SUBJECT: UFO OSI PAPERS FILE: UFO2439 ______________________________________________________________________________ SECRET 17 NOV 1980 RTTEZYVW RUFLOJA9136 ZNY S E C R E T GT SECRET FOR AFOSI ONLY R 171130Z NOV 80 FM HQ AFOSI BOLLING AFB DC//IVOE TO RUWTFBA AFOSI DIST 17 KIRTLAND AFB NM//BID INFO 7602 AINTELG FT BELVOIR VA//INSR SECRET FOR AFOSI ONLY Ref: Request or Pho Imagery Interpretation Your MSG 292030Z Oct 80. Subject CaseNR: 8017D93-126 HQ CR 44 l. Subject Negatives/Film were analyzed by HQ IVT and 7602 AINTELG, it and the following resuls were found: A. Negative #1: Deplicting C-5A aircraft on approach and streaking unidentified aerial object in lower right portion of film. Film found to be unaltered. Size differential was not consistent with size of aircraft. Conclusion: Inconclusive B. Negative #2: Deplicting cylinder shaped unidentified aerial object in upper left portion of photo. Film found to be unaltered. Film showed object to be consistent with field depth and consistent with relative size of fixed objects. Conclusion: Legitimate nagativeof unidentified aerial object. Bolton/Reinfeld method did not reveal visible markings on object. C. Negative #3: Deplicting irregular shaped unidentified aerial object in seven frames of 8MM film. Because of the size and apparent speed of object no further classification or conclusion could be drawn Film shown to be unaltered. D. 34 inches of 8MM film: Deplicting apparent colored object moving in front of still camera. Film found to be unaltered. Spectrography revealed colors to be basic prism features. Depth analysis revealed object to be within 152MM of camera. Object was not consistent with relative size of fixed objects observed for several seconds in film. Conclusion: inconclusive. E. Original Neative Deplicting Unidentified Object: Film found to be unaltered. Because of a lack of fixed objects in the film, no depth analysis could be performed. Bolton, Reinfeld method revealed object to be saucer shaped, approximate diameter 37 feet. Object contained a trilateral insignia on the lower portion of object. Conclusin: Legitimate negative of unidentified aerial object. 2. Ref your request for further information regarding HQ CR 44, the following is provided: Capt. Grace 7602 Aintelg,INS contacted and related following: (S/WINTEL) USAF no longer publicly active in UFO research, however USAF still has interest in aUFO sightings over USAF installation/ test ranges. Several other government agencies, lead by NASA, actively f* investigates legitimate sightings through covert cover. (S/WINTEL/FSA) One such cover is UFO eporting Center, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, Rockville, MD 20852. NASA filters results ofsightings to appropriate military departments with interest in that particular sighting. The officia US Government Policy and results of project Aquarius is still classified top secret ith no dissemination outside official intelligence channels and with restricted access to "MJ Twelve". Case on Bennewitz is being monitored by NASA, INS, who request all future evidence be forwarded to them thru AFOSI, IVOE. 4. Ref your request for technical assistance. Because of a chance of public disclosure, no knowledgable personnel with SPA will be provided. Continue to receive assistance from individuals mentioned in your message, Miller, fugate. Because of the sensitivity of case, request they be thoroghly debriefed at regular intervals. BTS NNNS DOWNGRADE 17NOV2020 ______________________________________________________________________________ ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************