SUBJECT: BO GRITZ SAYS.... FILE: UFO2446 This file is provided to ParaNet by UFO Magazine. All rights are reserved. You may distribute this file freely as long as this header remains intact. Date prepared: 01/29/94 Contributed by: Don Ecker/ UFO Magazine ================================================================= Subj: BO GRITZ SAYS.... Editor: I've served most of my adult life as an intelligence operative (Intelligence Officer, Delta Force; Commander, Special Operations, Viet-Nam: Commander Special Forces, Latin America; Principal Agent, NSC-ISA). Unlike William Cooper, I can prove this identity. I have been a Pilot for more than 30 years. My assignments have taken me all over the globe including Africa, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, et al. Much of this time has been spent out in the open under the stars. I have never witnessed a UFO in the classic saucer sense, but I believe they exist nevertheless (Even Jimmy Carter says so). While in England, enroute to Bangladesh, I bought and read Above Top Secret, which strengthened my personal convictions. This past month the Association of Former Intelligence Officers and National Intelligence Counter Intelligence Association included UFO reports (Belgian Air Force Colonel Wilfried de Brouwer) in their monthly INSUMS (Intelligence Summaries). As a Chemical, Biological, Nuclear trained officer, I know that "the" government lied about gassing sheep in Montana with GB-Agent, infecting San Francisco with a virus, and the proposed use of underground nuclear demolitions to construct a new canal in Nicaragua. They denied Frank Powers U-2 over Russia, SR-71, and Stealth. Why wouldn't they cover-up UFOs (classic or otherwise)? I obviously don't know much about flying saucers, even though I have more than a dozen friends, including pilots, who are eye witnesses to UFO sightings. I know a lot more about people and I certainly know the intelligence system. I have examined military records on Bill Cooper. I have spoken with him and listened to him on telephone recorded audio tape. I feel compelled to add my opinion to that of George Knapp, Ed De Mar and others. I am absolutely convinced that Cooper is a charlatan. There is no doubt that he has information concerning government cover-up, which is easily vacuumed from the presentations and publications of others. When I retumed from Burma's Golden Triangle with videotape of overlord Khun Sa accusing U.S. officials of being his best customers, Cooper started saying that drugs were funding the secret government UFO campaign. Only God and Cooper know if he actually observed a UFO, but I don't buy his story about being a part of Naval Intelligence. I have a Top Secret Crypto clearance with access to Special Intelligence, which is clearly imprinted on my records. None of the Cooper file shows him to have these basic intelligence clearances, without which he would be denied access to classified materials. I also have been granted coded clearances which open doors when combined with a "need to know" to highly selected ''compartments'' of information. If Cooper were real, he would have long ago referenced the proper codes that deal with information he says was available to him. I believe Bill Cooper is a fraud. There is enough wrong with the government. Cooper types only hurt honest efforts to gain truth. His fare would be more accurately billed as ''entertainment.'' As Chief of Special Activities on the Army General Staff, I regularly briefed the U.S. Army Chief of Staff and the other generals. I know and have experience working with Admiral Isaac Kidd (former Commander in Chief, Atlantic) and his staff. There were no enlisted men on the "briefing team." Field grade officers (Major and up) normally furnish information to these key decision makers. Classifed information is carefully guarded, especially the compartmented information that Cooper refers to. Without the proper coded access and a need to know, you don't get in! I don't buy Bill's "testing" the government by mixing up code names (Majestic vis Majority). Every time someone produces information contradicting Cooper, he changes, adds to, or reveals yet another personal revelation he read in the cloaked documents way back when. St. John should have had such access. Cooper has more twists than a snake. He is also dangerous. I listened to a telephone answer tape wherein Cooper badgered, bribed, threatened, cried, and then later allegedly slashed the tires on a man's car. Cooper talks and acts like a number of other fakes I know. They seem to want someone, anyone, to do anything that might threaten them since to be that important would enhance their own self-image. In the absence of real threats they conjure them up. I don't begrudge whatever popularity or success he may garner- that is show biz. But I do feel he is hurting the credibility and honesty of sincere researchers at a time when we are facing a true peril from within. The secret government needs to be exposed and expunged before it turns us into economic slaves through King George's "New World Order.'' Cooperites dull our cutting edge of truth. I exhort William Cooper to stop his Bush-lip and focus his energy and resources on unmasking the real villains. This is the first time I have written a letter to the editor. Strange that with all that is going on, it would be to a publication I haven't read, about a person I hope-if there are ETs-will soon be beamed up. Please send me info on your magazine. It wasn't on our Pentagon reading list, but maybe it should be. James "Bo" Gritz Center for Action Box 472-HCR31 Sandy Valley, NV 89019 -------------------------------------------------------------------- UFO, Copyright 1991 by California UFO, 1536 S. Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035, published bi-monthly with a subscription rate of $21/yr. Offices: UFO, PO Box 1053, Sunland, CA 91041-1053 1-(818)-951-1250 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************