SUBJECT: UFO ALIENS SAVED HIS LIFE FILE: UFO2432 LOST ASTRONAUT TELLS HOW UFO ALIENS SAVED HIS LIFE. HE HAD BEEN MISSING FOR MORE THAN 20 YRS. BY WILLIAM ROCK for SUN An astronaut who was written off as lost in space has been spirited back to earth by the friendly aliens who rescued him more than 20 years ago! The world never learned of the disappearance of Colonel Ivan Tarenko because the Russian cosmonaut was part of a top secret mission that went horrible wrong. His space capsule was in danger of collapsing when the alien rescue ship came along. HASN'T AGED Since then, the grizzled army officer has been living on a far-off planet where his helpful hosts taught him their language and way of life. "It's incredible , but the colonel hasn't aged a bit since his 1972 launch," says retired General Alexandr Zhareny, and important cog in the former Soviet Union space program. "He was stunned to learn he's been gone so long. The colonel estimated his absence at a month or two - never anywhere near tow decades. He's being kept under heavy quarantine because God only knows what he's been exposed to on that planet." SHOCKED Tarenko shocked government officials in Moscow when he was chaufferured back to earth in a small UFO about the size of a 727 jetliner. The craft that had plucked him from his failing capsule was huge, about a quarter mile in diameter, he said. "The spaceship was set up like a giant traveling city," says the confused cosmonaut. "They sent out some sort of beam that wrapped around my capsule and pulled me into an open bay on the underside of the UFO. "At first I thought my comrades had come from home to save me and the ship. but when I climbed out of my capsule I was greeted by a half-dozen bizarre strangers. SPOKE CLEARLY "They had big oval shaped heads, tow large totally-black eyes, a little hole that I expect served as their noses and no visible mouths. Yet they spoke very clearly to each other in a strange language - and to me in perfect Russian. "I came to learn that they are an extremely intellectual lot with highly developed senses. They knew plenty about me, while I didn't have a clue about them." The aliens informed Tarenko that he had nothing to fear from them. He was an honored guest aboard their ship and they would do whatever they could to make him feel at home. Alien doctors performed a complete physical to ensure there were no health problems that could affect their immune systems. Meanwhile, technicians tore apart the crude Russian capsule to see what made it tick. "While they were giving me the once-over, they saw I suffered from several blockages near my heart," says the colonel. "One of them picked up a pencil- thin instrument and aimed it at my chest. I was a bit edgy because they didn't bother giving me any kind of painkiller. WARMTH "But when the reddish beam of light sliced into my chest, I didn't feel anything except a pleasant warmth. Within 30 seconds the surgery was done and I was left with no visible scars - and feeling like a million rubles." The aliens gave Colonel Tarenko the choice of visiting their home planet or being transported back to earth. The curious cosmonaut opted for a look at their wonderful world many light years across the universe. He was in for a scientific treat. His hosts permitted him free run of their planet and supplied him with a personal transport device that resembled a motorcycle that zips through the air. The colonel gained 10 pounds during his stay by feasting on dishes that resembled nothing he'd ever eaten on earth. "Once I got past the odd look of the stuff, I couldn't get enough of it," he says. During his current quarantine, Tarenko is trading knowledge of the aliens for news of what's happened here on earth during his absence. It has been eye-opening for both parties. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************