permission to quote is granted provided the Phoenix Project is acknowledged as the source and the Report Title and Date are included in any quotes. Reproduction of any Phoenix Project Report or Logo, in any formor by any means, is not permissible without written authorization from the publisher [ Contributor's Note: Permission is granted to forward this text file to any Bulletin Board service providing that nothing is deleted and that all copyright rules are followed. ] - - - - - - - - - WHAT IS THE PHOENIX PROJECT? The Phoenix Project is a private, civilian, research organization formed in 1952 to investigate and correlate information concerning Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and Extra-Terrestrial (ET) activities. It has no affiliation with the United States Government or any of its agencies. Because of the nature of its work the Phoenix Project does not seek publicity. Staff members are former military personnel who have all been associated with intelligence activities, and have knowledge of covert government operations concerning UFO's. Their knowledge of the specialized field of "intelligence correlation," provide unique insights into various subject matter. From time-to-time and in the public interest, the Phoenix Project will publish research reports regarding certain subjects. A list of reports is available from our publisher. All correspondence should be addressed to: The Phoenix Project C/O Advent Publishing Company P.O. Box 3748 Carson City, NV 89702 IMPORTANT NOTE The name "Phoenix" is used by many different publishers and organizations as a part of the name used in their various publications. To avoid any false association with or confusion that might be caused by a similar name, all publications of the "Phoenix Project" bear the Project's Logo (a registered trade-mark) and are published exclusively by Advent Publishing Company. The "Phoenix Project" is not affiliated with any other publication, publisher, organization or group. In particular, there is no affiliation with a publisher known as America West, any of its publications, or the individuals known as George and Desiree Green, all of Tehachapi, California. - - - - - Origination, 8/4/89 Revision 1, 7/24/91 Revision 2, 5/5/92 THE ULTIMATE SECRET A Special Report and Overview Prepared by The Phoenix Project OVERVIEW: The Top Secret Operation Majestic-12 was established by order of President Harry S. Truman in 1947. Operation Majestic-12, was created to take charge of the technical, sociological and other aspects of the crashed UFOs and the small alien occupants, dead or alive, that were recovered. In later years this operation evolved into and became known as MAJI (the Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence). MAGI is the most secret of all intelligence groups and out-ranks all other intelligence agencies including the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). MAJI is responsible directly and "only" to the President of the United States. / MAJIC / MAJI The TOP SECRET / MAJI project control group is responsible for every aspect of interface with the alien lifeforms including security and intelligence, and disinformation to prevent public or foreign disclosure of the alien presence. (This is why all documents referring to "MJ-12" or any other form of that name are wrong). MAJI is on-going in Washington DC. MAJIC: Is the security classification of all MAJI and Aquarius information. MAJIC means "MAJI CONTROLLED." MAJIC is the highest security classification in the nation. MJ-1: DIRECTOR OF MAJI. The Director of the CIA is usually MJ-1 and reports only to the President. Other members of MAJI are designated MJ-2, MJ-3, MJ-4, etc. This is the reason MJ-12 cannot be used as a name for the control group as it would cause confusion in meaning, i.e., (Is it referring to MJ-12 the person or MJ-12 the group.) Any reference to MJ-12 is to a person and nothing else. References and documents referring to "MJ-12" as a "Group" are incorrect. MAJI, originally was known as Majestic-12, a group consisting of twelve members. This group was made up of a team representing selected government officials, U.S. intelligence personnel, highly trained scientists, business executives and military personnel. All were sworn to total secrecy. MAJI has continued its covert activities with the knowledge and consent of the last eight Presidents. (See Exhibit 1, part of the briefing papers for president-elect Eisenhower.) The group continues to function today and has had the responsibility of establishing an ongoing relationship dating from 1964, with UFO beings (the Greys) from the third planet of the star system Zeta Reticuli. Information forwarded to and the activity of MAJI has always been assigned an Above "Top Secret classification," known as MAJIC. MAJI, to conceal its existence, adopted the cover name of "Majestic-12." It created numerous covert and compartmented sub-divisions such as Projects Aquarius, Sigma, Snowbird and Garnet, to name a few. These projects were sheltered by MAJI and directed by select personnel of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA). By secret Executive Memorandum NSC 5410, Eisenhower had preceded NSC 5412/1 in 1954 to establish a permanent committee to be known as Majority Twelve to oversee and conduct all covert activities concerned with the alien question. NSC 5412/1 was created to explain the purpose of these meetings when Congress and the news media became curious. Majority Twelve was made up of Nelson Rockefeller, the director of the CIA Allen Welsh Dulles, the Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, the Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Arthur W. Radford, the Director of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover, and six men from the executive committee of the Council on Foreign Relations known as the "Wise Men." These men were all members of a secret society of scholars that called themselves "The Jason Society," or "The Jason Scholars" who recruited their members from the "Skull and Bones" and the "Scroll and Key" societies of Harvard and Yale. The "Wise Men" were key members of the Council on Foreign Relations. There were twelve members including the first six from Government positions thus Majority Twelve. This group was made up over the years of the top officers and directors of the Council on Foreign Relations and later the Trilateral Commission. Gordon Dean, George Bush, and Zbigniew Brzezinski were among them. The most important and influential of the "Wise Men" who served on Majestic-12 were John McCloy, Robert Lovett, Averell Harriman, Charles Bohlen, George Kennan, and Dean Acheson. It is significant that President Eisenhower as well as the first six Majestic-12 members from the Government were also members of the Council on Foreign Relations. However, not all the "Wise Men" attended Harvard or Yale and not all of them were chosen from the "Skull and Bones" or "Scroll and Key" membership during their college years. [{Research indicates that various members were chosen on an ongoing basis. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************