SUBJECT: THE 12th PLANET FILE: UFO2373 by Zecharia Sitchin Reviewed by Vince Johnson In his book "The 12th Planet," Zecharia Sitchin presents evidence not only of contact by extraterrestrial beings thousands of years ago, but that these beings genetically engineered Homo Sapiens to serve them. Sitchin began his inquiry when he came across the term Nefilim during Talmudic study as a boy. His teacher explained that the word meant "giants" when describing the "sons of the deities" who married the daughters of Man, although the literal Hebrew translation of Nefilim was "those who were cast down." Sitchin never accepted the "giants" explanation, and his curiosity about the Nefilim was the impetus for "The 12th Planet." The book begins with a short anthropological history of Man, starting with Australopithecus some two million years ago. Six hundred thousand years later came the Neanderthal, who, according to Sitchin, used the same tools as his more primitive ancestors (although the latest findings indicate Neanderthals were more sophisticated than Sitchin describes). Then, a mere 35,000 years ago, Homo Sapiens appears. The author quotes a Dr. T. Dobzhansk, "Modern Man has many fossil collateral relatives, but no progenitors; the derivation of Homo Sapiens then becomes a puzzle." As far as current archaeological knowledge can reveal, the first true civilization arose in Mesopotamian Sumer, located in present-day Iraq, at least 6,000 years ago. Sumerian culture exploded onto the scene virtually overnight, the cradle of human civilization. A description of Sumer is a list of "firsts" for the human race. Among these "firsts" are: the first schools, the first historian, the first method of writing, the first library, the first doctors and pharmacopoeia, the first agriculture (and first "farmers' almanac"), the first musical notation, the first bicameral legislature, and the first taxes. The Sumerian legal code (also a first) included protection for divorced women and price controls on foodstuffs and wagon rentals. Their religion influenced all that followed, with elements of the Sumerian creation epic filtered through the ages into the Old Testament (the garden of Eden, the evil serpent, the great flood, etc.). But Sitchin's analysis of Sumerian astronomy and cosmology is of most interest. It is Sitchin's belief that astronomical knowledge actually declined from the Sumerian period, with much of the Sumerian astronomical knowledge only rediscovered during the Copernican revolution. To support this thesis, the author describes the astronomical knowledge of the ancient Greeks, who came more than 3,000 years after the Sumerians. It is historical fact that the Greeks not only understood that the Earth was a sphere, but had calculated its size to amazing accuracy. The Greek, Hipparchus, knew of the heliocentric (sun-centered) astronomical system. Hipparchus was also aware of the phenomenon known as precession of the equinoxes, a cyclical wobble of Earth's axis that takes 2,160 years to complete. To understand this phenomenon, one would assume that Hipparchus had to draw upon astronomical data at least that old. Two hundred years before Hipparchus, Eudoxes of Cnidus designed a celestial sphere representing the constellations and attributed their zodiacal designations to "men of yore." Sitchin writes, "Were the early Greek astronomers living in Asia Minor better informed than their successors because they could draw on Mesopotamian sources?" Sumerian astronomy and the required mathematics used to describe and predict celestial events were remarkably advanced. They utilized a unit of measure called dub, which has been translated to mean both the 360 degree circumference of the Earth, and the "arch of the heavens." Not only were the Sumerians aware of the spherical nature of the world, they used the concepts of the equator, poles, and lines of longitude and latitude. Also, the apparent retrograde motions of the planets (due to differences in orbital radii) were understood 6,000 years before renaissance-era astronomers would solved the puzzle. An accurate Sumerian calendar dating back to 4400bc acknowledged the precessional shift from 2,160 years before. The Sumerians used a 12-based numbering system which still influences numbering today; numbers 1 -12 have individual names, while subsequent numbers are contractions. The number 12 was very significant to the Sumerians, representing the number of their principle gods which were synonymous with the planets known to them (they included the Moon and the Sun in their count). Does this mean that the Sumerians were aware of all of the planets known to us today, or was it just coincidence? Sitchin describes numerous cylinder seals showing what he interprets to be schematic diagrams of the solar system. These diagrams often show a planet larger than Earth between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. These diagrams, along with Sumerian, Babylonian, and Akkadian creation epics lead Sitchin to believe that a collision of planets occurred early in the history of the solar system. Certain aspects of these ancient texts can support Sitchin's theory, for instance: the "gods" (planets) have "destinies" (orbits) and "cast out their nets" (gravitational attraction). According to Sitchin, the 12th planet, Marduk, while making its approach to the sun (in a highly elliptical orbit) interacted with the other planets of the solar system, flinging Pluto into its current peculiar orbit. Marduk, or one of its satellites, then collided with a planet called Tiamat, which occupied an orbit between Mars and Jupiter. The Sumerians described it like this: Tiamat and Marduk, the wisest of gods, Advanced against one another; They pressed on to single combat, They approached for battle.. After he had slain Tiamat, the leader, Her band was broken, her host broken up, The gods, her helpers who marched at her side, Trembling with fear, Turned their backs about so as to save and preserve their lives. Sitchin interprets "the host, the helper gods" to be the moons of Tiamat which "turned their backs" or changed orbital motions. He suggests that the "shattered band" became the comets and the asteroid belt. But of most importance, the bulk of Tiamat's debris fell into a new orbit and would become Earth. The Hebrew texts mirror the Sumerian in several respects. In Genesis, the Lord hovers over Tehom (the Hebrew version of Tiamat), and the lightning of the Lord (Marduk in Babylonian) lit the darkness as it hit and split Tiamat, creating the Earth and the "hammered bracelet" Raika (the asteroid belt). In the Akkadian version, Marduk creates the "hammered bracelet" by stretching out Tiamat's "lower part" into a great circle. Such is the Sumerian story of creation. Since these events presumably occurred before the dawn of Man, how do the Sumerians come by this account? Sitchin believes it was the Nefilim who told the story to the Sumerians. According to Sitchin's theory, the Nefilim were engaged in mining operations on the Earth. To support this, he presents evidence of mining activity in Africa (through carbon-14 dating) 100,000 years ago. To further support this notion, Sitchin presents a Sumerian carving showing the god of mining, Ea, emerging from a mine pit. Lightning-type rays are emitted by the god, servants are seen holding up shields between themselves and Ea. Texts refer to "blue stones that cause ill," which Sitchin interprets as radioactive cobalt. The texts refer to the underworld as Kur.Nu.Gi.A, "the land where gods who work in deep tunnels pile up the ores." Ultimately, the Nefilim miners mutinied against their masters, declaring: Excessive toil has killed us, Our work is heavy, the distress much.. While the Birth Goddess is present, Let her create a Primitive Worker, Let him bear the yoke.. Let him carry the toil of the gods! Marduk responds: I will produce a lowly primitive; Man shall be his name, I shall create a Primitive Worker; He will be charged in the service of the gods that they might have their ease. It is Sitchin's theory that a mutiny of the Nefilim led to the creation of Mankind. The Nefilim genetically altered a hominid with some of their own DNA, producing a useful hybrid -- Man. To support this, he quotes a Babylonian text: Let one god be bled.. From his flesh and blood, Let Ninti mix the clay.. The new-borne's' fate thou shalt pronounce; Ninti would fix upon it the image of the gods; And what it will be is Man. The god chosen to provide the blood was named TE.E.MA, which translates to "that which houses that which binds the memory," which could be interpreted as an allegorical, pre-technological description of "genes." Furthermore, the Akkadian term for clay is tit in Hebrew, which is synonymous with bos (mud) and shares a linguistic root with bisa (marsh) and, interestingly, besa (egg). To further support the notion that Mankind was created to serve the Nefilim, Sitchin submits that the Hebrew term used to describe Man's relationship to the gods was not "worship," but avod (work). Ancient Man did not worship the Nefilim, he worked for them. Sitchin's theory could explain the rapid rise and technical prowess of Sumerian civilization. But what became of the Nefilim? The author suggests that they either became aware of, or were the cause of, the coming flood. The Nefilim blasted off, leaving the Earth to Man, or at least the few that would survive the coming catastrophe. All evidence of the Nefilim's existence was buried under tons of mud. While The 12th Planet does present some interesting data, there are some weaknesses in Sitchin's theory. For instance, he believes the Nefilim came from Marduk, the 12th planet. One would have to wonder how life could have evolved on a planet with an orbit that took it far beyond the orbit of Pluto. Sitchin also describes Nefilim space technology with a decidedly Apollo-era slant (the book was written in 1976). He produces evidence for the idea that the Nefilim used LEM (Lunar Excursion Module) style landers, and that they also "splashed-down" in the Indian Ocean. He even goes so far as to suggest that the reason the Nefilim chose Mesopotamia for their colony was the availability of fossil fuels. If the Nefilim came from Marduk, a planet presumably locked in a permanent deep-freeze, they would probably have had much more efficient means of energy generation than burning oil. Sitchin also makes many unqualified declarations regarding the goings- on in ancient Sumer. To be objective when dealing with subject matter as speculative as this, he should have incorporated terms like "could, might" and "possibly" rather than making unqualified statements of fact. That being said, Sitchin does present a mystery; how could the Sumerians have so rapidly achieved such a high level of civilization with no predecessors to draw on? That they received instruction from alien beings which they regarded as gods is no more implausible than any other explanation. This article originally appeared in the October, 1991, edition of HUFON REPORT. 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